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Lebanon - iran (wcq) - 9/11/12

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    Lebanon - iran (wcq) - 9/11/12


    Doc, I have said this before here on the forums... We have been giving CQ too much of an automatic approval. What he has been doing with the team still leaves a lot to be desired. I hope people now start to pay attention because without their criticisms, the progress will be non-existant.


      It's time for CQ  architect of failure to go.
      Bring Back GN.


        SECOND HALF;

        CQ has a lot to answer for: wasting 45 precious minutes on that useless girl (when he had actually dropped the girl originally) and more on shojaei who has been very ineffectual and slow, even karimi hasn’t been himself.

        Then again their keeper has saved at least 3 100% goals. So those who gush over rahmati as “best keeper of asia” need to look at this guy who not only blocked some deadly shots and headers, but also came out of the box and even his 6 yard line on many occasions to deflect and punch the ball away. Something that rahmati fails to do even within his 6 yard line!!!

        Bottomline is if we are paying through our nose for an int’l coach, we better see at least a fraction of improvement from the team. CQ has failed miserably in this.
        But it’s not all CQ. It’s the players too. The players never really showed any urgency until the last 3 minutes of the game. The problem is we (the entire system) have made our players into primadonnas and cuddled them and fed them so much that they have lost all hunger and gheyrat in the process.

        Reminds me of those old stories where a kid is tended to, fed and fed well so he becomes so lazy and fat that he is not able to run away from a witch. We have done the same to all our players. Feed them with hefty, undeserving billions of toomans and cuddle them and worship them no matter how they screw up and we expect a different result?

        It is natural that we get a bunch of lazy, spoilt and bi-gheyrat players who may look sad today, but will go back to their old self, asking for more money and expecting adoration of fans!
        a great example for this is what's happened to rahmati.

        I'm sure we all remember how he used to save our arses, preventing several 100% goal opportunities (much like the lebanese keeper today) during daei's tenure.

        then came that outrageous and illogical, unsubstantiated flood of money into football and he was the record setter in transfer fees and salaries for 3 continuous seasons. with a fixed spot GUARANTEED for him at TM, given all that undeserved money and adoration, he obviously became complacent.
        so poor he has become that we shake with fear whenever there is a cross into the box by just about ANY opponent (weak or strong)!!!


          1) the goal was more our defenders fault who couldnt cover their player rather than rahmati...

          rahmati cant do anything if our defender marking their player is not jumping to clear the ball!

          2) ansarifard once again misses a tap in :|

          3) we have no creativity, we cant create chances!

          4) our ball movement is extremely slow, one touch passes are either missing or inaccurate.

          5) karimi + shojaei + khalatbari + ansarifard + ghazi couldnt do half of wat nekounam did in creating chances. nekounam had one excellent shot on goal which GK punched to corner, and he also headed a ball narrowly by the post. (i only saw until 65th 70th min cos the channel lost its link after that)

          6) missing jabbari, ando, khosro, dejagah affected our game but im not sure how much better would we be with them??
          Last edited by yashar_fasihnia; 09-11-2012, 09:43 AM.
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            in a fair world, IFF or whoever that rules our football should punish all these players and coaching staff.
            given these players are all money-whores and they value money more than the pride of wearing their national jersey, I'd say they be taxed heavily on all their income and with a short deadline to ensure delivery.

            this fiasco of spoilt rotten footballers is even more pronounced after Olympians' show and then our dear dear Volleyball heroes' magnificent show.

            as expected, a month after the olympics, nobody is bothered that a dainty little girl like ansarifard makes 1.3 billion toomans in transfer fees, but turns out absolutely zilch on the pitch ... while most of us have even forgotten the poor vegetable seller who was denied his Olympic medal!!!


            now, back to my pet peev:
            how much worse would the team do if we had a younger, more energetic midfield?
            I mean if we keep the "names" aside, how much worse we could have performed? can this midfield get any worse than what it's shown in the past few months (not just this game)?

            digeh az siahi ke balatar nist.
            at best the youngsters will not be able to turn a match around. so what? isnt that exactly what's been happening with all these "super-star seniors" and names and legionnaires? so the absolute WORST you can do if you brought in a couple of youngsters is ... GET THE SAME FREAKING RESULTS THAT YOU'RE GETTING ANYWAY.

