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Khiabani vs. Querioz on Varzesh TV

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    Originally posted by Keano View Post
    The more I read and hear about this whole fiasco, the more confident I am that there is a much bigger force behind this whole smear campaign. Seems like the plan is to turn everyone, including the entire Perspolis team against CQ so that it will leave zero chance of renewing Queiroz’s contract for another 4 years, as it may mean exclusion of all Perspolis players such as Alipour, Kamtabinia etc who have jumped the CQ-bashing bandwagon.
    You know what would be nice? It’d be nice if we won AC, and IFF against all odds extending CQ’s contract till 2022. Then I’d like to see how stupid and gullible talented prospects like Alipour would feel about their opportunistic approach to this matter. Players like Payam Sadeghian won’t even make it to the list under any other coaches anyway, let alone under CQ’s reign.
    Never ever in my life have I seen our football divided and pro-TM failure in a big tournament. A flashback of the 79 revolution. People thought they had it bad and rough with Shah, hence uprose and toppled the Shah, naively falling for the empty promises of Khomeyni. Story of our lives...
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    Fully Agree.

    Read this article from Khabar.

    شت پرده حمله هماهنگ گزارشگران تلویزیون به کی*روش
    عادل فردوسی*پور در جریان گزارش بازی قطر و عربستان به سرمربی تیم ملی حمله کرد، معلوم بود پشت*پرده اتفاقی افتاده است.
    فوتبال ایران » جام ملت*های آسیا
    به گزارش خبرورزشی، عادل که همیشه حامی کی*روش بوده، این بار هم می*توانست از کنار حرف*های او بی*تفاوت عبور کند یا انتقاد ملایم*تری از کارلوس داشته باشد، اما انگار از فردوسی*پور خواسته شده بود تغییر موضع بدهد.
    صدالبته عادل حرف بی*ربطی نزد که گفت: «انگار به جای عمان باید مراقب کارلوس باشیم»، ولی مسئله این*جاست که گویا از مجریان و گزارشگران تلویزیون خواسته شده بود مقابل کی*روش موضع بگیرند.
    ساعاتی بعد جواد خیابانی در شبکه ورزش به کی*روش حمله کرد (اینجا ببینید) و میثاقی در شبکه سه علیه کارلوس حرف زد و احمدی از امارات، کارلوس را به باد انتقاد گرفت تا خیلی*ها بپرسند: «دستور از بالا بود؟ به آن*ها دستور داده*اند حساب کی*روش را برسید؟


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      aside from his USUAL POPULIST (ala AN) rhetoric of bringing in nationalistic terms into statements, I really dont know why he chose this time to bring in more stress into the picture
      He is clearly creating a war atmosphere were he isolate himself, his stuff and TM to put them and himself into antagonism against the critiques/media
      CW knows after 8 years, that Iranians perform much better if they can hurt some envy people with their success. He is clearly drawing
      a straw-men to motivate his players to over-perform. As i said before chaos and drama could have great impact on our players.
      CQ is a psychological genius! He is gambling high but it could work out!


        One thing none of us can argue about is that Queiroz is a stubborn muvva. If this is psychological tricks (I highly doubt it, because its crossed a number of political lines) in order to create a siege mentality for TM and deflect pressure off the players, then that would be amazing. But I just don't think it is, because the source of all these BS seem to be more nefarious.


          One thing i didn't like at all about CQ in this matter is Dastmaal-Abrishami Keshi of Maghaam Ozma. He is better than this, but i guess after 8 years being in this country, he learned few things from this society...


            What is the point of this thread? It has nothing to do with football. K and BI don't like CQ and he dislikes them as well, that is their business, nothing about football. As long as CQ is doing his job and we are getting results who gives a Flying F--k about K and BI. Can this thread be stopped. There are more important things on the horizon.


