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    Originally posted by kia View Post
    When I saw Bengar in the lineup I said this Firat clown is going to bring us down again. It was obvious that Bengar wasn't ready and what was up with benching Armando? The Hajsafi-Tahmasebi sub was the worst I have seen. He brought out the player that every attack started with him. After Hajsafi was subbed out the team just went flat. Its interesting that Saket keeps this clown even after we concede 7 goals in 2 games. I saw Paykan-Es game and couldn't believe we conceded 4 goals in Isfahan to this team. The team can't afford to keep Firat especially for the ACL. If he gets out-coached by Ghotbi what do you think he will do against top J-Leauge teams & Arab teams.
    I never liked German coaches in general. This guy Firat in no different. I wounder why Daei got rid of him. Saket has to act fast and get rid of him too. Believe me Ebrahimzadeh would have down much better than him.


      پورسينا: به دنبال جايگزين فيرات در سپاهان هستيم

      خبرگزاري فارس: مديرعامل فولاد مباركه سپاهان گفت: با اخراج سرمربي آلماني به فكر يك جايگزين خوب ايراني هستيم.

      به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، پورسينا درباره آخرين تصميم مسئولان باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان براي ماندن يا نماندن انگين فيرات در تيم اصفهاني عنوان كرد:* به هر حال در هفته*هاي گذشته تيم سپاهان نتايج ضعيفي را در مسابقات ليگ برتر ايران به دست آورده است و ما براي آنكه بتوانيم خواسته* هواداران را برآورده كنيم جلسه*اي را تشكيل داديم و با توجه به آخرين تصميمات اتخاذ شده نظر كلي ما براي بركناري فيرات مثبت بود.
      وي ادامه داد: به هر حال در صورت اخراج فيرات بايد ضرر و زيان مبلغ قرارداد را بپردازيم به همين دليل ما صبر مي*كنيم تا اينكه يك گزينه*اي انتخاب شود كه بتواند نتايج خوبي را در ادامه مسابقات كسب كند.
      پورسينا خاطرنشان كرد:* محمدرضا ساكت مديرعامل باشگاه در سمينار AFC و در كشور مالزي است بنابراين بهتر است كه صبر كنيم تا وي به كشور بازگشته و در اين مورد تصميم*گيري نهايي را بكنيم.
      وي درباره حضور فيرات روي نيمكت مربيگري سپاهان در ديدار بعدي اين تيم برابر مس كرمان گفت:* به هر حال در شرايط فعلي ما در مورد گزينه*هاي داخلي به جمع*بندي نهايي نرسيده*ايم. شايد ساكت براي جذب يك مربي بهتر مذاكراتي را با برخي مربيان انجام داده پس منطقي است تا زمان بازگشت وي صبر كنيم.
      پورسينا تأكيد كرد:* با توجه به اينكه ما در اواسط مسابقات ليگ برتر قرار داريم بنابراين گزينه خارجي نمي*تواند كمك*حال سپاهان باشد و تمركز اصلي ما روي مربيان داخلي است تا يك نفر از آنها جايگزين فيرات شود.


        Estili maybe the new sepahan coach
        read the part on left


          Estili would be worse than Firat. If they want to stick to vatani coaches just for the time being I would go with one of the following 4 not in any particular order:
          Charkhabi (Did great with Novin. Took them from 2nd League to 1st to IPL in 2 Years. Has been on the bench hence knows the players)

          Korbekandi (has been a head coach for a long time and has some sepahan connection)

          Dr Z (Did a great job with Zob last year and was comfortable in Isfahan)

          Karim ghanbari (Luca must have seen something in him to take him to UAE)


            sepahan is the ONLY team in Iran that needs a good foreign coach, i say their best bet is to get osim!
            Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
            [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
            Villa + Messi =


              sepahan head of board tonight was on navad and said that given the current situation, they wont be hiring a foreigner and are looking for iranian coaches which means firat is on his way out..
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                sepahan head of board tonight was on navad and said that given the current situation, they wont be hiring a foreigner and are looking for iranian coaches which means firat is on his way out..
                Firat will return and work with Ali Daei in Team Melli.