            but the youngsters are HUNGRY and EAGER to impress. that means they will not just walk around the pitch for 90 miutes thinking they play in la liga or they are adored by 16 different newspapers or ... so they dont really have to run hard enough to get a nose bleed!
            at least we'd get more energy, urgency and movement.

            speaking of "legionnaires: what the F**K was that screwed up substitution of taking out khalatbari and keeping shojaei in?
            when will we be rid of this "name-based" handling of TM affairs?


              now, am I saying CQ shd be fired?
              No. I still think this campaign is salvageable. we can spank these lebanese in tehran and get to 7 points. and if we play our cards right against korea (get 2 draws) and uzbeks (get a draw at least), I think we can beat qatar and qualify as second team.
              yes, it is misery as this qualification actually shdnt have been this difficult to begin with.

              But all this means CQ gets his shit together.
              1- NO MORE name based selection.
              shojaei or X or Y could play for freaking barcelona for all I care. I dont give a damn. as long as he plays like this for TM, he parks his arse on the bench.
              same thing goes for ALL the names, no matter how popular they are.
              For example, Nekounam redeemed himself and his recent poor performances. But even he shd be subbed out if he reverts to his recent poor displays.
              same thing goes for karimi and ... etc etc

              2- no more ansarifard starting. unless he scores 25 goals in each practice session, and gets to bump off at least 3 players with his dainty shoulders. bring little school children. I dont care. I want to see him go shoulder to shoulder with a human being (even if he is a she and is all of 3 feet 4 inches tall) at least 2-3 times per practice session

              3- rahmati gets on notice. any ... ANY ball in 6 yards shd be his. any ball missed, he shd be punished (for ppl like him losing 10 million for each miss shd be harsh enough a lesson)

              4- if the team doesnt take at least 10 shots on target from range during practice games, they will stay on the pitch even up to mid-freaking-night, or past it, till they get all 10 shots on target.

              5- and one more rule; when playing an arab team, do whatever you can to score in the first 25-30 minutes. change tactics r whatever it takes. but your usual cautious start and period of "assessment" is that much time wasted and that much pressure added to the stressful final minutes.
              we MUST go for the goal from the minute 1. this insistence on "40 minutes of assessment" is just mind boggling. watching some other asian teams make me wonder are they living in a different dimension that allows them to attack from minute 1, or are we getting our strategies wrong?

              6- and finally, Mr. international coach of whatever madrid, GET YOUR ARSE TO DIFFERENT CITIES IN IRAN AND ACTUALLY WATCH OTHER CLUBS THAN SS/PP.
              you'd be kicking yourself thinking what the f**k were you thinking packing your team with over-priced, over-hyped, spoilt pp/ss players and "names". you better rethink your criteria for selection.


                After making it to WC.

                Julio Velasco Volleyball coach

                ولاسکو در مورد ظهور پدیده ها در تورنمنت های مختلف خاطرنشان کرد: این موضوع یک فلسفه طولانی دارد. ذهنیت من بر این است که نام بازیکنان در ایران اهمیت زیادی دارد و مردم فکر می کنند وقتی یک بازیکن شناخته تر باشد، همیشه بهتر بازی می کند و یا اگر یک بازیکن جوان و گمنام باشد، همیشه مقصر است. برخی از مربیان از نام های بزرگ می ترسند.

                وی اضافه کرد: من به بازیکنان شناخته شده تر و با اسم های بزرگ احترام می گذارم اما نام بزرگ برای من مهم نیست و هر بازیکنی موظف است بهترین نمایش را داشته باشد.

                ... موفقیت والیبال ایران را به تمام زنان ایرانی علاقه مند به والیبال تقدیم کنم....

                Today we had few watcher and walkers instead of footballer and ineffective confused head coach.


                  I'm used to this from TM. Disappointing. Poor performance. No urgency. ZERO POSITIVES.
                  TM even had a few good chances but there was very little creation, very little forward momentum as usual. Our physical guys weren't even able to play physical!