              One of things I find a bit amuzing is CQ's translator. I actually don't know who this guy is what exactly is his responsibilities. If it is just translation, I have to say he got a damn good job. I wish I had that job. It's been 8 years of fun. He must be well connected because English translation anyone can do in Iran. Cry baby Khiabani or even jerk o Allah Missaghi can do with ease!!!. anyway I deviated a bit from the point I was trying to make is that I noticed this translator guy is getting so articulate with his translations and sometime get ahead of CQ. He is fueling the fire some time by his choice of words and "mullah loghati" translations. I guess he will be looking for a new job after Asian Cup. Wonder what he is going to be paid to say things about CQ.


                You guys don't get it.. you either believe Carlos or you don't.
                Carlos said it himself. he is upset because Perspolis players took first class seats to Japan while "people here" (meaning his "Staff") (but translated by his interpreter wrongly) did not have bread to put on the table!! how difficult is this to understand??

                He is absolutely pissed about this!! there is no playing around with the words here. take his words at face value. he has said himself that he says what he means and he means what he says!!

                He is also pissed about Soltanifar not being on board to offer him a long term contract 6/7 months ago, even though it was the IFF that wrote up the 6 months contract and he is the one who signed it 6/7 months ago. but now he has remembered it and is really PISSED about that.

                my only question is why his own supporters don't believe him??


                  CQ has not been paid since world cup. Does fck face Khiabani work for nothing? Oh yes he will cry.


                    Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                    I may be kicking a dead horse here, but I have to get this out of my system. I must admit I haven't watched Queiroz' interview or any other ones involving Iranian sports authorities; I have been basing my reactions solely on what's been reported on this site. It is indeed problematic if the head of IFF has approached Queiroz, informing him of the sports minister's decision not to extend his contract, as Queiroz had previously agreed to continue until the end of the Asian Cup, hoping that, upon having completed a successful campaign, he'd have a very good chance of remaining with the team for another 4 years.

                    If these reports are accurate, which they seem to be, by prematurely informing him of his dismissal, the authorities have clearly reneged on their promise to wait until after the competition to make and announce a final decision. This is all the more troubling since their action could negatively affect player morale and therefore Iran's chances of advancing to later stages. (Our hope is that the players will use it as fodder to inspire the team and win the championship.) What they have done is unethical, immoral and self defeating, a decision precipitated by internecine strife, envy, narrow-mindedness, and possibly even greed.

                    There is a greet deal of good about the Iranian society, namely our people's steadfast courage over the years in the face of all sorts of political and economic adversities. Our resilient people learned to endure the troubling days of the revolution, the suffering brought on by the devastating Iraq war, and the debilitating on- and-off sanctions that have been partially responsible for depriving them of acquiring the most basic daily necessities. And yet, despite all these hardships, they have preserved their collective dignity and honor by digging in even deeper and doing what it takes to provide for themselves and their families, albeit with immense difficulty. It is indeed heartening that, in the face of all these monumental challenges, they are still willing and able to express their passion for their favorite sport and their beloved national team.

                    But there's a negative side to all this as well, as our society has been consistently afflicted by a slew of destructive tendencies that tends to undercut development and progress. And this is a prime example. The feelings of envy, greed and mistrust; as well as heinous practices such as nepotism, favoritism and perfidy are on the rise among a vast swath of the population, ironically more pronounced among those who are financially better off. (The restrictive political situation and the economic malaise also serve to facilitate and enhance those tendencies). As a result of these fundamental issues, success, especially on an individual level, is frowned upon and, in many instances, is doomed to eventual failure. We can see evidence of that
                    based on the reactions of those players on social media who were cut from the national team, as, rather than judging the coach's final decision based on the team's well being and success at the World Cup (which was exemplary), many measured it in accordance with their own personal interests.

