Originally posted by Kavian
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well soon see how effective that will be under this clown for a coach, when 90% of the time on the pitch, TM can't string out more than 3 forward passes together in any organized and purposeful fashion...!! so in essence we will revert back to bezan ziresh o bodo jolo o saree bargard aghab, clueless khardoeee football ..!!

imo, the Best thing that we could realistically GAIN from this waste-of-time appointment, would be if he infused and provided significant enough playing time to some young prospects and in process at a very least contributed to the much needed rejuvenation of TM...!! but that is a big ask from a the most veteran coach of PGL who's famous for sidelining young prospects in favor of 30+yo veterans 95% of the time in league action..!
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