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BREAKING: Iraq Doping Scandal

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    Originally posted by Hamid_Khan View Post
    This is ridiculous, people genuinely think there is some kind of conspiracy in this to avoid Iran winning? LOL! Did the AFC make us miss our penalty as well? Or was it the "dirty arabs'" fault as well?

    People, get over yourself and move on! We lost on PENALTIES! It could have gone either way..there is no conspiracy, it just wasn't meant to be this time.

    As an Iranian, I am actually ashamed to see fellow Iranians bashing everything and everyone on forums and facebook, twitter and refusing to accept that we lost in a football match! I saw some girl posting on twitter a pic saying we may have lost but look at our country and look at yours (pictures of an Iraq in dismay from the war). This is embarrassing and uncivilized.

    Shame on you!

    We were waiting for your expert opinion on the importance of winning on penalty shoot out!!!

    Tell The Australian reporters that too... Tell them to move on and do not criticize their own referee.... You don't get it ... Do you?

    Of course, there is no conspiracy. There is not a single incident that conspire anything here LOL ... A team not losing a single match in the tournament during the 90 minutes since 1996 and the best title it's got is a 3rd in Asia. Playing an ineligible player, 1 minute in Olympic qualification against Iraq, and while we won the match, they disqualified us and many more incidents ... Yes you are damn right . There is no conspiracy and we shall continued to get it in our .... Quit it ...Sometimes I wonder how ... some people are (Fill the blanks the way you want compadre).




      Guys also please get UEFA out of your just doesn't make sense for anyone involved. Look at UEFA's main sponsors, like Carlsberg and Heineken, how are they going to feel about not being able to run TV spots and ads in Iran for matches. They partly cater to males and females, in Iran females can't go to the stadium. What is UEFA to do with traveling and visiting fans, particularly female ones? Also, besides the obvious issue of Iran v. Israel (which if in Uefa will eventually happen if not at least 1 or 2 times a year) how will other countries feel about traveling to just doesn't make sense right now for all of this to happen. We are stuck within AFC but we can certainly carve out our own niche federation like that of the proposed Central Asian one to start diminishing the role of Arab football has on us...of course on the main continental piece (Asian Cup) we will still have to compete with their nonsense.
      Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


        I just woke up and see they ruled in favour of Iraq,
        I dont really want to go through 50 pages in this thread
        could somebody just tell me what was their reason??


          Originally posted by persiangodfather View Post
          I just woke up and see they ruled in favour of Iraq,
          I dont really want to go through 50 pages in this thread
          could somebody just tell me what was their reason??
          As far as I know, no specific reason was provided as per:
          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


            Will be quite interesting to see if their oh so eligible player will play another minute in the competition. I guess surprisingly not.


              Okay guys, I went through the last 40 pages, just as a S&M exercise to go through the same TERRIBLE roller-coaster ride and pain you all went through!

              Here are some posts that stuck out and some further comments on this issue...

              Originally posted by Zamboor View Post
              fuck AFC! can we now start a petition to leave this fucked up place
              Hastam! It would be an honor to fight along side you for a good cause my friend, so count me in. We may have lost the battle, but we haven't lost the war! And we definitely beat this to death yesterday on Twitter!

              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
              The way I understand it, AFC argues without player having been informed and b sample taken no actions could be taken. Also they say FIFA had further questions on the doping case but Iran never responded.
              That sounds extremely ridiculous. FIFA just waiting months whilst knowing a positively tested player is out there playing in several competitions, because of questions on a positive a sample?
              They cannot be serious.
              And b sample is not taken unless a player insists on it. So they all, FIFA, AFC and Iraq FA, sat around doing nothing against the doping, even when notified again by Iran ahead of the game.
              I am sure if Iran hires the right attorneys and pursues this further, they'll win and Iraq will later be disqualified.
              Doesn't help us much but maybe getting ranked joint third later, but I think should Iraq accidently win tomorrow, Australia - UAE is actually already the final of the competition.
              You are absolutely correct about the "B" sample Martin jaan. Contrary to the BS Scott McIntyre put out, the "B" sample does NOT come from a new test specimen (i.e. a second urine/blood test on the player). It's simply a second sample collected from the same test specimen, put through the exact same procedure to insure something wasn't mixed in the lab and that the "A" sample wasn't cross-contaminated.

              For those reasons, the chance of getting a different result from the "B" sample are virtually zero, but because of the implications of the results on a player's reputation and career, as a matter of courtesy and procedure the player is provided with an opportunity to waive or request a 2nd test.

              Now, in all fairness this was a unique situation in there are some loopholes in the wording of FIFA's doping regulations. For example, they do mention that the Iranian DU (Doping Unit) was supposed to notify either his team or the Iraqi FA in addition to various members of FIFA once they completed their investigation on the results of the "A" sample. The player was also supposed to be notified simultaneously (this is all covered in article 52.2). This was obviously not done by the Iranian DU. There are also regulations that the player is responsible to have his whereabouts on file at all times ( we don't know if this was done).