                  Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                  sepahan head of board tonight was on navad and said that given the current situation, they wont be hiring a foreigner and are looking for iranian coaches which means firat is on his way out..
                  bad news for sepahan since they are good with foreign coaches, if i was saket i would do everything inmy power to bring back bonacic!!
                  Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                  [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                  Villa + Messi =


                    Originally posted by amir-abadi View Post
                    bad news for sepahan since they are good with foreign coaches, if i was saket i would do everything inmy power to bring back bonacic!!

                    any new coach will need time to produce result.
                    they should support firat and give him more time
                    before thinking about changing the coach.
                    they did the same with viera and he was a good coach.


                      ^ Seven goals in 2 games is unbelivable, its an indication that this guy is way off. Viera never had this kind of probelm.


                        Originally posted by kia View Post
                        When I saw Bengar in the lineup I said this Firat clown is going to bring us down again. It was obvious that Bengar wasn't ready and what was up with benching Armando? The Hajsafi-Tahmasebi sub was the worst I have seen. He brought out the player that every attack started with him. After Hajsafi was subbed out the team just went flat. Its interesting that Saket keeps this clown even after we concede 7 goals in 2 games. I saw Paykan-Es game and couldn't believe we conceded 4 goals in Isfahan to this team. The team can't afford to keep Firat especially for the ACL. If he gets out-coached by Ghotbi what do you think he will do against top J-Leauge teams & Arab teams.
                        Firat has been horrible I agree. No one expected Sepahan to be in the 10th position with this squad.
                        We'll have no chance in ACl with Firat. I'm happy he's going.
                        Originally posted by kia View Post
                        Estili would be worse than Firat. If they want to stick to vatani coaches just for the time being I would go with one of the following 4 not in any particular order:
                        Charkhabi (Did great with Novin. Took them from 2nd League to 1st to IPL in 2 Years. Has been on the bench hence knows the players)
                        Korbekandi (has been a head coach for a long time and has some sepahan connection)
                        Dr Z (Did a great job with Zob last year and was comfortable in Isfahan)
                        Karim ghanbari (Luca must have seen something in him to take him to UAE)
                        Korbekandi and Charkhabi are probably the more likely candidates for the job.
                        Originally posted by amir-abadi View Post
                        bad news for sepahan since they are good with foreign coaches, if i was saket i would do everything inmy power to bring back bonacic!!
                        amirabadi jan, I believe an iranian coach will replace Firat only for a temporary time, till Saket gets into negotiation with a powerful foreign coach.
                        But who knows If the replacement gets good results then He would most likely remain.

                        btw bringing Estili is another mistake. He too has not much experience at coaching, nothing in asia.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          I got the feeling that Engin Firat was selling the match during the last 3 or 4 games. He has Lovenian, the best left back in Iran in my opinion, and he used Akbari who's not meant for defensive duties, as a full back. Lovenian and Akbari should be together as a left full back and a left wing. He used almost the same line up in all games and had almost the same substitutions. Even though he lost and played badly recently, he did not make a change, which means he has no other thoughts and plans.

                          Firat is suffering the same problem that Viera suffered before his departure, which is the absence of attacking midfielders and a key striker, Mahmoud Karimi. Sepahan let Seyed Salehi go to play for Peykan and that was another blow. They have brought new players whom have shown lack of competence and they are no where close to Karimi and Navidkia. Sepahan officials have had so many bad calls since the ACL final.


