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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
    Apparently Asqari (Rahahan) is negotiating with SS, PP and Sepahan. We shal wait and see where he ends up.
    Greedy bastard...

    You already signed Jamshidian and Mirghorbani...2 fine strikers....

    And with your current strikers Seyed Salehi, Emad Reza, Mahmoud Karimi and Young Ali Mohammadi who scored that beaty against Kuruvchi i honestly cant see why you would want to sign Asghari...

    Maybe if there are plans to offload Emad Reza maybe....
    Even then you have a good depht in strikers....

    But i guess its Sepahan....With the way they are going...Our players love to sign for them...Keep it up aziz


      I hope Hajsafi and Bengar extend their contracts too. Also as Arash said, it looks like Emad Reza is going to leave Sepahan.
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
        Greedy bastard...
        You already signed Jamshidian and Mirghorbani...2 fine strikers....
        And with your current strikers Seyed Salehi, Emad Reza, Mahmoud Karimi and Young Ali Mohammadi who scored that beaty against Kuruvchi i honestly cant see why you would want to sign Asghari...
        Maybe if there are plans to offload Emad Reza maybe....
        Even then you have a good depht in strikers....
        But i guess its Sepahan....With the way they are going...Our players love to sign for them...Keep it up aziz
        the club is playing it smart, they are already thinking of arranging the squad for next season.

        Karimi is injured and Seyed Salehi isn't the one you can rely on for goal scoring. Ali mohamadi isn't too good. I only liked his goal but during the game he wasn't any good.

        Also i Don't think jamshidian is a striker, as i saw the videos, he plays in midfield not a striker



          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
          I hope Hajsafi and Bengar extend their contracts too. Also as Arash said, it looks like Emad Reza is going to leave Sepahan.
          I really hope they both extend their contracts, specially Ehsan Fabrigas
          we have alizadeh who can play instead of Bengar with Aghili but again it will be good to keep him also in case of injuries.

          GRACIAS PEP


            Haj Safi

            احسان حاج*صفي: آن*قدر حرف نمي*زنم تا به اسپانيا برسم *

            هر بازيكني در سن احسان حاج*صفي دوست دارد به چشم بيايد و روي جلد روزنامه*ها باشد اما مرد اول سپاهان با 18 سال سن سعي مي*كند به دور از جذابيت*هاي كاذب فوتبال فقط درست بازي كند تا خيلي زود به سقف آرزوهايش كه بازي در ليگ اسپانياست برسد.

            از چند سالگي به اصفهان آمدي؟ از ده سالگي به تيم ذوب*آهن آمدم و زير نظر آقاي محمد ياوري برادر محمود ياوري سه سال و نيم در ذوب* بودم، وقتي قراردادم تمام شد به نوجوانان سپاهان آمدم.

            **چند سال است كه در سپاهان حضور داري؟ شش سال، دو سال نوجوانان بازي كردم و چهار سال هم در تيم بزرگان هستم.

            و زمان لوكا مطرح شدي؟ بله، اين مربي علاقه به بازيكن جوان داشت. فرقي هم برايش نمي*كرد. مي*گفت هر كسي در تمرين بجنگد و خوب باشد، بازي مي*كند. **

            به وعده*اش وفا كرد؟ دقيقاً، من اولين بازي*ام را مقابل استقلال انجام دادم. بعد از آن هم چند بازي روي نيمكت بودم. **

            يعني لوكا از بازي*ات راضي نبود؟ نمي*دانم، بالاخره با آن سن و سال كم اولين بازي مقابل 70 هزار تماشاگر، مسلماً نمي*توانستم آنچنان خوب بازي كنم. بعد از چند بازي كه روي نيمكت نشستم، لوكا قول داد در پنج بازي آخر جزو 11 بازيكن اصلي باشم.

            به تيم نوجوانان و جوانان ايران دعوت شدي؟ بله، نوجوانان زمان آقاي بيداريان و احمدزاده دعوت شدم. **

            جوانان چي؟ لوكا نمي*گذاشت به تيم جوانان بروم، الان هم ويرا نمي*گذارد. **

            تو در مقابل تصميم لوكا و ويرا هيچ عكس*العملي نشان ندادي؟ نه چون تابع باشگاه و مربيانم هستم.

            اما تيم ملي با تمام موقعيت*ها فرق مي*كند؟ از وقتي ويرا آمده به تيم ملي نرفتم اما قرار شده براي بازي*هاي آسيايي اجازه بدهند كه در تيم جوانان ايران شركت كنم.

