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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
    What do you think of Zob Ahan's LB Derakhshanmehr? He's 18 and became a starter in the past weeks. I've only seen him against Perspolis and he had a decent game. Also, he gave a nice assist at today's game.
    He has been invited to the U19 NT as well.
    he looks promising. Is he in any of the youth teams going to the WC. It will be important to have players who have top flight experience at these tournaments and not just boys who have mainly played for youth teams


      This girl sneaked in the stadium today. Damesh garm.


        @kia, who's been playing well/bad for Sepahan this season? Also, has Hajsafi moved back to LB?


          Sepahan's unofficial Transfer list:

          -Pedro Henrique
          -Emad Mirjavan
          -Ali Helichi
          -Mohammad Roshandel

          - Tayyebi
          - Beyt Saeed
          - Zohaivi
          - M.Hassanzadeh
          - Ali Karimi
          - J.Abdi


            Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
            Sepahan's unofficial Transfer list:

            -Pedro Henrique
            -Emad Mirjavan
            -Ali Helichi
            -Mohammad Roshandel

            - Tayyebi
            - Beyt Saeed
            - Zohaivi
            - M.Hassanzadeh
            - Ali Karimi
            - J.Abdi
            I wish that Helichi stayed. RB position should definitely be reinforced tho so Jalal Abdi would be really nice. The rest of the list are great if they actually happen, Pedro Henrique should be the first player out, and although Hassanzadeh is not in form right now he is a level above him and could be a nice backup or rotation player. I hope for Beytsaeid/Zohaivi tho, looks like SS Khuzestan is self-destructing


              Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
              Sepahan's unofficial Transfer list:

              -Pedro Henrique
              -Emad Mirjavan
              -Ali Helichi
              -Mohammad Roshandel

              - Tayyebi
              - Beyt Saeed
              - Zohaivi
              - M.Hassanzadeh
              - Ali Karimi
              - J.Abdi
              No words of Sharifi? I thought his military service would have been finished by now!


                Originally posted by masoud nekounam View Post
                @kia, who's been playing well/bad for Sepahan this season? Also, has Hajsafi moved back to LB?
                Only Hajsafi & Coulibali & Taleb Rikani have been consistent. Behzadi KArimi was brilliant in a couple of games and so have Ali Mohammadi & Mehrdad Mohammadi but disappointing in others. Sohrabian did good in left back a couple of games but them got red carded and disappeared. Last few games minus the Eses game everybody was good.


                  Pedro Henrique out!

                  - Tayebbi will probably be our first signing.

                  SS Khuzestan falling apart right before ACL.


                    Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
                    SS Khuzestan falling apart right before ACL.
                    That was very smart by all the parties involved?!

                    In the ACL they don't only represent themselves but the whole country!


                      Originally posted by Sly View Post
                      No words of Sharifi? I thought his military service would have been finished by now!
                      Sharifi's military service should be over by next year. He left during the winter transfer window last season. If I'm not mistaken i think he has to play 1.5 years for Teraktor to finish his service. Hopefully he returns for next season.


                        Originally posted by Sly View Post
                        That was very smart by all the parties involved?!
                        In the ACL they don't only represent themselves but the whole country!
                        I wish the number of teams was 2+1 so this type of lesser teams had less chance to ruin our reputation. Or we had some sort of rules to prevent the teams that not pay their players in competing in ACL even if that means preventing SS, Persepolis, Sepahan, Zob, Foolad or Tractor.


                          Sepahan sign Jalal Abdi. Hopefully this can resolve our right back situation.


                            That's a decent signing he's one of the better right backs in the league


                              Official Transfer list after Naft Game:

                              - M.Hassanzadeh
                              - A.Karimi
                              - M.Tayebbi
                              - H. Beyt Saeed

                              - Pedro
                              - Mirjavan

                              I don't even care right now though. That loss stung so much I'm going to be crying in a hole for the next week.


                                Only positive from todays game was that A.Gholami played his heart out and had his best game. He might have just even been our best player.

