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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Armando Sa has been absent in the training after Charkhabi's appointment.
    Charkhabi doesn't like his attitude for acting like that in the Mes game when he was substituted.
    I hope this is just a temporary punishment and nothing long term because Armando is way too good to be left out, Jafari can't do what Armando Sa does.

    آرماندو، هافبك برزيلي تيم سپاهان از تمرينات اين تيم كنار گذاشته شد.
    به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا) - منطقه*ي اصفهان، آرماندو هافبك سپاهان كه در ديدار با مس كرمان به علت پرخاش به "حسين چرخابي" توسط اين مربي از زمين بازي بيرون كشيده شد، به صلاحديد مربي موقت سپاهاني*ها، از حضور در تمرينات نيز منع شد. اين تصميم چرخابي طي مشورت با مديران باشگاه اتخاذ شده است.
    حسين چرخابي در گفت*وگو با خبرگزاري ايسنا با تاييد اين خبر گفت: باشگاه از من خواسته است كه تمرينات سپاهان را در اين چند روز نيز برگزار كنم و در بازي روز دوشنبه برابر پيام مشهد نيز برروي نيمكت بنشينم.
    جلسه صبح هيات مديره باشگاه به علت به نتيجه نرسيدن عصر امروز ادامه مي*يابد.
    رسول كربكندي، حميد استيلي دو گزينه سپاهان براي هدايت اين تيم هستند



      Aghili out for 2-3 months!!??
      something wrong with his knee and he thinks he need surgery.
      He may be out for the UAE game.



        ^ Cheghadr sepahan bad shansi miaare, taaze khosh haal boodim ke Navidkia bargashte be tamrin!
        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
          ^ Cheghadr sepahan bad shansi miaare, taaze khosh haal boodim ke Navidkia bargashte be tamrin!

          Its fcking unlucky as hell.
          Sepahan will Get "The Unluckiest Team of The Season 08/09" Award.

          But one thing that got my hopes on track was the good performance of Karimian in place of Aghili against Mes. I hope we don't feel Aghili's absence much.

          GRACIAS PEP


            Aghili will undergo a surgery :

            در پي مصدوميت از يك ماه قبل

            عقيلي چهارشنبه يا شنبه تحت عمل جراحي قرار مي*گيرد

            خبرگزاري فارس: مدافع تيم ملي فوتبال ايران به دليل پاره گي مينيسك پا بايد تحت عمل جراحي قرار گيرد.

            به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، هادي عقيلي به دليل مصدوميت شديد از ناحيه مينيسك پا بايد تحت عمل جراحي قرار گيرد.
            بازيكن سپاهان قرار است چهارشنبه هفته جاري يا شنبه هفته آينده در تهران تحت عمل جراحي قرار گيرد.
            اين بازيكن ملي پوش از يك ماه قبل به اين مصدوميت دچار شده؛ اما در اين مدت با آمپول بازي ها خود را انجام مي داده و به دليل همين فشار با پاره گي مينيسك پا دچار شده است.
            به گفته پزشك عقيلي، اين مدافع با اين عمل جراحي تا دوماه قادر به تمرين نيست.
            WE NEVER FORGET


              I know we'll miss him badly but I'm kind of happy for him to get some rest, he's been playing continuously for Sepahan and TM for quiet some time now.
              I hope he has a strong return.

              Azizadeh, Benagr and Karimian will fill his CB position.

              GRACIAS PEP


                Is Karimian a sweeper or a central defender ?


                  Originally posted by sorkh View Post
                  Is Karimian a sweeper or a central defender ?
                  Sweeper is a kind of CB, If a player has played in CB he can play as sweeper too.
                  BTW sweeper mostly used in 3_5_2 system initially and then in Italian famous defense system in 80' in which they played 4_4_2.
                  Sweeper by its initial use and mean is abolished nowadays and in modern football mostly golie has the responsibility of sweeper.
                  Sepahan doesnt have sweeper by that means and they play 4_2_3_1 I guess in which Bengar and Aghili are CB.
                  WE NEVER FORGET


                    Mehdi karimian is a CB, Him and Azizadeh played as the 2 CBs against Mes.

                    so the defense looked like this.


                    He basically replace Aghili.
                    I actually like him because he is a faster defender than Aghili and he played very well against Mes.

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                      Mehdi karimian is a CB, Him and Azizadeh played as the 2 CBs against Mes.

                      so the defense looked like this.

                      So what about Bengar? is he injured too?
                      WE NEVER FORGET


                        ^ yes he is


                          Bengar was injured too against Mes.
                          I think he'll miss the next game as well.
                          But his injury is not too bad like Aghili's.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                            Bengar was injured too against Mes.
                            I think he'll miss the next game as well.
                            But his injury is not too bad like Aghili's.
                            How long is Aghili out for? Will he make the UAE game?


                              this new coach also seems to be a small name for Sepahan. I hope he does well, but I have my doubt.
                              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                                Originally posted by 021 View Post
                                How long is Aghili out for? Will he make the UAE game?
                                i said it in the other post before.
                                He will surely miss the UAE game.
                                He will be out for 2 months at least.

                                GRACIAS PEP