                  I don't know what to say. Why is TM like this? Why do they choke? We have other team sports, where the athletes can handle 10x more pressure, yet these bums embarrass themselves and the country. This game was such garbage its not even worthy of analysis.
                  I just want to see what CQ and the players think.

                  Having said all this, even with the terrible game played, TM could have come away with a tie or win had the Lebanese gk not turned out to be real good today.
                  Last edited by Nokhodi; 09-11-2012, 11:05 AM.


                    I don't understand why the insistance on using so many Perspolis players in the national team when Perspolis is such a disaster of a team itself. From what I realized today, M. Nouri (from PP) gave the free kick away and Mahini (from PP) failed to defend properly following the same scene, and Ansarifard (PP) failed to perform his forward duties as usual. Is having CQ for Iran a plus now or is a change necessary? I'd think GN would at least resist the forces who ask for the unwarranted invitation of certain players! I have to say I fully agree with St_Mark, CQ is really coming across as a liability now. If I wanted to change this disastrous momentum, I'd sack him right away and put GN in charge of team e melli. The way things have been going now, I see another loss for Iran against South Korea in the next match.



                      Suppose we qualify for the Brazil WC with this team , ....Then what ?


                        let me at least 'try' to bring in a couple of positive points. I'm sure each one of you also has seen some positives or have some positive foresight to dilute the frustration and anger of today's game.

                        1- first positive hope for me is finally CQ will bench the girl in the team. unless CQ has suicidal wishes, he will not start with her.

                        2- gholami in those few minutes showed he deserves to be in the overall roster far more than the girl.

                        3- I think with return of ando and ashkan, coupled with RGN's initiation, we'd have aformidable line up that could (at least has the capacity to) surprise us all rather pleasantly against korea.

                        4- except the goal incident, I think the defenders handled the lebanese acceptably. I dont understand why those chaps in the football forum keep bringing up montazeri for hosseini issue. that wasnt even in the top 10 worries or mistakes of the day.

                        5- now, this could be wishful thinking more than anything else. But I think we may see one or two new call ups of younger players into TM camp

                        edit: am watching georgia-spain and the antics and heroics of the georgian keeper starkly resembles the lebanese one. he's been single handedly thwarting spanish shots and preventing at least 4 goals so far! wow. maybe today is the keepers' day


                          I am waiting for my anger to subside , as writing while fuming does not make sense.

                          ...... Well , I am still fuming but by now I have accepted that we are simply were not good enough , especially today. In fact , I suspected that for quite sometime and I still stand by my belief that Doaa va Salavat is the only method that can take us to the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Tactics , grits , skills and strength has pretty much abandoned this lot of players and coaches.

                          I don't like to criticize coaches too much , I have always supported every single one of them. When IFF selected Ghalenoei , I actually thought is was a comical appointment , but I still supported him. This Carlos Queiroz has to be an exception to the rule. To me , this man is the core of all the embarrassingly poor performances , from his player selection to continuous changing in line up , not knowing the capabilities of his players , to his very obvious tactical weakness against the likes of Lebanon , Madagascar , Waga Waga Island ...and whatever fifth world country we have played against in the last 14 month he has been in charge!

                          The man is simply bankrupt in this very competitive world football dominated by tacticians. He simply does not have it in him, and I will say this EVEN if we qualify to the World Cup. This chap has reached his ceiling with Team Melli. Call him whatever you want , and praise his previous achievements as much as you want , but when it comes to Queiroz coaching Team Melli of Iran , he is a very poor value for money...period.

                          People have over hyped this guy to the extreme. His apologist will dig out the silliest and the most absurd excuses to indemnify him , but that would not make even the slightest dent in the fact that he has been a failure with Team Melli.



                            What especially disappoints me is that again Nekounam didn't defend well, didn't mark Antar and totally misjudged the cross. The goal is mainly his fault and it's not the first time this happens.


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                              What especially disappoints me is that again Nekounam didn't defend well, didn't mark Antar and totally misjudged the cross. The goal is mainly his fault and it's not the first time this happens.
                              I got the feeling he is losing IT ( if not already) and the reason he was released by his club. I have not seen any good game from him recently. Too bad Haghighi was not available.

