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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    rahmati is considering a move to tehran because of his child and lack of family and relatives in esfahan
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      Originally posted by siavasharian View Post
      Gordan, and Hosseini will definitely leave the team. ebrahimzadeh is in talk to take over sepahan.
      In all likelihood, Isfahan will not have a representative in IPL 12. Isfahan authorities should use this opportunity to re-build their infrastructure away from IPL drama and come back in a few years. Hopefully they will have their stadium ready by then. We will definitely miss you.
      Do you have a source for this? Please make sure to cite the sources of your news as not doing so "will render the board useless".

      Also, I am amazed that you conclude that Isfahan will not have a representative in IPL 12 merely on the information you mentioned in your post? In regards to infrastructure, I think the Esfahani teams have one of the best that Iran currently has.

      On a side note, I felt some sarcasm in your "We will definitely miss you" comment. I hope I am wrong.


        Originally posted by Navid_Esfoony View Post
        Do you have a source for this? Please make sure to cite the sources of your news as not doing so "will render the board useless".
        Also, I am amazed that you conclude that Isfahan will not have a representative in IPL 12 merely on the information you mentioned in your post? In regards to infrastructure, I think the Esfahani teams have one of the best that Iran currently has.
        On a side note, I felt some sarcasm in your "We will definitely miss you" comment. I hope I am wrong.
        Yes, I do have a source. In fact I have quite a few sources. I did not post the sources because they are already posted on multiple threads and my post was simply an accurate analysis of the other news. I understand that you are a new member here, what you must realize is that I never, ever, post anything that is not backed by a truckload of facts and evidence. For the sake of clarity however, here are my sources:
        p.s. since you bolded Gordan and Hosseini, I will only post the articles involving these two players. I have similar sources for khalatbari, Farshid Talebi, mehdi rahmati, jalal hosseini, khosro heydari, janvario, yanoosh, tore, bengar, and jamshidian. Would you like to see them?

        سيد محمد حسيني ابراز تمايل كرده است تا فصل آينده از تيم ذوب آهن جدا شده و در تيم استقلال حاضر شود و در خط دفاعي اين تيم حضور يابد. اين بازيكن مدعي شده است كه سرمربي استقلال صراحتأ اعلام كرده كه براي فصل بعد خواستار جذب اين بازيكن است و به وي نياز دارد.
        حسيني گفت: سرمربي استقلال خواهان حضور من در اين تيم است. وي شخصا با من تماس گرفته و از من خواسته تا فصل آينده را در اين تيم سپري كرده و پس از اتمام بازي هاي جام حذفي اين تيم براي مذاكره راهي تهران شود.
        وي افزود: شرايط استقلال ايده آل است و من مشكل براي استقلالي شدن ندارم تنها مذاكرات نهايي باقي مانده است كه با حضور در باشگاه انجام مي*پذيرد و مراحل حضورم در اين تيم پيش مي*رود
        YJC stands for "young journalists club". Adel Ferdosipoor is a member of this agency and it is the same news agency that is used by NAVAD TV program. Adel Ferdosipoor has repeatedly mentioned YJC in NAVAD. As usual, it is up to the readers to decide how reliable the source is.
        More articles from the same source:

        سیدمحمد حسینی،مدافع گلزن تیم ذوب آهن اصفهان جزو نفراتی است که قصد ندارد فصل آینده را در این تیم سپری کند.این بازیکن که به دلیل درخشش در ترکیب ذوب آهن مورد توجه چند باشگاه قرار گرفته،برای حضور در استقلال ابراز تمایل کرده و قصد دارد شرایط این تیم را مورد بررسی قرار دهد.
        به گزارش خبرنگار باشگاه خبرنگاران به نقل از یک مقام مسئول حاضر در باشگاه استقلال؛سید محمد حسینی،فصل گذشته نیز جزو نفرات مورد نظر باشگاه استقلال بود؛اما در لحظات پایانی و با جذب صالحی نژاد شرایط برای حضور حسینی در استقلال مهیا نشد.
        گفتنی است؛حسینی اعلام کرده،با شرایطی که در تیمش بوجود آمده ترجیح می دهد با استقلالی ها وارد مذاکره شود.
        حسینی معتقد است؛حضورش در این تیم جدی است و وی قصد دارد بهترین تصمیم را در این خصوص بگیرد تا هرچه سریعتر بتواند از جمع سبزپوشان ذوب آهن جدا شود و برای پیشرفت بیشتر راهی تهران شود.

