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    Dont be suprised if we meet Brazil next month


      Lastest article on Aftonbladet, Swedens biggest newspaper.... It is an interview with our warrior Andranik Teymourian.

      In the interview he asked about his religion and about the rumors surrounding TM lately...

      - He mentions that he is the first christian captain of TM since 1978 and that he is proud of being christian and being a part of a muslim team.
      - The article describes him as one the most important players on our team and how he is the one running, fighting and how he has stamina in top class.
      - He is described as a humble guy during the interview.
      - When asked about woman in stadium in Iran he has a very smart answer "For me the fans are the beauty of football, I hope the stadium will be packed against Sweden and hopefully most of them are Iranian fans, I respect the Swedish National Team and I hope for good atmosphere."
      - About the rumors of them being isolated in Stockholm, he denies it and says that they can take photos with who they want, when they want and how they want and they have been around town in Stockholm but that it was dead which probably is normal because it is Europe and everything is dead after 18.00-19.00 but it doesn't matter, they are not there for vacation but for playing a match and that people are just trying to paint a picture that they are isolated in their rooms with cuffs on.
      - He even says "The view you have on Iran is wrong, it is like you haven't had electricity here in Sweden for the last 10 years"
      - He is asked about his religion and background and he says "It is true that my background is armenian but I have a Persian passport and I was born in Iran and I just hope to give the armenians a good reputation and it gives me pleasure to represent my TM.
      - He says that he is religious, he reads the bible and that he respects all his teammates who are muslims and there is nothing special about that.
      - He talks about CQs exit and how they are very sad about his departure and how he has given the team a "personality" and how everything will fall apart when he leaves and TM will be a sinking ship.
      - He talks about the importance of CQ during WC when they didn't have many friendlies but how made that up by a lot of tactical meetings with the team, around 150 meetings and that they showed the world that get can be counted on on the world stage.
      - He describes the goal of Messi "Thats what Messi does, nothing you can do about it" and how Messi has that little extra nobody else has.
      - Asked about Zlatan vs. Messi he says "Zlatan is better at some and Messi better at some, nobody is good at everything"
      - Ando finished the interview with "My road to TM was not hard because I had God with me"

      Hope the translation is good enough for you guys, especially for my friends in Sweden, haha, enjoy!
      maa bachehaaye iroonim
      hamishe irooni mimoonim
      baa ham yeksedaa mikhoonim
      baa ham yek seda Iran Iran Iran


        Thanks for the translation. You gotta love Ando. I wish we had patriotic people like him in charge of our federations and the whole country.

