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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Originally posted by Scooter View Post
    I hope you are correct. I hope we do shock the world.

    However, I would like you (or anyone here) to provide a convincing argument, with logical analysis, explaining how we are not the worst team in our group. Heck, don't even including coaching; just go down the likely starters on the roster(s), and make player-to-player comparisons. We're not even on par with Wales with regards to talent, and for the record, I think Wales is underrated; I predict they will upset the USA squad.

    I do think we have the best striker pair in the group, but it's not going to matter because they won't see much of the ball, especially against USA and England.

    If we include coaching and preparation via friendlies, I can't see us finishing anywhere other than fourth. Love or hate Skocic, he is our coach. I'll support him and the team, but if he doesn't start the best players at their respective positions from here on-out, I have no doubt that we will have no chemistry. Enough with the nonsensical experiments he is running; we don't have time.
    The same way costa rica was the worst team of a group of England Italy and Uruguay but manage to reach the semi final or even Greece winning euro 2018,we were a goal away to top portugal spain and Morocco. We did see unlogical things from the past.



        Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
        The same way costa rica was the worst team of a group of England Italy and Uruguay but manage to reach the semi final or even Greece winning euro 2018,we were a goal away to top portugal spain and Morocco. We did see unlogical things from the past.
        Those examples are well & good however you seem to ignore the fact that majority of the times when the worst prepared or worst rated team of any group has gone to prove that assessment right and gather no points at the WC. This time we are not only ill prepared but also have other factors going against us. I was really hopeful in the last WC and we did come close and were in it until the last minute of the last game but this time unfortunately i am not holding my breath, there is that sinking feeling...


          this iff might be the worst we ever had, even worse than the one we had when we went without a coach in about a year..
          Supporting Team Melli


            Publish Date: July 22, 1401 - 11:01

            I used a translation tool so its not perfectly tralsated

            There are disagreements in every family.

            Steely: It's a time of unity and unity

            The manager of Iran's national football team believes that in the short distance left until the World Cup, the national team needs more unity and empathy than ever before.

            According to the official website of the Federation, Hamid Steely, the manager of the national team regarding the events of the past weeks around the national team and the issues raised, said: "The first principle is the transparency and honesty of all of us that we have to tell the truth to the people and nothing is more important to us than the national interest. I once wore the proud shirt of my country's national team and now I am experiencing the honor of serving the national team in another position. I am not alien to some destruction and lack of favors, but if you believe in your goal, you will tolerate such a lack of favors. This time, I came to help Mishad Majedi, who is a football figure, and my duties under the supervision of the team were not limited, but I tried to use whatever communication and capacity I had at my disposal to help the national team. When the national team needs a dedicated flight or the problems of supporting and providing credits are raised, I feel responsible because we are all together and have a common duty.
            The manager of the national team added: "In more than three decades of professional football, I worked with many coaches and coached myself for many years at the club and national levels. Each coach has his own style and method in each camp, according to the conditions of the Qatari army, the head coach of the team set his own schedule, the lack of breakfast or the lack of determination of sleep hours may seem to be appropriate for the Qatari army and the weather conditions there, especially when our team was practicing in the early hours of the night. The guardianship of the wara in this regard does not legislator, but it is the channel of the technical cadre program. We are not going to decide on the basis of our own taste and personal opinion on this issue, but we have a duty to be the head of the programme and this is not a new issue. This is not a complicated issue and is performed in a completely professional way with the opinion of the team's head chief. I know the scope of my duties and I try not to interfere with the decisions of the head and technical staff in this field.
            Steely also said: "There are undoubtedly disagreements and tastes in a family, but these differences should not lead to gaps and confrontations. Unfortunately, after the Qatari camp, some undesirable events occurred that took the Federation and the national team to the sidelines, and now we are in the short distance to the World Cup looking to find the culprit. I believe we should use this experience to resolve the problems and unify the team members. Footballers, as they forget about the events and physical conflicts inside the ground an hour after the match, have learned to put aside the annoyances and flowers to achieve success and unite. My request from all football and the media is to go through all the issues from here on out. We are all the same team, from the managerial and technical cadre to the players and the individual members of the national team and the federation. We may have different opinions and need more time for more empathy and harmony. I believe this happened between the team's children and they forgot about the previous weeks. There are no more distances or differences and two hands. Between the supervisory and technical cadre of the team, the necessary coordination and unity is formed in order to act within the framework of our duties or goodwill, because for all of us the pride and honor of the dear Iranian Fire is more important than anything and in this way we must be one heart.
            Supporting Team Melli


