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Alireza Jahanbakhsh @ N.E.C. Nijmegen | 2014-2015

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    Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
    Better idea: Let's wait and judge the standing/table at the end of the season.
    Who cares, AJ is not staying anyways, he has plenty of offers


      AZ is going to buy right winger Bryan Linssen from Heracles Almelo, so say goodbye to JB in AZ as well.


        Alireza Jahanbakhsh @ N.E.C. Nijmegen | 2014-2015

        "Apparently the management of NEC is angry because Jahanbakhsh did not accept the Brighton offer since it would financially benefit them a lot.

        The fact that they can't sell him right now is frustrating because they want to build the squad for next season, according to the Gelderlander.

        The agent Hashemi is playing "hard to get" and told everyone that JB has offers from Germany, Top Eredivisie and so forth. Still, none of that category has made a legit offer. That while it is believed that Jahanbakhsh no longer wants to stay at NEC."

        Just got this from a member on the NEC forum.

        I have a bad feeling that this is taking too long and is not going to end well for both parties.


          Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
          "Apparently the management of NEC is angry because Jahanbakhsh did not accept the Brighton offer since it would financially benefit them a lot.

          The fact that they can't sell him right now is frustrating because they want to build the squad for next season, according to the Gelderlander.

          The agent Hashemi is playing "hard to get" and told everyone that JB has offers from Germany, Top Eredivisie and so forth. Still, none of that category has made a legit offer. That while it is believed that Jahanbakhsh no longer wants to stay at NEC."

          Just got this from a member on the NEC forum.

          I have a bad feeling that this is taking too long and is not going to end well for both parties.
          It's strange that Brighton was his only solid offer. There were no solid offers from even Bundesliga lower teams like Koln, or Bundesliga 2, or Liga Adelante, or lower La Liga teams like Elche, etc.

          Seriously nothing from any of those teams? Just one solid offer for this bright talent from England, Spain, and Germany? I find that hard to believe... It's really sad how if ARJ was from any other country, teams would be fighting over him due to his potential.


            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
            I have a bad feeling that this is taking too long and is not going to end well for both parties.
            I'm also sure he will stay, same goes for Azmoun, and that no others will come to Europe. As if TM doesnt torture our hearts enough, we also have to deal with this. Volleyball is giving me the strength I need during exams.


              Alireza Jahanbakhsh @ N.E.C. Nijmegen | 2014-2015

              Guys it made the Dutch news, biggest sport site Voetbalzone:


              This will end ugly as NEC is literally forcing Ali to go to Brighton for financial means!


                Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                I'm also sure he will stay, same goes for Azmoun, and that no others will come to Europe. As if TM doesnt torture our hearts enough, we also have to deal with this. Volleyball is giving me the strength I need during exams.
                Did you read the article bro? There is a conflict going on, no way JB is going to stay and leave for free next season.


                  Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                  Guys it made the Dutch news, biggest sport site Voetbalzone:


                  This will end ugly as NEC is literally forcing Ali to go to Brighton for financial means!
                  Lol, gaidan be his career.


                    Managemente NEC ghalat karde


                      Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                      Guys it made the Dutch news, biggest sport site Voetbalzone:


                      This will end ugly as NEC is literally forcing Ali to go to Brighton for financial means!
                      Well, Voetbalzone copies every rumour in the media.
                      We shouldn't make things bigger than they are.
                      If Jahanbakhsh leaves, NEC needs a new winger. NEC needs money and time for that. If Jahanbakhsh went to Brighton, NEC would have gotten the time and the money.
                      Jahanbakhsh said no to Brighton, because he believes he can find a better club, which sounds logical, when you hear what Hashemi is saying. NEC thinks that Hashemi is making the interest of other clubs bigger than it really is, which is usually what player's agents do. And therefore does NEC think that Jahanbakhsh made a decision based on stories, which NEC believer aren't realistic. NEC is probably just getting tired of Hashemi. Just some irritation; not more, not less.