              In another section though (article 52.5) it says the if FIFA receives a notice from "Major Even Organization" (i.e. AFC in this case) before one of its international events (i.e. Iran-Iraq game) and the results of the "A" sample were Atypical rather than Adverse, it's FIFA who should immediately notify the player and then the player has 12 hours to request the completion of the "B" sample. I think this is the procedure IFF is asking for and obviously this was NOT done by FIFA.

              On that note, there are 2 questions here, one of legality and another of fairness - sometimes these two can be mutually exclusive and this is why there is are courts and arbitrators to make decisions in such cases.

              Having said that, none of this negates the fact that AAZ had a positive sample, skipped Iran knowing full well that he would test positive and not only avoided punishment then, but has avoided punishment for the Iran-Iraq game and worse yet, going on without receiving any punishment now. This part is the real travesty here, regardless of procedural issues and who was supposed to do what - clearly someone needs to do something!

              Originally posted by Dejagah#21 View Post
              ^agha Bi-honar, damet garm for your hard work! You and the other guys killed it on the twitter and FB so my hat off to you and others here on PFDC who worked relentlessly to spread this message. Me and you have been at odds regarding other matters and have exchanged some unpleasant words, sorry about that, but in matters regarding TM, we are completely united.
              Chakeram and no worries on the 2nd issue, I never take things personally and hope that you didn't either. As I always say, we have to be able to discuss issues and reach a middle ground on them, because that's the only way to be united. And as the old saying goes, particularly against evil governments and politicians, united we stand divided we fall.


                For the people that would like to donate to PFDC:

                Please click this link:

                dame hamatoon garm!


                  One wonders if it would be a good thing to develop #AsianCupJustice to something like #IranNuclearTalks and keep the activism up for another cause for the people of Iran. Talk of leaving AFC is silly.


                    interview w iran's head of anti-doping:


                      iran tv's clip about the situation:


                        Originally posted by teammelli8080 View Post
                        interview w iran's head of anti-doping:
                        to summarize:
                        * its not obvious who runs the anti doping tests in iran, and there was a confusion at the time when this player tested positive
                        * the guys who run the test in the first five week of IPL need to answer what process they followed and if they notified the player and other authorities regarding this case
                        * the drug found in abd al zahara blood does not warrant immediate suspension from sports and if found guilty the penalty could range from written warning to 2 years ban.

                        if you ask me it seems this sounds like another bad IFF management of the case and not the fault of the Iraqi team


                          Carlos Queiroz interview after the afc decision ! I Agree in every point with him