        مهاجم ريز نقش ذوب*آهن از مسوولان و مديرعامل باشگاه ذوب*آهن گله كرده چرا به همه بازيكنان پول داده*اند ولي پول او و شهاب گردان را بلوكه كرده*اند. او حتي به صراحت گفته كه مديرعامل گفته از بالا دستور دادند تا چك او و گردان پاس نشود! براي شفاف*تر شدن موضوع و صحت و سقم با شهاب گردان هم تماس گرفتيم كه او هم مدعي شده هنوز پولي به حسابش پرداخت نشده است باوجود اينكه باشگاه ذوب*آهن اعلام كرده است حقوق سه ماه را به صورت يكجا به حساب بازيكنان ريخته است!
        گويا تو هم مورد غضب باشگاه قرار گرفته*اي؟
        فكر نمي*كنم چنين چيزي باشد من كه اشتباهي مرتكب نشدم.
        اما خلعتبري گفته كه باشگاه پول تو و او را به حسابتان نريخته است؟
        من از مصاحبه محمدرضا خبر ندارم.
        خب باشگاه ذوب*آهن اعلام كرده كه پول سه ماه را ريخته*اند به حسابتان آيا پول تو را هم داده*اند؟
        قرار بوده امروز صبح پول*ها را به حساب بريزند ولي من كه همين الان حسابم را چك كردم هنوز پولي تو حسابم نيست!
        خب اين حرف محمدرضا خلعتبري هم است؟
        نمي*دانم ولي قول داده*اند كه پول همه را بدهند.
        خلعتبري گفته دليلي مديرعامل باشگاه گفته كه پول تو و او را ندهند و گويا دستور از بالا بوده است؟
        من براي اين پولي كه مي*خواهند به من بدهند خيلي زحمت كشيده*ام و اين حق من است و حق ندارند كه اين كار را بكنند در ثاني مگر من و محمدرضا چه كرده*ايم كه پول*مان را ندهند!؟
        خب حرف ما هم اين است چرا نبايد پول تو و او را بدهند؟
        من هم نمي*دانم. من در كل ليگ به جز يك بازي براي ذوب*آهن بازي كرده*ام، در ليگ قهرمانان آسيا هم خوب ظاهر شدم. با اين اوصاف بايد پول من را بدهند.
        داستان آن مشكل تو و خلعتبري چه بوده شايد به خاطر آن باشد؟
        آن مساله يك سوءتفاهم بود مي*گفتند كه شب قبل از بازي با النصر من و محمدرضا اردوي تيم را ترك كرده*ايم ولي چنين چيزي نبود و اين سوءتفاهم خيلي زود برطرف شد و اتفاقا هر دوي ما بازي كرديم.
        شايد به خاطر همين مساله باشد؟
        فكر نمي*كنم چون آن مشكل حل شد در ثاني ثابت شد كه ما آن شب اردو را ترك نكرده بوديم.
        حالا واقعا ترك كرده بوديد يا نه؟
        خدا شاهد است كه در اردو بوديم متاسفانه يكسري مي*خواستند براي ما دو نفر حاشيه درست كنند و اين حرف*ها يك شيطنت بود كه در نهايت ثابت شد كه ما در اردو بوديم.
        با اين اوصاف وقتي مي*گويي پول تو هم به حساب ريخته نشده پس حتما يك جرياني هست؟
        نمي*دانم اما به همان اندازه كه بقيه زحمت كشيدند من هم كشيده*ام و پولم را مي*خواهم اميدوارم تا يكشنبه پولم را به حسابم ريخته باشند.
        باز هم تاكيد مي*كنم كه باشگاه گفته پول سه ماه را يكجا ريخته است؟
        من با كاپيتان تيم صحبت كردم و او گفت كه پول*ها را (شنبه) ريخته*اند ولي الان چك كردم پول تو حسابم نيست.
        تو اين گيرودار به تيم ملي هم دعوت شدي!
        خدا را شكر مي*كنم خيلي خوشحالم و مشخص شد كه آقاي كرش به من و تيم ما هم نظر دارد و البته اميدوارم كه بتوانم با تلاش خودم در ليست نهايي ايشان قرار بگيرم.
        ذخيره تو هم به تيم ملي دعوت شد؟
        خب صادقي در بازي با الشباب درون دروازه ايستاده بود و روز خوبي را پشت سر گذاشت براي همين فكر مي*كنم كه سرمربي تيم ملي نحوه بازي او را پسنديده كه دعوتش كرده و خواسته يك فرصت به او بدهد تا خودش را ثابت كند.
        فكر مي*كني كرش با تيم ملي ايران موفق شود؟
        صددرصد او مربي بزرگي است. كرش مي*تواند به فوتبال ايران كمك كند چرا كه تجربيات بسيار خوبي با تيم*هاي بزرگ دنيا دارد. مطمئنا اگر او حمايت شود با او مي*توانيم به جام*جهاني برويم.

