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TM Uhlsport World Cup Kits

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    Well in USD thats about $100...aren't most reputable sites (e.g., FIFA and others) retailing around $89??? PM me if you need a site with the red one in stock.
    Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan



        where is the best priced place to purchase an AUTHENTIC Red one For USA based customers..!??



            probably one of the most legit football sites I know.

            Edit: I don't think the us site sells the iran shirt though!


              This is real:



                All human sizes are sold out


         Legit site, located in USA..
                  Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                    Great, now that Soniq posted that awesome pic of the red one, I still don't know which one to get I'm just afraid the red is too flashy..


                      It's pretty easy to fall for a red fake one, here is how you can tell:

                      1. The uhlsport logo should NOT overlap those line patterns at any point, it should fit right in between like the pics i posted.
                      2. There should be 4 'columns' of those line patterns, look at the picture, the far left one is interrupted by the sleeve, so is the far right one. The middle left column is shorter length wise than the middle right one
                      3. Cheetah, just compare with original cheetah

                      Seems like alot of people love the red one, im not a big fan.

                      I think team melli is identified between Iranians (most importantly) with the white kit, its the colors of our flag and i think it really represents us well. The red while i like it and am tempted to buy it doesn't give me the Iranian feeling really.


                        Originally posted by Taz View Post
                        All human sizes are sold out
                        ahh man, they had some yesterday. Anyway just ordered the home in medium from there, might order the red one if they have it in stock.


                          ^^It would be cool if the white had the same design as the red, with those line patterns in red, and the neck- and sleeve end collors in green, like on the red shirt


                            Originally posted by soniq View Post
                            It's pretty easy to fall for a red fake one, here is how you can tell:

                            1. The uhlsport logo should NOT overlap those line patterns at any point, it should fit right in between like the pics i posted.
                            2. There should be 4 'columns' of those line patterns, look at the picture, the far left one is interrupted by the sleeve, so is the far right one. The middle left column is shorter length wise than the middle right one
                            3. Cheetah, just compare with original cheetah

                            Seems like alot of people love the red one, im not a big fan.

                            I think team melli is identified between Iranians (most importantly) with the white kit, its the colors of our flag and i think it really represents us well. The red while i like it and am tempted to buy it doesn't give me the Iranian feeling really.
                            My Kit collection is well established. One thing i have noticed is, finding a red kit has always been harder. Sold out almost everywhere you look, regardless of design or year...I think part of it has to do with the fact that manufacturers create many more white than red kits, so getting my hands on one, and taking my total red kits to a whopping 2 makes it worth while. I do wish our red kit, or even our white one had a collar though. We never seem to have a kit with a collar!

                            Question: Any chance we will see these new kits on display during our pre-wc matches?
                            Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                              guys SOCCER.COM screwed me

                              i ordered the white, they sent me RED!

                              any reliable site i can order from that can ship today?? i will sell this to a friend but i need to get a white one ASAP


                                Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                                guys SOCCER.COM screwed me

                                i ordered the white, they sent me RED!

                                any reliable site i can order from that can ship today?? i will sell this to a friend but i need to get a white one ASAP
                                whats quality like..?
                                how does the size run..?

