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Swedish article about iranian football

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    Swedish article about iranian football

    Erik Niva has written an article about his time in Iran and its football.

    Yes, I red it yesterday. Erik is one of the most knowledgable and well known Swedish football reporter. I don't like him though


      Originally posted by Essi View Post
      Yes, I red it yesterday. Erik is one of the most knowledgable and well known Swedish football reporter. I don't like him though
      he's not one of them. voted the best several years in a row won the most prestigoues awards among all sports journalists


        Great article, some quotes from the article that I really liked: "as long as ali karimi is on the team it will never belong to the IR", his tourguide said to a basiji "my homeland was stolen from me, but we will get it back one day for sure" and "azadi stadium will be a place where religion will never be as strong as the belief in football".


          I think it would have been a great article if it wasnt for the fact that about 95 % of it was purely political.


            He went to Iran-South Korea and PP-SS but barely mentioned the games. This article was solely about politics. He is a very good football reporter but this article made me upset as well as others. The world doesnt care about the footballing nation of Iran, just the political side.


              Too bad it's in Swedish..
              sigpicVIVA K8RIMI