              Original version
              مدير تيم ملى فوتبال ايران معتقد است در فاصله كوتاه باقيمانده تا جام جهانى تيم ملى بيش از هر زمان ديگرى
              به اتحاد و همدلى نياز دارد.
              به گزارش سايت رسمى فدراسيون، فوتبال حميد استيلى مدير تيم ملى در خصوص اتفاقات هفته هاى گذشته پيرامون تيم ملى و موضوعات مطرح شده گفت:اصل اول شفافيت و صداقت همه ماست كه بايد حقيقت را به مردم بگوييم و هيچ چيزى براى ما مهمتر از منافع ملى نبوده و نيست. من زمانى پيراهن پرافتخار تيم ملى كشورم را بر تن داشتم و الان افتخار خدمتگذارى به تيم ملى در جايگاه ديگرى را تجربه مى كنم. با برخى تخريب ها و كم لطفى ها بيگانه نيستم اما اگر شما به هدفى كه داريد باور داشته باشيد اينگونه كم لطفى ها را هم تحمل مى كنيد.از زمان حضور در تيم اميد تا همين امروز نزديك به چهار سال در خدمت فدراسيون فوتبال بودم و يك ريال از دستمزد و حقوقم در تيم اميد يا بزرگسالان دريافت نكردم. اينبار هم براى كمك به ميرشاد ماجدى كه يك چهره فوتبالى است آمدم و وظايفم به سرپرستى تيم محدود نبود بلكه سعى كردم از هر ارتباط و ظرفيتى كه در اختيار داشتم براى كمك به تيم ملى استفاده كنم. وقتى تيم ملى به پرواز اختصاصى نياز دارد يا مشكلات پشتيبانى و تامين اعتبارات مطرح مى شود احساس مسئوليت مى كنم چون همه ما كنار يكديگر هستيم و يك وظيفه مشترك داريم.

              مدير تيم ملى اضافه كرد:در بيش از سه دهه فوتبال حرفه اى با مربيان زيادى كار كردم و خودم سال ها در سطوح باشگاهى و ملى مربيگرى كردم. هر مربى سبك و روش خاص خودش را در هر اردو دارد.با توجه به شرايط اردوى قطر سرمربى تيم برنامه مورد نظر خودش را تنظيم كرد، اجبارى نبودن صبحانه يا عدم تعيين ساعت خواب ممكن است به نظر اسكوچيچ مناسب اردوى قطر و شرايط آب و هوايى آنجا بوده خصوصا در زمانى كه تيم ما در ساعات ابتدايى شب تمرين مى كرد. كادر سرپرستى راسا در اين خصوص قانونگذارى نمى كند بلكى مجرى برنامه كادر فنى است. قرار نيست بر مبناى سليقه و نظر شخصى خودمان در اين مورد تصميم گيرى كنيم بلكه وظيفه داريم مجرى برنامه سرمربى باشيم و اين مسئله هم موضوع تازه اى نيست. اين مسئله پيچيده اى نيست و به شكل كاملا حرفه اى با نظر سرمربى تيم اجرا مى شود. من حوزه وظايف خودم را مى شناسم و تلاشم اين است تداخلى با تصميمات سرمربى و كادر فنى در اين حوزه ايجاد نشود.

              استيلى همچنين گفت:در يك خانواده بدون شك اختلاف نظر و سليقه وجود دارد اما نبايد اين تفاوت ها به شكاف و تقابل منجر شود. متاسفانه بعد از اردوى قطر برخى اتفاقات نامطلوب رخ داد كه فدراسيون و تيم ملى را به حاشيه برد و حالا در فاصله كوتاه باقيمانده تا جام جهانى به دنبال يافتن مقصر هستيم. من معتقدم بايد از اين تجربه براى رفع مشكلات و يكدل شدن اعضاى تيم استفاده كنيم. فوتبالى ها همانطور كه اتفاقات و درگيرى هاى فيزيكى داخل زمين را ساعتى بعد از مسابقه فراموش مى كنند ياد گرفته اند دلخورى ها و گلايه ها را براى رسيدن به موفقيت كنار بگذارند و متحد و يكدل شوند. درخواست من از همه اهالى فوتبال و رسانه ها اين است كه از اينجا به بعد همه موضوعات پيش آمده را پشت سر بگذارند. ما همه يك تيم هستيم از كادر مديريتى و فنى تا بازيكنان و فرد فرد اعضاى تيم ملى و فدراسيون. ممكن است نظرات مختلف و متفاوتى داشته باشيم و براى همدلى و هماهنگى بيشتر به زمان بيشترى نياز داشته باشيم. من معتقدم اين اتفاق بين بچه هاى تيم روى داده و ميائل هفته هاى قبل را فراموش كردند. ديگر فاصله يا اختلاف و دو دستگى وجود ندارد. بين كادر سرپرستى و فنى تيم هم هماهنگى و اتحاد لازم شكل مى گيرد تا در چارچوب وظايف خودمان يا حسن نيت عمل كنيم چرا كه براى همه ما سربلندى و افتخارآفرينى ايران عزيز از هر چيزى مهمتر است و در اين مسير بايد يك دل باشيم.

              Supporting Team Melli



                Published: - Jul 23, 2022
                Dragan Skocic 2022 FIFA World Cup


                PLDC - Team Melli head coach Dragan Skocic says over-high expectations from the team in the 2022 World Cup will harm the team.