        بمب نقل و انتقالات در درون دروازه است / گردان جایگزین طالب*لو در استقلال
        به گزارش سرویس ورزشی برنا، در صورتی که مسوولان استقلال تهران بتواند مقدمات حضور شهاب گردان را در این باشگاه فراهم کنند، جدایی وحید طالب*لو از این تیم قطعی خواهد شد.
        نام شهاب گردان در لیست خریدهای استقلال به چشم می خورد و مسوولان استقلال در صدد هستند پس از پایان مسابقات جام حذفی باب مذاکره را با این دروازه بان آغاز کنند.
        با حضور گردان در استقلال، جدایی وحید طالب لو از این باشگاه قطعی خواهد شد؛ این در حالی است که این دروازه بان با آبی پوشان یک سال دیگر قرارداد دارد.
        کادر فنی استقلال و در راس آنها پرویز مظلومی از میان طالب*لو و محمدی، رای به ابقای محمد محمدی می دهند.
        طالب لو نزدیک به 9 سال سابقه حضور در استقلال دارد و نخستین بازی خود را نیز در سال 1381 برابر سپاهان اصفهان انجام داد.
        از باشگاه مس کرمان یا سایپا به عنوان مقصد آینده وحید طالب لو نام برده می شود.
        I was an atheist until I realized I am GOD.


          Originally posted by siavasharian View Post
          do you have a source for your news?
          yes i read it on . EZ has said that this is all rumours about hosseini. hosseini is staying in zobahan. Hajsafi is 20 years old and has to do his military service. Also dalili (zobahan chairman) has said that their first choice is EZ. and about arash afshin, in 90x90 majid jalali said that arash afshin has been offered $600,000 .

          In my opinion GH won't leave sepahan, i dono any other clubs that would be upto his standard.


            Originally posted by Behboad View Post
            yes i read it on . EZ has said that this is all rumours about hosseini. hosseini is staying in zobahan. Hajsafi is 20 years old and has to do his military service. Also dalili (zobahan chairman) has said that their first choice is EZ. and about arash afshin, in 90x90 majid jalali said that arash afshin has been offered $600,000 .
            In my opinion GH won't leave sepahan, i dono any other clubs that would be upto his standard.
            I was an atheist until I realized I am GOD.