            لوكا به نسل جوان از جمله تو، پاپي و سواري ميدان داد اما چه شد از ميان آنها تو درخشيدي؟ همه ما جوان*ها بايد مديون لوكا باشيم اما پاپي فوروارد بود و لوكا از او در دفاع راست استفاده مي*كرد به همين خاطر نتوانست درخششي داشته باشد. **

            تو چي، در پست خودت بازي مي*كني؟ پست اصلي*ام هافبك چپ و فوروارد است اما لوكا من را به عنوان هافبك دفاعي استفاده مي*كرد و من هم مجبور بودم به خواسته مربي خودم تمكين كنم اما زمان ويرا آمدم هافبك چپ و توانستم شش گل بزنم و چون شش گل زدم به تيم ملي رسيدم. **

            يعني اگر باز هم هافبك دفاعي بودي به تيم ملي دعوت نمي*شدي؟ خير، چون با همان شش گل به چشم آمدم و به تيم ملي رسيدم. **

            بازيكني به سن و سال تو با چنين موقعيتي چرا دوست ندارد در چشم باشد؟ چون از اول اين طوري بودم دوست دارم اين روش را ادامه دهم. بارها به تلويزيون دعوت شدم اما نرفتم. **

            حتماً دوست داري آدم خاصي باشي؟ حرف شما درست است، دوست دارم آدم خاصي باشم متفاوت از بقيه، حرف*هايم را اغلب در زمين مي*زنم. **

            جزو معدود بازيكن*هاي چپ پايي هستي كه هم در حمله و هم در دفاع بازي مي*كني، ويژگي خودت است، يا مربيان از تو چنين خواسته*اي دارند؟ در تيم نوجوانان ايران كه بودم آقاي بيداريان سرم داد مي*زد كه وقتي در حمله شركت مي*كني خيلي زود برگرد و به دفاع كمك كن. چند بار هم به خاطر همين موضوع خط خوردم. به همين خاطر از آن زمان صداي آقاي بيداريان توي گوشم هست كه وقتي در حملات شركت كردم خيلي زود برگردم. **

            از كس خاصي الگوبرداري مي*كني؟ از محرم نويدكيا، محرم خيلي خوب در زمين مي*جنگد، روحيه تيم را بالا مي*برد. من از محرم ياد گرفتم كه در زمين بايد جنگيد.

            از شرايط سپاهان بگو، تيمي كه دو سال گذشته درخشيد اما امسال چرا اين قدر ناموفق نشان داده است؟ وقتي ويرا آمد فكر كرد بدن*هاي ما آماده نيست شروع كرد به بدنسازي، يك ماه اول اصلاً پا به توپ نداشتيم به همين خاطر بود كه در هر بازي اين قدر كم مي*آورديم. اگر لوكا مي*ماند پنج بازي مانده به آخر ليگ قهرمان مي*شديم و به هفته*هاي آخر نمي*رسيد

            پس عامل اصلي اين ناكامي*ها ويرا است؟ اين طوري نمي*گويم. به هر حال هر مربي خصوصياتي دارد. خصوصيت ويرا هم اين طوري است. **

            به قهرماني در جام حذفي چقدر اميدواريد؟ تلاش خودمان را مي*كنيم. بعد از اين ناكامي*ها بايد قهرمان شويم. **

            از ده سالگي از خانواده دور شدي و به اصفهان آمدي هشت سال هم هست كه زحمت كشيدي تا به كجا برسي؟ تمام اين سختي*ها را كشيدم تا به فوتبال اروپا برسم و در اسپانيا بازي كنم. آرزويم اين است كه در رئال*مادريد بازي كنم.

            رئال*مادريد؟ بله، مي*دانم شايد دور از ذهن باشد اما دوست دارم به اسپانيا برسم حداقل مثل نكونام در اوساسونا بازي كنم. **

            با نكونام در اين زمينه صحبت كردي؟ من صحبت نكردم، ولي قبل از بازي با زامبيا خود نكونام با من صحبت كرد و گفت كه در بازي*ها خوب كار مي*كنم. فعلاً كه با سپاهان دو سال ديگر قرارداد دارم، از يك تيم آلماني هم پيشنهاد دارم اما اگر در ايران باشم فقط سپاهان را انتخاب مي*كنم و اگر قرار باشد خارج از كشور بروم براي ليگ اسپانيا تلاش مي*كنم

            GRACIAS PEP


              Translation please Shayan jan


                Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
                Translation please Shayan jan
                please man i have a life too

                GRACIAS PEP


                  All Hail King Ehsan Hajsafii- Mvp Of Ipl, Best Player In Irann And Hes Only 18 Respect To The Kid


                    ok here Arash jan.

