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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by Taz View Post
    Listen, son, I'm not one to get personal but bring that f***ing eye-bleedingly idiotic 'win % of TM managers' argument up again and I swear to my amehjoon I'm burning down the server room that houses PFDC and the rest of the internet.
    LOL They just keep bringing that up because they know they're wrong / biased and have nothing else to hold onto - Time and time again this 60% VS 69% has been proven by countless sane people here to be a VERY FLAWED argument of theirs, yet this is the only thing they keep repeating.



      Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
      How and why would we play in Lebanon? There is no security there and especially for us. They have kids shooting RPGs in the streets. Our federation should move this game to a neutral field. This is a very important point in the qualifiers, with a loss we will lose all the momentum in the return legs and put ourselves in a dog fight for second place.
      Please send your requests of temporary ceasefire and stoppage of terrorism to Iran's IRGC headquarters in Tehran.


        I just saw the idiotically exaggerated situation of Taremi-Skocic has reached int'l media and even TV commentators across europe, with the brit ass holes apparently (according to a member who was watching the porto game today) they twisted the already hyped and twisted story even further!

        And the ONLY way to stop this is for Taremi to come out & say he was talking about something like shortcomings in preparation or facilities or test games or ... whatever the fuck, even if he LIES. But it should take the coach out of the whole discussion. This will not end well if it's allowed to gather more momentum.
        If he's too dumb to recognize this, then he shd be TOLD by the likes of VH, Bagheri, Kia, to do this ("or else").

        he just scored a hattrick today. Hopefully it wont go into his head.
        But given his immature behavior in recent times (at times. thankfully not all the time), there's a chance that all this attention is going into his head & is making him think he's bigger than the team!

        and if none of VH, Bagheri & kia tell him, then I ask why the hell are they there then? (Knowing these chaps, I'm sure all 3 are concerned and will talk to him about it, if they havent done so far).


        I also hope Skocic does take a tougher stance on this.
        Even if he may not drop him for the next 2 games ( some coaches would do. CQ, for xample wld). then at least bench the fellow.
        SOME MESSAGE has to sent to him if he doesnt take steps right today.

        This also would immensely help Skocic's position in TM. Sends a direct message to one and all that nobody is bigger than the TEAM.
        goes a long way to bring back discipline into TM.


        On Taremi's side also it is only beneficial.
        if he allows this to go on and not clear the air (even if he lies about it), it WILL hurt his prospects in playing in europe.
        yes, SC is supporting him now. But as a pro coach he also knows such things are very bad for a team.

        and if Taremi has dreams of going to a bigger club, he ought to know not many coaches wld hire trouble-making players, even if they're star players.
        in the professional world, discipline (and knowing where you belong in a club's structure) is ranked right up there next to player's talent.

        so everything considered, he better do this quickly. Before more fucking morons in media add to this mountain (that's probably made out of a mole hill).


          Purely focusing on Dragan and not on ‘he said then she said’, Dragan must learn that what he can say as an Iranian club manager and criticise his players with 20/30 more games to go in a season would be different to the National team that meets every few months.
          In a club he has time to work on tactics day in day out but with the National team made up of players mostly playing their trade in Europe and in clubs with 10 different tactical plans pose entirely different scenario.
          Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran


            This is what happens when you appoint someone who lacks the required experience and pedigree to man manage top talent and deal with the media suitably. Had he even seen a microphone before in his life? 🥲


              Originally posted by Taz View Post
              This is what happens when you appoint someone who lacks the required experience and pedigree to man manage top talent and deal with the media suitably. Had he even seen a microphone before in his life? 🥲
              so basically you're saying in a situation where the players CAN ride roughshod over their coach, they SHOULD. And in those situations where they cant, they should avoid doing this altogether.

              So WHAT the player does is not as important to control, as to WHOM he does it to?
              or in other words, depending on the "fame & caliber" of the coach, the players should either cause all sorts of chaos & misconduct & throw their weight around ....... or they should shut their mouths/arses and act like a disciplined but frightened mice!

              isnt that recipe for chaos and disaster (not to mention "bazikon salari")?


                Nobody stands above the team, not even Messi and Ronaldo,let alone Taremi. Football is a teamsport and the harmony within a team is one of the key factors to success.

                Ali Karimi and Ali Daei had the same type of behaviour and due to their shitty unprofessional behaviour the whole team chemistry and atmosphere was ruined leading to a disastrous world cup in 2006. No matter what you feel about the coach you have to discuss this internally, with the coaching staff ao. You don't go public, no professional working in any field would do such a childish thing. Really dissapointed with Taremi but i can'y say i'm surprised considering the fact that fame and success can really get to an Iranian's head.


                  We had an atmosphere of bazikon-salari in Iran that CQ got rid of, we hoped once and for all. With the fame of our current stars surpassing our relative unknown coach, some players have forgotten their position of service in TM. If you go to Persian language forums, the general attitude is that Mehdi has not shown respect to his "elder", i.e. coach and many people point out that he had this slip before in Persepolis as well. Clearly he is at fault. Furthermore, most every fan has pointed out that Iranian players and football are weak tactically. Navidkia just today had a great interview in which he repeated this a number of times. He said it beautifully that we have trouble getting Iranian players to follow a game plan and keep the same responsibilities for 90 minutes.

                  The federation has tried to calm everything with either losing face but really they should be the ones talking tough to Mehdi. By not taking a desciplinary stance, they will allow this transgression to multiply.

                  I hope and pray for Mehdi's success every week but let's be honest, he is not an intelligent person. Hope he has the humility to admit he made a mistake.