              Originally posted by siavasharian View Post
              I have been browsing and I could not find such news. Could you kindly give me the full URL please?
              Nevertheless, ez discarding the news as rumor doesn’t mean a thing. Of course he would say that all players will stay. Every single coach in the league has said the same thing.
              By the way, that same (your source; not mine) has three articles on the main page claiming that General Amir Ghalenoie will definitely not sign with sepahan and that ez is their first choice. This is exactly what I said.
              Additionally, AGAIN that same (your source; not mine) has three articles on the main page claiming that khalatbari will definitely leave for a non-Iranian team.
              I am going to download the latest 90x90 right now. It’ll take a couple of hours to download and a couple of hours to watch the program. I will respond after watching the show. Are you sure Majid Jalali said that arash afshin has a 600,000,000 offer from zob ahan? Did he actually say zob ahan? If so then it’s very unprofessional of him.
              Okay when did i say zob ahan is paying $600,000 for arash afshin. please read my stuff again. and about hosseini if you search in EZ has said that he is staying in zob ahan. Also about khalatbari he has offer from qatar and sepahan. As i said before he is most LIKELY to go to sepahan.

              By the way where did you get your source that Gordan, and Hosseini will defo leave zob ahan and also who are the 5 -6 players that leaving sepahan can you name them with your source please.

              End of the day sepahan would have good team and the reason for this is Mehdi Taj and all the money they have.


                Originally posted by siavasharian View Post
                Yes, I do have a source. In fact I have quite a few sources. I did not post the sources because they are already posted on multiple threads and my post was simply an accurate analysis of the other news. I understand that you are a new member here, what you must realize is that I never, ever, post anything that is not backed by a truckload of facts and evidence. For the sake of clarity however, here are my sources:
                p.s. since you bolded Gordan and Hosseini, I will only post the articles involving these two players. I have similar sources for khalatbari, Farshid Talebi, mehdi rahmati, jalal hosseini, khosro heydari, janvario, yanoosh, tore, bengar, and jamshidian. Would you like to see them?
                I am not a new member to this site. My "join date" predates yours by a few years. As a general member of this board, albeit a 'top' one, who is not a forum staff but who still acts as a rule enforcer, you should know that it is unreasonable to expect people to read every other thread in the hope of finding the sources of news which you have mentioned elsewhere. The sources of your news should appear where the news is mentioned, unless of course, it is in the same thread.


                  Originally posted by Navid_Esfoony View Post
                  I am not a new member to this site. My "join date" predates yours by a few years. As a general member of this board, albeit a 'top' one, who is not a forum staff but who still acts as a rule enforcer, you should know that it is unreasonable to expect people to read every other thread in the hope of finding the sources of news which you have mentioned elsewhere. The sources of your news should appear where the news is mentioned, unless of course, it is in the same thread.
                  And thank you for listing your sources. Of course I wanted to see them, or else I wouldn't have asked.
                  1. When I said “new member” I was referring to the number of posts you have.(Since it was only 68).

                  2. When I said “would you like to see them” I was referring to the other players, not just Gordan and Hosseini. (Since you bolded only Gordan and Hosseini in your quote).

                  3. Most importantly, I never posted any news. My comment was my personal analysis of other news and hence did not need a source. Once you requested the source, of course, I posted it.

                  4. What you must realize is that when we post an analysis which includes events from several days or even weeks, it would be very hard and time-consuming to go back to archives of news agencies and find the sources. In spite of that, I spend more than an hour of my day off just to find the sources for you and so I really don’t understand the reason for your hostile tone; what’s up?
                  Last edited by siavasharian; 06-05-2011, 12:08 PM.
                  I was an atheist until I realized I am GOD.


                    95% of the news at this time of the year is about speculations and rumors. Players and coaches talk to different clubs and vice-versa to find the best options for themselves.

                    Foolad Mobarakeh company have recently increased the salary of all their employees, so I think they are doing well financially, I wonder why this Hosseini guy who is the new head of the board of the club is acting so stupid and is trying to destroy our successful club.

