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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
    i think the best days of bahman tahmasebi are over.
    if i was a sepahan fan, i woulf prefer seyed salehi over tahmasebi.
    btw, i think nouri went to saba for his sarbazi duties??
    i only saw couple of games from tahmasebi from last season and he did very well against pp and ss.
    other than that I have no idea how he will do in Sepahan; hopefully better than seyed.

    about noori im not sure. i think that might be the case.



      Sepahan lost so much of their strength when Nouri left and now Salehi. They used to play Bahadorani, a very good DM, and have in front of him Nouri, and they had a very good right back I think his name is Meysam Soleimani. When they lost the services of Nouri and Soleimani they had to suffer in their midfield not being able to to deliver and feed their forwards. Now they have problems even with their forwards. Sepahan have to work more on their midfield and they have to use Bahadorani more, Papi as a right wing, Armando as a right back, Akbari as a left wing, and Lovenian as a left back.


        bachehe joke saleh 2009
        esteghlal mikhd ghahreman besheh
        vaaaaaay khoda mordaaaam az khandeeeeeeeeeeh
        ba 4 emteyaz radeh 17 esteghalal ghahreman misheh bezan be eftekhare ghaleh morghyyyyyyyyy bachehaaaaaaa mohkaaam tar bezaaaan
        fekonam ghareman oropaham besheh nazare shoma cheyeeee ?


          Karimi is recovering from his eye injury:

          ايران ورزشى - وضعيت چشم آسيب ديده مهاجم سپاهان رضايتبخش است. شبكيه چشم محمود كريمى به خوبى ترميم شده و تا دو هفته ديگر كار گذاشتن لنز در داخل چشم او انجام مى شود. اين وعده اى است كه پزشكان معالج به فوروارد سپاهان داده اند. اواخر هفته گذشته كريمى به تهران آمد تا معاينات نهايى روى چشمش انجام شود. روند بهبودى خيلى خوب بوده و پارگى شبكيه چشم چپ محمود كريمى به طور كامل ترميم شده است. به اين ترتيب مشكلى براى بيرون آوردن مايع داخلى چشم او وجود ندارد. دكتر شيربان پزشك سپاهان مى گويد: محمود كريمى دو هفته ديگر براى خارج كردن مايع از چشمش به تهران برمى گردد تا لنز جديدى داخل چشمش گذاشته شود.
          پزشكان از روند ترميم شبكيه خيلى راضى اند كه اين تصميم را گرفتند. محمود كريمى فعلا با نرم دويدن كار خودش را ادامه مى دهد تا پس از تشخيص و دستور پزشكان معالجش تمرينات بعدى را از سر بگيرد. اما از حالا نمى شود گفت كه زمان بازگشت كريمى به فوتبال كى خواهد بود.
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            this video is made by an iraqi.
            emad reza in world club championships

            and this one is the goal Emad scored against brazil in youth world cup where iraq lost 6-1.

            GRACIAS PEP


              Karimi (PP killer) will be back in 2 months.
              It seems like he can play for the team even before the half season ends if everything goes to plan.

              قاتل پرسپوليس 2 ماه ديگر باز ميگردد!

              مهاجم تیم فوتبالفولاد مبارکه سپاهان از رفع کامل مصدومیت خود و بازگشتش به میدان ظرف دو ماه آینده خبر داد.
              محمود کریمی در گفتگو ئی در مورد آخرین وضعیت مصدومیتش گفت: هفته گذشته به تهران آمدم و چند پزشک متخصص معاینات نهایی را روی چشم مصدومم انجام دادند و به من اعلام کردند مشکلم برطرف شده است و از 2 ماه دیگر می توانم در مسابقات مختلف، طلائی پوشان را همراهی کنم.
              وی در پاسخ به این سوال که آیا از ابتدای نیم فصل دوم در رقابت های لیگ برتر شرکت خواهد کرد؟، ادامه داد: می توانم پیش از پایان نیم فصل هم برای تیم به میدان بروم که این به نظر کادر فنی بستگی دارد. البته در حال حاضر از نظر بدنی با هیچ مشکلی مواجه نیستم و پس از حدود 30 روز تمرین اختصاصی می توانم در تمرینات گروهی تیم فولاد مبارکه سپاهان شرکت کنم.
              مهاجم این تیم کهن اصفهانی در مورد دیدارهای گذشته این تیم در رقابت های لیگ برتر خاطرنشان کرد: تیم ما عملکرد بسیار خوبی در مسابقات لیگ داشته است اما در این بازی ها با بدشانسی های مواجه شده و امتیازات ارزشمندی را از دست داده است. در مجموع مطمئنا فولاد مبارکه سپاهان در بازی های آینده این امتیازات را جبران می کند زیرا شخصیت قهرمانی در رقابت ها لیگ برتر را دارد.
              وی همچنین در مورد دیدار این هفته طلائی پوشان برابر ذوب آهن که دربی اصفهان است، افزود: ذوب آهن تیم خوبی است که از مربی با دانشی چون ابراهیم زاده سود می برد ولی ما در چند بازی اخیرمان برابر این تیم نتیجه نگرفتیم و در این مسابقه برای جبران نتایج قبلی و کسب پیروزی به میدان می رویم. همچنین با بدست آوردن امتیاز کامل این دیدار حساس به وضعیت خود سر و سامان بخشیم.
              کریمی در مورد حضور این تیم در رقابت های لیگ حرفه ای فوتبال آسیا گفت: هنوز که هیچ چیز مشخص نیست و حضورمان در آن رقابت ها به این موضوع بستگی دارد که مسئولان فدراسیون فوتبال تا چه اندازه بتوانند با حل مشکلات موجود در لیگ ایران خود را با معیارهای AFC تطبیق داده و در نهایت سهمیه تیم های ایران حاضر در این مسابقات را افزایش دهند.
              منبع: سایت باشگاه سپاهان
              گزارش پست خلاف پاسخ با نقل قول

