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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    what bothers me is GN won his second league trophy BECAUSE foolad took their last (irrelevant & a formality) game against Zob-ahan seriously and played with force, not wanting to aid or deny any other team of any extra chance.

    this was an honorable thing to do. and GN was forced to speak about it and thank foolad & Jalali for staying true to the spirit of fairplay and beating Zob-ahan (when all zob needed to become the champs was a DRAW!!! I really wish foolad had done what GN did this year. and lets not forget the same supposed "grateful" GN lashed out at Jalali this season, and called him ... you all know GN's vocabulary and speech)

    but when tables were turned, GN suddenly forgot about "honor, fairness, fairplay, ..." and with a half-assed team who really didnt even try to put up a fight. this gave unfair advantage to saipa, who were in danger of relegation along with 6 others.
    and eventually poor Paas had to be relegated !

    so my question is to Mr. GN; is THIS the honor you were talking? is this the "Fairplay" you spoke about?
    how is it that you enjoy receiving it and be the beneficiary of it. but when it comes to extending it, you fall short .... miserably short?

    another black mark against GN

    I truly wish foolad had thrown the game against Zob and Zob had won that league


      TBH It was Zob's biorzegi and disbelief that led them lose 4-1 to Foolad last matchday. Foolad played their own game, Zob all of sudden looked nervous and missed chanes, cant blame anyone but themselves.
      DD, knowing Sepahan have a game coming up in ACL, any coach would have used a weakened side days prior to the game. You can't expect a full team with 100% effort to win the game just to "be fair" for other teams!



        Good job Sepahan, what a good win! We are now in the ACL QF's for the second time in four years. Hopefully, we can go all the way this time

        It will extremely difficult and we will surely need some luck with the draws and during the games especially with so many good team in the competition from Korea and Japan.

        Tomorrow is Zobahan's turn to put Al Nasr into Ghooti!
        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          what bothers me is GN won his second league trophy BECAUSE foolad took their last (irrelevant & a formality) game against Zob-ahan seriously and played with force, not wanting to aid or deny any other team of any extra chance.
          The double standard you're portraying aside, the above is a misleading summation of that year. If anything Esteghlal had led that entire year and were favourites to win bar a spell just before the end of the season where they had a few injuries, dropped points and let Zob Ahan get the chance to win the IPL. Esteghlal were trouncing teams left and right whilst Zob was eking out results. In the end, the better team won, just.

          IIRC the matter about Foolad was hoping that Jalali played Foolad as hard against Zob Ahan as they did against Esteghlal (which was also irrelevant and a formality)- because it was in week 32 (where Esteghlal drew Foolad) that the Blues lost the lead. Then against Saipa where we conceded a 92nd goal in round 32 we fell 3 points behind; needing to win the last game and for Zob to lose. As aforesaid, Esteghlal won just, on goal difference, but which was 20+ superior to Zob's.
          Last edited by kaz; 05-24-2011, 12:50 PM.


            Originally posted by kaz View Post
            Esteghlal were trouncing teams left and right whilst Zob was eking out results. In the end, the better team won, just.
            It is your your opinion. Esteghlal played 70% of their games in Azadi and in front of loud fans which is a big favor in football. Still, Zob managed to be three points above them just one week before the end of the season. So IMO it is not as trivial as you think. Besides, the two teams performance in the ACL the following season does not prove your point.
            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              now they can focus on hazfi cup.
              IRI = FAILED


                Suzuki is the head of the AFC team that have traveled to Iran to evaluate PGL. His report will be crucial in our number of representatives in the future ACL seasons. He says "I can say with complete certainty that Sepahan can be a very good example for the other Iranians clubs to follow in the path to professionalism"

                سوزوكي: سپاهان الگويي مطلوب براي باشگاه*هاي ايراني است

                رئيس هيات نمايندگان کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا گفت: سپاهان بزرگ*ترين باشگاه ايراني است که به خوبي گام*هاي بلندي را در مسير حرفه*اي شدن برداشته است.

                توکاتا سوزوکي در گفت و گويي با پايگاه خبري سپاهان اظهار داشت: از همه باشگاه هاي ايراني که بهترين همکاري را با ما داشته اند سپاسگزاري مي کنم و خوشحالم که فوتبال ايران به خوبي در مسير رشد و پيشرفت گام بر داشته است.