                    First he was in Zobahan juniors then he joined sepahan's youth team for 2 years then moved to Sepahan's main team for 4 years now. so it's 6 years since he's in Sepahan.

                    He says he wants to be the best player and be unique.

                    His first games was against SS in Azadi when Luka gave him a chance. he didnt perform too good because he was nervous in front of 70k fans. so Luka benched him.

                    He says If we had Luka this year we would have won the league with 5 games remaining!

                    He says Viera worked on fitness of the players and thought we lack physical strenths. thats why they didn't perform too well in the start of second half of the season.

                    He says Luka didn't let me join the youth TM and now Viera doesn't let me.
                    I was invited to TM because of the 6 goals I scored this season which caught the eye of everyone.

                    His role model is Navidkia, he showed him that he has to fight on the pitch to be successful and his favourite team is Real Madrid which he hopes he someday joins.

                    He says he has a offer from Germany but isn't interested. he loves to play in La Liga, even in a team like Osasuna which Neko is playing.

                    He says he has 2 more years in his contract with Sepahan and his only choice in Iran is Sepahan.

                    there you go Arash

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                      ok here Arash jan.
                      First he was in Zobahan juniors then he joined sepahan's youth team for 2 years then moved to Sepahan's main team for 4 years now. so it's 6 years since he's in Sepahan.
                      He says he wants to be the best player and be unique.
                      His first games was against SS in Azadi when Luka gave him a chance. he didnt perform too good because he was nervous in front of 70k fans. so Luka benched him.
                      He says If we had Luka this year we would have won the league with 5 games remaining!
                      He says Viera worked on fitness of the players and thought we lack physical strenths. thats why they didn't perform too well in the start of second half of the season.
                      He says Luka didn't let me join the youth TM and now Viera doesn't let me.
                      I was invited to TM because of the 6 goals I scored this season which caught the eye of everyone.
                      His role model is Navidkia, he showed him that he has to fight on the pitch to be successful and his favourite team is Real Madrid which he hopes he someday joins.
                      He says he has a offer from Germany but isn't interested. he loves to play in La Liga, even in a team like Osasuna which Neko is playing.
                      He says he has 2 more years in his contract with Sepahan and his only choice in Iran is Sepahan.
                      there you go Arash
                      Thanks Man....
                      It was a great....

                      I still cant belive they wont let him join the Youth Team...
                      That means he will be missing a possible U21 Youth World Cup....
                      He can be a great player for us in the U21 Asian Cup......

                      Good, La Liga is perfect for him...I would love too 1 day see him there..
                      Hope he keeps improving every season...


                        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                        ر فعلاً كه با سپاهان دو سال ديگر قرارداد دارم، از يك تيم آلماني هم پيشنهاد دارم اما اگر در ايران باشم فقط سپاهان را انتخاب مي*كنم و اگر قرار باشد خارج از كشور بروم براي ليگ اسپانيا تلاش مي*كنم
                        Good news Thanks Shayan for the interview

                        Originally posted by Bobbyrider View Post
                        All Hail King Ehsan Hajsafii- Mvp Of Ipl, Best Player In Irann And Hes Only 18 Respect To The Kid
                        Was he chosen as the league's MVP?
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                          Good news Thanks Shayan for the interview
                          Was he chosen as the league's MVP?
                          you're welcome aziz.

                          even if wasn't chosen as MVP. we know he deserved it

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                            you're welcome aziz.
                            even if wasn't chosen as MVP. we know he deserved it

                            MVP Young Player of the Year Award Deffinatly...


                            Khalili MVP Of the League this season Hand's Down, Nothing to argue here ladies and gentleman..


                              Sepahan 0-0 Pegah - Half-time

                              I'm very disappointed by our performance in this half. I dont know if its the pitch or what, but the players cant get anything going in attack. Pegah created 2 dangerous oppoutunities but we have NONE. i hope we improve in second half.

                              Kazemi and Rasouli should get subbed out defenitely.

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                maybe its a combination of fatigue and disappointment in losing the IPL in the very last second in such a dramatic fashion and not passing the ACL group stages as well??
                                Originally posted by siavasharian

                                بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                                بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