                            I played with pain during the PP match.
                            I told Firat I have pain before the match but he insisted that I play and help the team.((Firat Khengish Inja ham Malom mishe))

                            با درد مقابل پرسپوليس بازى كردم
                            پرسپوليس شكست مقابل سپاهان را با فشار و حمله فراوان به برد شيرين تبديل كرد و دفاع سپاهان ۳ بار مغلوب پرسپوليسى ها شد. با محسن بنگر مدافع تيم سپاهان همصحبت شديم كه مى خوانيد:
                            • آيا با اين شكست كار سپاهان در ادامه ليگ سخت نشد؟
                            - سپاهان يك تيم بزرگ است و هر تيمى ممكن است در دوره اى دچار مشكل شود. شما نگاه كنيد سپاهان در مقابل پرسپوليس با ۲ گل پيش بود و اگر ما كمى بيشتر دقت مى كرديم حداقل در اين ميدان بازنده نبوديم.
                            • گفته مى شود شما با مصدوميت مقابل پرسپوليس بازى مى كرديد؟
                            - بله، من قبل از بازى هم به فيرات گفتم كه هنوز كاملاً خوب نشده ام و ممكن است نتوانم در اين بازى درست وظيفه ام را انجام دهم اما فيرات گفت برو و با كمك بقيه مدافعان قطعاً در مقابل پرسپوليس برنده خواهيم شد. البته من به او حق مى دهم. من جز در صحنه اى كه باقرى روى سرم پريد خوب كار كردم و فكر مى كنم ما اگر در حملات بيشتر دقت مى كرديم و بعد از به ثمر رساندن گل دوم به دفاع روى نمى آورديم مى توانستيم اشتباهات خط دفاع را جبران كنيم.
                            • آيا با بركنارى فيرات موافق هستيد؟
                            - من در اين مورد نظرى ندارم. او مربى خوبى است و فكر مى كنم اگر كمى هواداران ما صبور باشند با توجه به بازگشت محرم و كريمى وضعيت سپاهان بهتر مى شود اما در هر حال اين موضوع بايد در هيأت مديره بررسى شود و آنها بايد در مورد فيرات تصميم بگيرند.
                            • در مورد بازى با مس كرمان صحبت كن.
                            - ما مقابل مس روز آسانى نخواهيم داشت. الان وضعيت سپاهان طورى شده كه همه دوست دارند از ما امتياز بگيرند و اين در حالى است كه سپاهان يكى از بهترين تيم هاى ليگ است، اگر كمى بيشتر دقت كنيم مى توانيم به راحتى پيروز شويم و مقابل مس سعى مى كنيم قدرت سپاهان را به فوتبال ايران يادآورى كنيم.
                            ابرار ورزشی

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                              I played with pain during the PP match.
                              Bengar means pain from k00nsozi...
                              Its not such a bad pain, he will be able to play next week dw Shayan...


                                Firat is gone:

                                فيرات بركنار شد؛ استيلي مهمترين گزينه سپاهان
                                هدايت تيم بر عهده من و چرخابي است

                                سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
                                8708-03356: كد خبر

                                خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
                                سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

                                پس از نتايج اخير تيم فوتبال فولاد مباركه*ي سپاهان انگين فيرات از سمت خود بركنار شد.

                                مجيد بصيرت سرپرست تيم فوتبال سپاهان در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشي خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، اظهار كرد: پس از نتايجي كه كسب شد، باشگاه سپاهان تصميم گرفت فيرات را از سمت خود بركنار كند و تا انتخاب سرمربي جديد تمرينات تيم زيرنظر من و چرخابي انجام خواهد شد.

                                در حالي كه گفته مي*شود حميد استيلي مهمترين گزينه براي سرمربي*گري تيم سپاهان است، بصيرت با اشاره به تصميمات هيات مديره باشگاه در اين باره گفت: هنوز سرمربي جديد انتخاب نشده و باشگاه بر روي گزينه*ي خاصي به جمع*بندي نرسيده است بنابراين تا انتخاب سرمربي جديد چرخابي و من هدايت تيم را برعهده خواهيم داشت.

                                WE NEVER FORGET