                مدير بخش مسابقات اي اف سي با اشاره به بازديد خود از باشگاه سپاهان گفت: سپاهان از زير ساخت ها و امکانات و شرايط بسيار خوبي در همه حوزه ها بهره مند است. همچنين اين باشگاه در حوزه رسانه، بازاريابي و در آمدزايي، فروش اينترنتي، کانون هواداران و ساير مسائل مورد نظر کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا خيزهاي بلندي را برداشته و به موفقيت هاي چشمگيري دراين حوزه ها دست پيدا کرده است و با اطمينان مي توانم بگويم که اين باشگاه براي ساير باشگاه هاي ايراني مي تواند الگويي مثال زدني و نمونه باشد.
                وي ادامه داد: مدير عامل باشگاه سپاهان امروز در گزارش خود به هيات نمايندگان اي اف سي اعلام کردند که مديريت تکميل ورزشگاه نقش جهان به اصفهان واگذار شده و با اين واگذاري مي توان اميدوار به ساخت هر چه سريع تر اين ورزشگاه بزرگ در اصفهان شد. ما نيز مايل و اميدواريم تا هر چه زودتر باشگاه سپاهان و شهر اصفهان بتواند از وجود اين ورزشگاه بهره مند شود.

                سوزوکي در قسمتي ديگر از صحبت هايش با اشاره به هواداران ايراني گفت: باشگاه سپاهان به همراه چند باشگاه ديگر ايراني هواداران زيادي دارد و در حوزه کانون هواداران و سازماندهي هواداران خود اقدامات قابل توجهي داشته است ، من اميدوارم ساير باشگاه هاي ايراني نيز به اين مسئله مهم (تشکيل و سازماندهي کانون هواداران) توجه و عنايت ويژه اي داشته باشند. هواداران فوتبال ايران با شور و شکوه شان از نگاه اي اف سي در جايگاه بالا و منحصر به فردي قرار دارند و لازم است تا همه باشگاه ها براي توجه و سازماندهي هواداران شان تلاش زيادي داشته باشند.

                وي در پايان گفت : لازم مي دانم تا قهرماني سپاهان را در رقابت هاي ليگ برتر ايران به همه مسئولان اين باشگاه و هوادارانش تبريک گويم و اميدوارم که اين تيم هم در ليگ قهرمانان آسيا و هم در رقابت هاي حذفي ايران نيز موفق و پيروز به مراحل نهايي اين رقابت ها راه پيدا کند.

                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                  Jamshidian is back from Germany, he still cannot play for Sepahan though.
                  2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                    Congratzzzz We are in top 8 of Asia!
                    What a shame Toure got himself a red card. As stupid as he is, still the main guy upfront contributes a lot to our goals, main treat in the air.
                    next opponent will be obviously more difficult being a Japanese/Korean teams and without Toure is going to be harder
                    BTW Quarter-finals are a single game or home and away?

                    GRACIAS PEP



                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                        Congratzzzz We are in top 8 of Asia!
                        What a shame Toure got himself a red card. As stupid as he is, still the main guy upfront contributes a lot to our goals, main treat in the air.
                        next opponent will be obviously more difficult being a Japanese/Korean teams and without Toure is going to be harder
                        BTW Quarter-finals are a single game or home and away?
                        QF and SF home and away, but F and 1/16 Final only a single game.

                        Also I agree, the QF game will be very difficult, not comparable to Bonyadkor game at all!
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Thank you Sepahan, Thank you Zob. We are proud of you both.

                          For the first time in our football, 25% of the ACL QF is Iranian and from Esfahan
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Dont know how valid this piece of news is, but it says GN has reached an agreement with Teraktorsazi for next season!!!

                            Eh I just checked its from 14 ordibehesht to couple of weeks old news, but it was on their front page. Hope its not the case, he should be man enough to continue in ACL.

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              ^ Don't worry Shayan jan, I think QN is even more interested in staying in Sepahan than Sepahan is interested in renewing his contract.

                              GN has tried 4 times and has failed in Asia with Esteghlal, TM and Sepahan. He has been labeled with "traditional coach" because of his unsuccessful experiences outside Iran. He is desperate to prove the critics wrong and he knows that this season is his best chance to do it with Sepahan. I am 99.99% sure he will stay with Sepahan for one more season as both sides seem to be eager to sign the new contract.
                              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                                Guys I wonder if you have a link to the full match between Zob Ahan and Al Nasr.