                    All in all, I think even GN case is not certain yet, he might end up renewing his contract with Sepahan. I mean what are his options if as he claims he does not want to go back to Esteghlal?
                    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                      Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                      95% of the news at this time of the year is about speculations and rumors. Players and coaches talk to different clubs and vice-versa to find the best options for themselves.

                      Foolad Mobarakeh company have recently increased the salary of all their employees, so I think they are doing well financially, I wonder why this Hosseini guy who is the new head of the board of the club is acting so stupid and is trying to destroy our successful club.

                      All in all, I think even GN case is not certain yet, he might end up renewing his contract with Sepahan. I mean what are his options if as he claims he does not want to go back to Esteghlal?
                      I absolutely agree with you man most of this is rumours. i wish we had live transfer window like the europian teams do . In yahoo there is a live transfer section which they talk about rumours and all the transfers done by the clubs. Can this site create one ofcourse they will need an expert to talk about these stuff.

                      By the way i though the chairman of the sepahans club is Reza Saket , who is this hosseini guy that your talking about.


                        ^ The CEO (Modi Amel) is Saket. The head of the board who was appointed recently is Hosseini.

                        The CEO of the Foolad Mobarakeh Company was changed recently and the new CEO replaced the former head of the board of the club with this Hosseini guy. Hosseini is also a member of the board of the Foolad Mobarakeh Company too, so he is more powerful than Saket.
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Sepahan fans in Esfahan are gathering in front of the Sepahan main office in Esfahan at 6:30 this evening to show their protest against the recent events in the club.
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Here is a report about the protest. Sepahan board have have a meeting tonight.

                            هواداران سپاهان مقابل باشگاه تجمع کردند

                            برخي از هواداران تيم فوتبال سپاهان به دليل نگراني از وضعيت اين تيم مقابل اين باشگاه تجمع کرده*اند.

                            در پي اتفاقات رخ داده در باشگاه سپاهان مبني بر عدم توافق با امير قلعه نويي و شايعه استعفاي محمد رضا ساکت از مديرعاملي اين باشگاه عصر امروز جمعي از هواداران اين تيم مقابل دفتر باشگاه و کانون هواداران اين باشگاه تجمع کرده و با شعارهاي خود نگراني*شان از وضعيت موجود را اعلام کردند.
                            بر اساس اين گزارش، محمدرضا ساکت با حضور در جمع هواداران آنها را دعوت به آرامش کرد.
                            قرار است امشب جلسه هيات مديره باشگاه سپاهان براي رسيدن به وضعيت اين تيم تشکيل شود.
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                              Here is a report about the protest. Sepahan board have have a meeting tonight.
                              هواداران سپاهان مقابل باشگاه تجمع کردند
                              برخي از هواداران تيم فوتبال سپاهان به دليل نگراني از وضعيت اين تيم مقابل اين باشگاه تجمع کرده*اند.
                              در پي اتفاقات رخ داده در باشگاه سپاهان مبني بر عدم توافق با امير قلعه نويي و شايعه استعفاي محمد رضا ساکت از مديرعاملي اين باشگاه عصر امروز جمعي از هواداران اين تيم مقابل دفتر باشگاه و کانون هواداران اين باشگاه تجمع کرده و با شعارهاي خود نگراني*شان از وضعيت موجود را اعلام کردند.
                              بر اساس اين گزارش، محمدرضا ساکت با حضور در جمع هواداران آنها را دعوت به آرامش کرد.
                              قرار است امشب جلسه هيات مديره باشگاه سپاهان براي رسيدن به وضعيت اين تيم تشکيل شود.
                              dameshon garm manam doost dashtam alan iran boodam miraftam. darand gand mizanan be team sepahano zob ahan.


                                ^ It happens a lot in Iran, when a manager is appointed as the head of an organization, he tries to make some revolutionary decisions to mark his presence. These wrong decisions usually result in disaster. I think Hosseini is trying to do the same. He will single-handedly ruin what Sepahan and Saket have built during the last decade.
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