                    I am also disappointed at the likes of bagheri, VH and kia, for allowing days to go on without FORCING Taremi to do the right thing.
                    each day that passes, these fucking ass holes of media will whip it up more and more.
                    each day matters.
                    as this, I believe was a NON issue (for all you know the lad was talking about other stuff and not skocic). But the mere fact that nobody took a corrective measure and set things straight, allowed first the iranian media motherfukers to inject their poison into this, then worse, allow it to reach int'l media too.

                    this shd be obvious to all those 3 assistant coaches.
                    why are they silent?
                    really disappointing all this shitty Irani bazi .... the cultural baggage that we Iranians just cant get rid of, no matter how much we study or get educated!


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                      I am also disappointed at the likes of bagheri, VH and kia, for allowing days to go on without FORCING Taremi to do the right thing.
                      each day that passes, these fucking ass holes of media will whip it up more and more.
                      each day matters.
                      as this, I believe was a NON issue (for all you know the lad was talking about other stuff and not skocic). But the mere fact that nobody took a corrective measure and set things straight, allowed first the iranian media motherfukers to inject their poison into this, then worse, allow it to reach int'l media too.
                      this shd be obvious to all those 3 assistant coaches.
                      why are they silent?
                      really disappointing all this shitty Irani bazi .... the cultural baggage that we Iranians just cant get rid of, no matter how much we study or get educated!
                      well if your so dissapointed of being Irani you should change your name to Brad and go se a colorado avalance game instead of coming in here and spreading your poisones american propaganda saying we are shit culturaly eaven if we get educated.. getting of topic and spreading that bs rearly is dissapointing to read from a member that has made some good post but i wonder is it planned to put in this propaganda in between the better posts?

                      this shit happens all over the world, get over it.
                      i think its funny some complain about the media while them selfes being more poisones than them..
                      baba vel kon he can say wtf he wants as long as they solve it inside the team.. maybe it will make them better friends. after a little iove fight.. i remember italy won the world cup and had problems with the media before the cup ( if i remmeber correctly) so it doesnt matter as long as it works inside the team. and he realy didnt say anything WOW so its nothing to be upset over anyway.. if he had said skocic is at the same level of wilmots and should move back to croatia and eat a cevape, then yeah we coulld talk about being out of line..
                      Supporting Team Melli


                        Originally posted by Sepehr9 View Post
                        Nobody stands above the team, not even Messi and Ronaldo,let alone Taremi. Football is a teamsport and the harmony within a team is one of the key factors to success.

                        Ali Karimi and Ali Daei had the same type of behaviour and due to their shitty unprofessional behaviour the whole team chemistry and atmosphere was ruined leading to a disastrous world cup in 2006. No matter what you feel about the coach you have to discuss this internally, with the coaching staff ao. You don't go public, no professional working in any field would do such a childish thing. Really dissapointed with Taremi but i can'y say i'm surprised considering the fact that fame and success can really get to an Iranian's head.
                        Not only Taremi isn't a very smart person but also we can see most iranian players don't take lesson of mistakes done by previous Iranian players. From Daei/karimi rift in 2006,to karimi choice of spending his prime years in uae, taremi wasting his prime years in qatar, beiro joining antwerp too late (niazmand did the same mistake with portugal one year after)..


                          ^ I'm afraid that may mean only one thing: we just wont be controlled unless through FEAR!
                          No player dared say things like this under CQ. Especially after he struck off Rahmati and Haghighi.

                          Skocic seems less authoritative. And that, to an Iranian (uh oh, here comes another "propaganda"!!! ), seeing this, we take it as "weakness" and we try to climb over the fellow's back!
                          and WORSE, we feel we are actually ENTITLED to behave like this!!!!


                          To keshvardoost:

                          No buddy. That's NOT propaganda.
                          That's stating a fact about our own cultural shortcomings.
                          Do you deny it?
                          are we a very disciplined people, in general? (I could write paras about our social lacks & cultural shortcomings. But this is not the place)
                          We all know this. Many have tried to get rid of this baggage ... mostly through education, reading and importantly, a desire for self betterment. But if the entire population is taken, we still have a long way to go.

                          besides, I dont see why you're calling it "propaganda". that cant be mistaken with "propaganda".
                          self criticism? definitely. but propaganda?
                          I did say WE Iranians. I am one of these ppl. and while I am proud of my Iranian heritage, I still am not dogmatic to deny the truth of our cultural lacks either.


                            now thats what worry me with skocic..
                            se what happened to united today, 5-0 defeat vs liverpool
                            this is what scholes said afte the last game when united won 3-2
                            Supporting Team Melli


                              Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
                              now thats what worry me with skocic..
                              se what happened to united today, 5-0 defeat vs liverpool
                              this is what scholes said afte the last game when united won 3-2
                              United's last three games in PL were a loss to Aston Villa, tie with Everton and a loss to Leicestor City. Skocic is 10-1-0. So perhaps your worry is a bit misplaced.
                              But I agree that it can happen to TM too if they make the same mistake that MU made. They moved away from being a team and become a group of individuals. Bringing Ronaldo was the worst thing that MU could do. Now all they are doing is managing egos, everyone is unhappy in the team and watching their back and team spirit has evaporated away. In order to foster a team environment, all players should feel equally respected and remain humble in a team. Again, bazikon sAlAri is poisonous and is what taking down MU, took down our 2006 WC team, and could take down this year's team too if we don't watch it.


                                Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
                                now thats what worry me with skocic..
                                se what happened to united today, 5-0 defeat vs liverpool
                                this is what scholes said afte the last game when united won 3-2
                                I get where you are coming from, very similar in the issues they both have but in different scales. There is only so many times the quality of your individual best players can pull you through.

