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    Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post

    yeah I read that too, not sure if its true bc didn't see the videp. His original point about constant political questions was fair and out of frustration, but lets be honest taremi is not sharpest knife in the drawer, yedafe harfe moft goft with that second comment.

    Just goes to show its getting on their nerves a bit, even the best one. He just became first asian player to score a brace at WC vs a Euro team, including one beauty, against one of the strongest teams in the world. The first questions he gets are again political, even after he made his stance clear by not singing anthem and engaging in unity circle.
    I just watched full 30 mins interview. Taremi answered well and NEVER mentioned Ukraine…

    Iran (saudi) international with a complete lie to defame him!!

    Getting really ridiculous. Watch for yourself

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      Originally posted by Azmoun_shireh View Post
      Mashi Alinejd is one of the main culprits in the hate whipped up for our boys. Anything she posts people will get reposted, she was the first person that start the hate campaign against TM as well. For example, she posted the Taremi interview saying he doesn't want to talk about politics and she changed it to "Be man rabti nadareh" and put it over his pic.
      Dude she's our version of Tomi Lahren, can't stand it.


        Western media....


          Originally posted by persianballer View Post

          Go to our players IG comments section and you'll be even more shocked
          there are some knuckleheads, there are also a lot of bots and click farms (from Tirana) fanning the flames. They are disgusting!!!!
          Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult


            Didn't Masih Alinejad even said few days ago, the West should attack Iran?
            She's beyond repair, can't believe so many Iranians trust her, here fellow hamvatans, every time someone posts a post of Masih, just post this:


              Originally posted by Surenas View Post
              Didn't Masih Alinejad even said few days ago, the West should attack Iran?
              She's beyond repair, can't believe so many Iranians trust her, here fellow hamvatans, every time someone posts a post of Masih, just post this:
              She is on the payroll of CIA,
              People trust her because our people are brain dead, back in 1979 they also trusted another scum his name was khomeini, khomeini was also on CIA's payroll !

              If MANOTO TV (CIA propaganda network) announces that from now on a monkey is your leader people will accept it!
              Because our people are emotional and hysterical people,

              CIA analyzes a society carefully before running an operation on the people! They know exactly how our people behave and how they can manipulate people into picking their agent as their leader, they have done this many times in different countries!

              They also test people's brain power, for example by asking them to try to locate khomeini's picture on the moon, and sadly people do it! Few years ago they said Pepsi's logo is going to be on the moon and sadly our people took to the streets to see it!

              Offcourse they will trust alinejad, it is easier to trust her than the idea of Pepsi logo on the moon!
              چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                Originally posted by Shantaram

                She said exactly the opposite, that we don’t want help with military action from west. The video was cut by I.R. to make it look that way.
                Please share full length clip.


                  Originally posted by val View Post

                  Thanks for reminding everyone how this ugly scum of the earth started her filthy campaign against our national team!
                  The following should never ever put their foot in Iran ever again, their attack on Team Melli equates to attack on Iran and Iranians.

                  Masih Alinejad (USA Citizen)
                  Sardar Pashaei (USA Citizen)
                  Shiva Amini (Resident in Italy)
                  Mahmoud Ebrahimzadeh (USA Citizen)
                  Sosha Makani (Resident in Norway)

                  Long live Iran. Go Team Melli.


                    Originally posted by val View Post

                    khomeini was also on CIA's payroll !
                    CIA no way!

                    Possibly MI6 or DGSE.

                    Logical reasons, he was pro-UK don't think ever they forced people to chant "Marg bar Engelis or Marg bar Beritaniya or Marg bar Faranse".
                    Both UK and France wanted Shah gone and Iranian monarchy vanish forever. Also he was in exile in France.


                      Guys as I have warned you previously so please stop political posts (pro or against) doesn't matter. Stop it or I will start banning without any warnings. Stick to Football.

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