                    But what to do now? I believe we, as dedicated fans of Team Melli, cannot simply limit our sense of indignation to passively spewing out plaintive declarations. Rather, using a set of core universal values as our guiding force, we should vehemently announce our collective opposition on social networking sites to the unjust treatment of the national team and its staff by IFF and other government bodies. And we should encourage others to do so because, as national team fans, whether one likes Queiroz or despise him, it behooves everyone to denounce the way he and his team have been treated by the authorities and the media, particularly in the midst of a critical phase in a competition. We may seem powerless, but a steady avalanche of protests against this injustice could play a vital role in forestalling further catastrophe and help build upon the good that the fans, the coaches, and players and the federation have embarked upon. I know some will dismiss this as too politically correct but, under the circumstances, it's the least we could do for our team and millions of fans.


                      Come on guys let's set up a GoFundMe page for CQ so him and his staff
                      can put some food on the table for their family.


                        I'm a bit heartened that more fans are now going onto instagram sending messages of support for CQ and for TM in general.


                          Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                          I'm a bit heartened that more fans are now going onto instagram sending messages of support for CQ and for TM in general.
                          I see that as well. After the media hysteria has died down a bit, lots of people supporting him on IG.

                          Tons of support from Esteghlal, Teraktor, Sepahan, Foolad Khuzestan etc. fans for him.

                          I will never forget Persepolis' infamy. Their club is dead to me and I hope they lose every single game from here on out, including against Iraqi, Syrian, Saudi etc. teams. All of them the same.


                            Shariyar Ali Daei came out to suppose Carlos Queiroz once again. This man is a gift from God to our nation, may God preserve Ali Daei.



                              Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                              Shariyar Ali Daei came out to suppose Carlos Queiroz once again. This man is a gift from God to our nation, may God preserve Ali Daei.

                              YASHASIN SULTAN ALI DAEI


                                Originally posted by Kavian View Post
                                The simple explanation behind all of this is that the regime in Iran owns Radio and TV broadcasting (Seda va Sima) as well Perspolise. These are elements of the regime to assert control over people. They can't assert ownership over Team Meli fearing Fifa sanctions. The regime fears TM's success and people behind it. All these people turning against CQ and TM are either directly part of the establishment or thier livelihood depends on how well they polish the apple. The whole CQ vs Bronko B.S. is the creation of the establishment to demonstrate it's dissatisfaction with having no control on TM. Also importanr to know that Seda and Sima has a new boss (paasdar) who is there to clean up any element of anti establishment. The rise of bacheh mullah fag face Missaghi s one of those moves. If you notice every player who talks against CQ and TM is from perspolise. There is pattern to how this plot is happening.
                                puts our football miseries well in context..!!
                                ask yourself why would a sport minister try to micro-manage and clearly alter IFF's decisions ..? if that isnt gov. interference in our football, what is then..?

                                thats all CQ is doing here, letting you all know who is the main culprit behind sabotaging TM's progress..!
                                why is he doing it now..?
                                my guess would be, because, If we were to loose tomorrow,(which is not nearly as unlikely as many here think it might be ) almost non of us would consider his complaint as valid and just write it off as just a looser's excuse..!! on his way out to greener pastures..!
                                also strongly signals the likely fact that he has for most part decided to move on from TM to other ventures and wants the fans to know how high up those forces against the progress of his TM were and the fact that he gave it his best counter them within his available means..!
                                off course other plausible conclusions could be that oh he was trying to lower the stress and expectations on his players and make himself the focus of the controversy.!! ?or that he felt that his squad had lost their hunger and drive to win the cup based on their lackluster performance vs iraq and he wanted to create that US against the whole world.. mentality and fire up his players around that area..!!? etc. etc. etc.


                                what i really like to Know/See is the Question from the reporter ? or the pretext that set-off CQ's comments against that goozoo Sport minister..!! did he just rolled up to reporters and started saying those things outa of the blue ? with all those cameras present there i have a hard time believing such..!!
                                is there an unedited or extended version of it .?
                                another thing that bugs me is the Contractual Specifics that was being spewed by that ozgal Khiabani..!! 900 hezarta naghd gerefti, sishta bara bord gerefti blah blah
                                howdafauq does he know such info ? and how would he even know if those supposed figures have been delivered yet..!!