              GRACIAS PEP


                I did not have a good feeling when Viera was sacked and this Firat guy was appointed. You don't substitute an Asian champion with an assistant coach!
                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                  ^ you are so right. If he was so good Daei would have kept him. Instead Daei got this other famous guy.


                    Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                    I did not have a good feeling when Viera was sacked and this Firat guy was appointed. You don't substitute an Asian champion with an assistant coach!
                    true. i also expressed my feeling before and after viera got sacked. Last season despite all the travels and how tired our players were we still managed to play good football and become champions(Sepahan is the real champs).
                    It's those stupid people's fault who protested against Viera to Saket to remove him.
                    I can just hope for the best in future, although take into account saipa and zob are sepahan's gorbe siyah.

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                      It's those stupid people's fault who protested against Viera to Saket to remove him.
                      You are right. Players' job is to play football in the field and the president of the club should not let them interfere in the coach selection.

                      After Sepahan's loss in the ACL final and Luka's comments about Karimi and the Brazilian forward, many players including Navidkia started interviewing against the coach who is arguably the most successful IPL coach in the recent years. Saket should have stopped everything at that point by disciplining or even dismissing one or two players.

                      I read an interview with Aghili a couple of months ago that he along with a few other players talked to Saket and asked for Viera's sack. He was happy that Saket had done what they wanted. IMO, it is not a good way to manage a football club.

                      When you hire a coach, you need to take your time and do extensive search to pick the right one. After that you need to give him full power and at least a year so that he can choose and hire a few of his favorite players and implement his ideas. Viera was brought during the mid season and was given a exhausted team full of injured players with a killer schedule of two games per week. Still, everybody expected a miracle from him.
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                        When you hire a coach, you need to take your time and do extensive search to pick the right one. After that you need to give him full power and at least a year so that he can choose and hire a few of his favorite players and implement his ideas. Viera was brought during the mid season and was given a exhausted team full of injured players with a killer schedule of two games per week. Still, everybody expected a miracle from him.
                        Viera actually did the miracle.
                        We wouldn't have gone out of group stages if we didn't lose those first 2 games which was when Viera just arrived.

                        IMO Luka and Viera were arguable the best IPL coaches present at their time, too bad we couldn't keep eighter of them.

                        btw look at this.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          I apologize to the Fans. It was my mistake. I don't know why the team played so poorly in the first 30 minutes but I will try and analyse this during the week brake.

                          انگين فيرات:
                          از هواداران عذرخواهي مي*كنم

                          سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان گفت: از بازي بدي كه مقابل ذوب آهن به نمايش گذاشتيم از هواداران عذر مي*خواهم و قول مي*دهم در بازي بعد مقابل فولاد خوزستان همه چيز را جبران كنم.
                          به گزارش خبرنگار ورزشي فارس از اصفهان، انگين فيرات شب گذشته پس از بازي مقابل تيم فوتبال ذوب آهن در جمع خبرنگاران افزود: مسئوليت اين شكست را بر گردن مي*گيرم ولي نمي*دانم چرا بازيكنانم به ويژه در 30 دقيقه ابتداي بازي اين چنين بد بازي كرد، در طول هفته سعي مي*كنم نقاط ضعف تيمم را پيدا و اصلاح كنم.
                          وي از اين بازي به عنوان يك تجربه جديد ياد كرد و افزود: اين هفته دومي بود كه تيمم رابه طور كامل در اختيار داشتم اما هنوز هم معتقدم در پايان فصل تيمم را در جايگاهي عالي در جدول قرار خواهم داد.
                          سرمربي آلماني تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان پيرامون احتمال اخراج شدنش از تيم گفت: من با باشگاه قرار داد دارم و اين قرار داد به هيچ وجه شوخي نيست.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Jorvan in Baghdad coaching the Iraqi NT again:

                            Previously known as "IraqiFootball"


                              ^^Good for Iraq. Bad For us as I believe Sepahan should have kept Viera, he did miracles with this team.

                              Also It seems like Emad Reza kicked the bottle of water and refused to sit when he was subbed out during Zobahan game. Firat didn't let him come to training and Emad said he cant work in the same team as Firat.
                              I don't like how he created this hashiye in the first place.
                              I hope it's just exagorration by media otherwise we're f*cked if Emad leaves now.

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                At the end of last season we all wanted Viera to leave, and some of us were happy with an assistant coach named Firat. Now things does not look good for Sepahan.