                        Originally posted by Gijscoman View Post
                        Well, Voetbalzone copies every rumour in the media.
                        We shouldn't make things bigger than they are.
                        If Jahanbakhsh leaves, NEC needs a new winger. NEC needs money and time for that. If Jahanbakhsh went to Brighton, NEC would have gotten the time and the money.
                        Jahanbakhsh said no to Brighton, because he believes he can find a better club, which sounds logical, when you hear what Hashemi is saying. NEC thinks that Hashemi is making the interest of other clubs bigger than it really is, which is usually what player's agents do. And therefore does NEC think that Jahanbakhsh made a decision based on stories, which NEC believer aren't realistic. NEC is probably just getting tired of Hashemi. Just some irritation; not more, not less.
                        All that to one side I think its pretty disgusting to force a player which was loyal enough to stay at the club after they were relegated to go somewhere he doesn't want to go and which is not a good choice for his career because you want money.

                        I don't see that NEC has a right to be irritated in this situation. If anything they should be helping JB go where his career will benefit and he wants to go.


                          ی او:
                          سبک فوتبال دسته اول انگلیس متعلق به علیرضا نیست/ شرایط نوریچ مانند پرسپولیس است!
                          مدیربرنامه*های مهاجم تیم ملی فوتبال گفت: سبک فوتبال برایتون و لیگ دسته اول انگلیس، سبک فوتبالی نبود که متعلق به علی باشد.
                          خبرگزاری فارس: سبک فوتبال دسته اول انگلیس متعلق به علیرضا نیست/ شرایط نوریچ مانند پرسپولیس است!

                          امیر هاشمی*مقدم در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری فارس،* در مورد دلایل رد پیشنهاد برایتون توسط علیرضا جهانبخش گفت: اتفاقاً خیلی به توافق نزدیک شده بودیم و اول خودم و سپس با علی حتی به انگلیس هم رفتیم اما علی احتیاج به فکر کردن داشت چرا که باید تصمیم دشواری می*گرفت.

                          وی ادامه داد: لیگ دسته اول انگلیس با لیگ برتر این کشور تفاوت بسیاری دارد و از آنجایی که برایتون نیز عجله زیادی داشت تا پاسخ آنها را بدهیم پس از تماس آخر به مسئولان این باشگاه پاسخ منفی را دادند.

                          هاشمی*مقدم گفت: برایتون سرمایه*گذاری زیادی را برای حضور در سطح اول فوتبال انگلیس و سپس اروپا طی چند سال آینده انجام داده اما به واقع این مسئله مهم نیست، مهم این است که یک باشگاه خوب برای علی باشد. اصولاً در لیگ دسته اول فوتبال انگلیس، فوتبال با خشونت و درگیری همراه است، یک فوتبال فیزیکی در این لیگ جریان دارد در حالیکه علی باید در لیگی بازی کند که در کنارش و حتی روبرویش بازیکنان ملی کشورهای دیگر (بازیکنان بین*المللی) بازی کنند که این مسئله در لیگ دسته اول انگلیس کمتر اتفاق می*افتد.

                          مدیر برنامه*های جهانبخش با بیان اینکه از لحاظ کیفیتی فقط مربی بر روی بازیکن تأثیرگذار نخواهد بود و سایر شرایط از جمله حضور همبازیان بین*المللی نیز به رشد یک بازیکن کمک می*کند، افزود: در نهایت اینکه سبک فوتبال برایتون و لیگ دسته اول انگلیس، سبک فوتبالی نبود که متعلق به علی باشد، او پس از این پیشنهاد خیلی شک داشت و فکر زیادی هم کرد و ما نیز پس از مشورت*هایی که انجام دادیم و بررسی*های زیاد این پیشنهاد را رد کردیم چون باید به مسائل واقع*بینانه نگاه کرد.

                          **پیشنهاد دو میلیون یورویی به یک بازیکن لیگ دسته اولی هلند سابقه نداشت

                          هاشمی*مقدم در مورد پیشنهاد مالی برایتون به جهانبخش گفت: طبق ادعای سایت*های و مجلات معتبر ورزشی اروپا آنها فقط 2 میلیون یورو به نایمخن می*دادند و حتی در این مورد باشگاه*ها نیز با هم توافق کرده بودند و جالب است بگویم سابقه نداشته است برای یک بازیکن لیگ دسته اولی در هلند یک باشگاه بخواهد 2 میلیون یورو پول بدهد اما مسائل مالی مهم نبود و باید یک تصمیم درست می*گرفتیم.