                He made the remarks in a live interview with Iran’s state TV, days after the country’s football federation decided to continue cooperation with him.

                The federation first declared that the Croat does not enjoy the qualifications for heading the team in the World Cup but according to reports, their failure to find a replacement led to giving the team’s responsibility to him.

                The federation’s treatment drew wide condemnation in Iran as experts believe the measures have led to the undermining of the authority of Skocic as well as creating division among the team players.

                Asked about what should be expected from the team in the top football event, Skocic pointed to the need to acknowledge realities and reminded the quality of the teams that Iran will take on in the event.

                Excessive expectations will be to the detriment of the team, he stressed.

                The team should not impose too much pressure on itself, however, all team members should acknowledge that they can shine against any rival, he said, adding, “I have high expectations from my players but I know that I should not pressure them too much.”

                Iran not there to only defend

                Talking about the team's style of playing in the 2022 World Cup, Skocic pledged to offer an offensive formation.

                This does not mean that the team would abandon defense because the main aim is to achieve good results in every match, he said.

                The coach added that the team will not engage in a sole act of defense.

                This comes as former coach of the team Carlos Queiroz is criticized for offering defensive football in the past two editions of the World Cup.


                Rumors not good for team

                He appreciated the support for him that was recently mounted in Iran, noting that he will try his best to tolerate the pressures so that the team could achieve success in the World Cup.

                He said that the rumors that some individuals spread without having any knowledge about him are not good for the team.

                Skocic noted what has made him sad during recent developments was a bunch of lies that were circulating about him. Some groups create stories that are not real, he regretted.

                These groups are outside the Iranian federation and they talked about different coaches for the team, the Croat said, noting that he acknowledges the position as a "hot seat" and the issue of national interest.

                The coach noted that rumors usually start getting around when he is not in Iran.

                He said he put too much effort into the success of Team Melli, calling on critiques to treat him with respect.

                Pledge to make Iranians happy

                Asked about Iran's captain in the World Cup, Skocic said he will adhere to the long tradition in Iran according to which a player with the most national caps is chosen as captain.

                He also voiced support for the presence of Karim Bagheri on the team, noting that they will not hesitate to invite everyone that can help the team.

                He revealed plans to hold a camp for the team in Turkey.

                He referred to the need to return to Iran as soon as possible and take control of the situation, noting, "past mistakes should not be repeated."

                “After all these years I know Iranian people and consider myself an Iranian and make efforts for the success of Team Melli.”

                He assured the Iranian people that the results of the national team will make them smile.
                Supporting Team Melli


                  Didn't he say their goal is to Qualify from the group?

                  How can you say high expectations hurt the team when you also set the bar at qualifying from the strongest group in the tournament?


                    he’s basically saying “don’t expect any results”. Then why they hell should we stick with you? How does that boost TM morale? How does that inspire ANYONE? How should the fans feel after such a Debbie Downer expectation?


                      Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                      The same way costa rica was the worst team of a group of England Italy and Uruguay but manage to reach the semi final or even Greece winning euro 2018,we were a goal away to top portugal spain and Morocco. We did see unlogical things from the past.

                      Costa Rica made it to the quarterfinal, not the semifinal.

                      Of interest, both Costa Rica and Greece used ultradefensive formations. Costa Rica with a 5-2-3 or 5-4-1.

                      What should be noted is that both teams, Greece moreso, limited the number of chances the other team had with their formations. Supporting evidence that NOT ANYONE CAN PARK THE BUS effectively




                        There is always a bit of ‘woe is me’ in his interviews. May be best for him at the moment to just answer no comment to the media, same as what he is probably expecting going forwards of his squad members. Just say that we will do our talking on the pitch.


                          Wilmots pofuze took $5mil (2m paid when he was in Iran + 3mil now) for 6 months being TM Headcoach with two defeats against Iraq and Bahrain!!

                          Mehdi Taj should be hanged for this.
                          هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                          نگاه میکنید.
                          I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                            Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                            Wilmots pofuze took $5mil (2m paid when he was in Iran + 3mil now) for 6 months being TM Headcoach with two defeats against Iraq and Bahrain!!
                            Mehdi Taj should be hanged for this.
                            worst contract in TM history, but why write such a crazy contract from the start? Crazy to give any coach at wilmots level 2m or 2,5m contract a year and write 3years with him!


                              The real culprit is Soltanifar. He is the one who forced CQ out. Taj was all set to extend his contract until this scumbag became minister.


                                Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                                Wilmots pofuze took $5mil (2m paid when he was in Iran + 3mil now) for 6 months being TM Headcoach with two defeats against Iraq and Bahrain!!

                                Mehdi Taj should be hanged for this.
                                It was literally daylight robbery. The man didn't give a shit, the players said that after their defeat he was just watching comedies on the plane laughing like nothing happened. He was so worthless. I can't believe we kicked out Carlos to bring this trash in.

                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