                          سرمربی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان با اشاره به موضوع رخ داده درباره بازیکن تیم ملی عراق گفت: تاکنون ندیده*ام مسئولان مبارزه با دوپینگ چنین برخوردی داشته باشند.
                          به گزارش خبرگزاری تسنیم، کارلوس کی*روش که تیمش در مرحله یک*چهارم نهایی جام ملت*های ۲۰۱۵ آسیا با شکست در ضربات پنالتی مقابل عراق از گردونه رقابت*ها حذف شد، گفت:*حقیقت این است که ما در شرایط خیلی عجیب و منحصر به فردی قرار داریم نه*تنها به خاطر ماجرای داوری در دیدار مقابل عراق بلکه به دلیل اینکه بازیکنی از حریف بازی کرده که شرایط بازی کردن را نداشته و فدراسیون فوتبال ایران تمامی مدارک و شواهد موجود را با تمامی اطلاعات و جزئیات چندین بار برای مسئولان کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا و فیفا ارسال کرده است.
                          وی افزود: موضوع وقتی جالب*تر می*شود که مسئولان فدراسیون فوتبال ایران در تاریخ ۲۱ ژانویه ۲۰۱۵ درست پیش از بازی با عراق ایمیل دیگری با همین موضوع به فیفا ارسال می*کنند و خواهان رسیدگی به موضوع تخلف بازیکن عراق می*شوند که در زمان حضورش در لیگ برتر ایران تست دوپینگش مثبت اعلام شده بود و حالا در مسابقات جام ملت*های ۲۰۱۵ آسیا برای تیم ملی کشورش بازی می*کند. در حالی که سه روز پیش از بازی برابر عراق مدارک به فیفا و AFC ارسال شد ولی هیچ اقدام موثری در این باره صورت نگرفت و این شرایط را واقعاً عجیب*تر می*کند. من کارشناس نیستم ولی چیزی که واضح است این است که بازیکنی که واجدالشرایط بازی کردن نیست حق بازی کردن را ندارد.
                          سرمربی تیم ملی تصریح کرد: این غیرعادی نیست که ترجیح می*دادیم بازی مقابل عراق را می*بردیم و به مرحله بعد راه پیدا می*کردیم اما این جزیی از قوانین فوتبال است که وقتی شما سه تیم یعنی تیم داوری، تیم عراق و تیم ایران را داخل زمین می*فرستید همه موظف هستند بازی جوانمردانه را به اجرا بگذارند و وقتی یک یا دو تیم از این سه تیم این مورد را رعایت نکنند یک جای کار خواهد لنگید.
                          کی*روش گفت: چیزی که در این پرونده مشخص است این است که بازیکن عراق واجد شرایط بازی نبوده ولی بازی کرده است و این یعنی که عراق، یکی از سه تیم، بازی جوانمردانه را رعایت نکرده است. وقتی بازی جوانمردانه رعایت نشود منفعتی از آن نخواهید برد. در بازی یک*چهارم نهایی بین ایران و عراق که توسط داور زیر سؤال رفت تیم ما ۱۲۰ دقیقه بازی جوانمردانه بر اساس قوانین فیفا انجام داد و در پایان این بازی تنها تیمی که بالای سرش علامت سؤال نبود تیم ایران بود.
                          وی عنوان کرد: من نه کارشناسم و نه در جایگاهی هستم که بخواهم نظری در این خصوص بدهم، تنها چیزی که از فوتبال می*دانم این است که باید جوانمردانه بازی کرد. اگر هم بازیکنی واجد شرایط بازی نیست نباید عذر و بهانه*ای بیاورد، نظری بدهد و حقیقت را تکذیب کند. حقیقت این است که بازیکنی که شرایط بازی ندارد نمی*تواند بازی کند و در صورت بازی به قوانین بازی فوتبال احترام نگذاشته است. اگر هم داوری به وظیفه خود درست عمل نکند عملی ناجوانمردانه صورت گرفته و باعث ایجاد تنش می**شود. اگر بازیکنانم و حتی خود من کاری خلاف قوانین فوتبال انجام دهیم سزاوار تنبیه و جریمه هستیم.
                          سرمربی پیشین رئال*مادرید اظهار داشت: البته که از بودن در چنین وضعیتی خوشحال نیستم اما از یک چیز اطمینان دارم و آن این است که تیم ملی ایران بر اساس قوانین بازی فوتبال و بازی جوانمردانه، بازی می*کند و شکی در این مورد ندارم. اگر تیم*های دیگر مرتکب اشتباهی هم می*شوند این به آنها مربوط می*شود و حالا در مورد پرونده تخلف بازیکن عراق این مربوط به AFC و قضاوت نهایی آنها می*شود.
                          کی*روش گفت: تا جایی که در قرن بیست*و*یکم دیده*ام و می*دانم تاکنون ندیده*ام مسئولان مبارزه با دوپینگ چنین برخوردی داشته باشند، ایران پیش از بازی با عراق ایمیلی جدید* به مسئولان مربوطه فیفا می*زند و خواهان توجه و رسیدگی به پرونده بازیکن عراقی می*شود ولی ... (چند لحظه سکوت) در این خصوص دیکر نمی*توانم نظر بیشتری بدهم و فقط می*توانم بگویم که مورد خیلی عجیب و غریبی است.
                          وی تأکید کرد: باید این بازی را انجام می*دادیم و این احساس من بود. به نظرم هر کاری هم که از دستمان برآمد برای رسیدن به پیروزی و راهیابی به مرحله نیمه*نهایی از راه درستش انجام دادیم. از جنبه روانی هم درست نیست که برای رسیدن در رقابت از مسیر درست و صحیح خارج شد و دست به تخلف زد و این اصلاً برای فوتبال خوب نیست.*
                          سرمربی ۶۱ ساله تیم ملی گفت: سه سال پیش زمانی که هدایت تیم ملی ایران را بر عهده گرفتم تیم امید مقابل عراق بازی کرد و به خاطر بازی بازیکنی که واجد شرایط نبود از تورنمنت کنار گذاشته شدیم. چند هفته و چند ماه بعد عراق به رقابت* ادامه می*داد و ما از تورنمت کنار گذاشته شدیم. سال*هاست که در فوتبال هستم و گاهی اوقات سؤال*های در ذهن مطرح می*شود که پاسخی برایش پیدا نمی*کنید و سورپرایز می*شوید ولی به هر حال به راه خودمان ادامه خواهیم داد و سعی*مان بر این است با طرح پرسش*های درست به وظیفه*مان بهتر عمل کنیم و اتفاقات بهتری را در بازی رقم بزنیم.


                            ^ khashayar jan could you please summarize the article


                              Originally posted by Shojaei88 View Post
                              ^ khashayar jan could you please summarize the article
                              Salam aziz, albate.
                              Carlos says that three parties took part in that 1/4 game. Iran, the ref team and Iraq.
                              The only party which didn't act in the right manner was the Iraqi team because they intentionally used a doped player and are not willing to confess that although they have been informed about the case.
                              Plus that the iranian FA had every document needed which proves that Iran had informed the AFC,FIFA and the Iraqi federation about the doping case 3 days before the match and so the AFC and the Iraqi federation were absolutely aware of the fact that a doped player is going to be on the pitch.
                              Carlos also speaks about the incident which happened our olympic team in 2012 when the iranian team was banned from the qulaification because of using a suspended player. He says he doesn't understand that kind of logic and he never experienced such a decision in his whole carrier.


                                why don't we appeal? this afc article says we can