                          وی ادامه داد: در حال حاضر دو ماه دیگر فرصت داریم و باید باشگاهی را انتخاب کنیم که علی بتواند در آن رشد کند و به واقع فقط رشد علی مهم است.

                          هاشمی*مقدم در پاسخ به این سؤال که بحث پیشنهاد نوریچ به کجا رسید، منتظر تماس این باشگاه هستیم و هنوز این باشگاه در بین گزینه*های ما قرار دارد البته شرایط نوریچ در حال حاضر مثل پرسپولیس است و این باشگاه نیز تغییرات ساختاری زیادی در این مدت اخیر داشته که در بین این تغییرات، تغییرات مدیریتی نیز وجود داشته و باید صبر کنیم این باشگاه ثبات لازم را پیدا کند.

                          **نوریچ همچنان بین گزینه*هاست؛ پیشنهاد آرسنال شایعه بود

                          وی افزود:* نوریچ می*تواند یکی از گزینه*ها باشد اما وقتی این گزینه می*تواند جدی باشد که پیشنهادش را به باشگاه نایمخن بدهد که البته چون مسائل مدیریتی این باشگاه تغییر کرده باید یک مقدار منتظر باشیم.

                          مدیر برنامه*های جهانبخش، مهاجم تیم ملی فوتبال ایران در مورد اینکه پیشنهاد آرسنال به کجا رسید، گفت: پیشنهاد این باشگاه شایعه است و در حال حاضر چنین بحثی وجود ندارد. البته باز هم تأکید می*کنم نزدیک دو ماه دیگر به پایان فصل نقل و انتقالات مانده و بسیاری از تیم*ها صبر می*کنند تا طی هفته*های آخر خریدهای خود را انجام دهند.

                          **عزت*اللهی باید در تیم لیگ برتری بازی کند

                          وی در مورد وضعیت سعید عزت*اللهی گفت: با سعید به صورت غیرمستقیم در ارتباط هستم اما او باید برای فصل آینده در یک باشگاه لیگ برتری در اروپا بازی کند، چرا که دیگر تیم*های دوم یا سوم اتلتیکومادرید به درد او نخواهد خورد.

                          انتهای پیام/ی


                            Originally posted by pres80 View Post
                            All that to one side I think its pretty disgusting to force a player which was loyal enough to stay at the club after they were relegated to go somewhere he doesn't want to go and which is not a good choice for his career because you want money.

                            I don't see that NEC has a right to be irritated in this situation. If anything they should be helping JB go where his career will benefit and he wants to go.
                            Well, forcing a player to go to a club is an exaggeration of the situation. NEC thought that JB would go to Brighton, but this didn't happen. This transfer would have been good for NEC, because it would give them the time and the money to reinvest. Now NEC doesn't know what the future will bring regarding Alireza and that's difficult with a player, that is worth almost the total amount of money that NEC has for players. This makes the situation difficult.

                            The reason for irriration is that Hashemi is talking about alleged interest by club, although these clubs haven't contacted NEC and NEC hasn't got any sort of proof that would support these claims. That's where the irritation comes from.

                            But this story is probably made bigger by the media than it truely is. Both Alireza and NEC will have forgotten this tomorrow, while we are still debating on this. It's just the media looking for sensation.


                              By the way, Lex Lammers, the journalist of De Gelderlander who brought this story, says that websites that copy the stories, like Voetbalzone for instance, have been "twisting words and raping the story."

                              So probably things have been taken out of their context.


                                Originally posted by pres80 View Post
                                All that to one side I think its pretty disgusting to force a player which was loyal enough to stay at the club after they were relegated to go somewhere he doesn't want to go and which is not a good choice for his career because you want money.

                                I don't see that NEC has a right to be irritated in this situation. If anything they should be helping JB go where his career will benefit and he wants to go.
                                Clubs are a business before a home. They are out to make profit and if they don't usually they don't survive. NEC management looks after the bottom line first, then the investors, then their jobs, then the fans, and lastly the players. Players are expendible assets plain and simple.

                                Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
                                Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan

