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The status of Football+ forum in PFDC

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    The status of Football+ forum in PFDC

    When the last thread posted is weeks old and the last post is a few days stagnant in a forum , it is an indication that this forum has perhaps lost its appeal.
    For one reason or another , this forum is suffering from lack of activity. In your opinion what are the reasons for that ?
    Poor quality of threads & contents
    Lack of interest in Iranian football in general
    Inactivity and lack of members posting
    Tired of the same old names
    I have no time to post , respond or participate in the forum
    Quality or senior members are not allowed to particpate to add value to this forum.

    The poll is expired.


    Of course, you can add your own and if there is enough votes fpr that , then we can add it.

    I don't think we will have much votes in accordance with the activity of this forum , but please go ahead and surprise me by voting.

    I sincerely think that the management of PFDC need to move and shake in order to enhance what used to be a very valuable forum.



      Majid jaan.......
      Thanks for your " CPR " !! ( Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation )
      some other possibilities for inactivities may be ,( in no particular order ),while your reasonings are good ones as well;
      1-less involvements by MODS.
      2-Unfimiliareties between new members and older members.
      3-too much familiarities among older members ( Nothing new to say to each other ).
      4-Poletical situation in IRAN.
      5-younger age of new members.
      6-Not enough older age members.
      .................................................. ..........
      My suggestion :
      opening a thread by a MOD, ( perhaps by yourself ), to familiarize F+ Newer and older members with each talk about themseleves and each other,and also requesting other MODs in PFDC to get involve in F+ more often.


        Dear Maij,

        I believe different factors cause such lack of participation. Overall People's interest in following Iranian football has noticeably decreased, one can notice this traffic slow-down even in regular football forum. Hell even our stadiums, especially in Tehran are pretty much empty these days.

        I believe it'd all to be blamed on the Spider Cam!


          As Keano jan said, people simply lost interest in Iranian football overall. Whenever there is activity for TM, people start engaging them self but what is happening right now is all about either Carlos Q or Karimi might get 5 minutes in Schalke. I'm not worried at all


            Majid jan,

            Correct me if I am wrong. The reason we had football+ to keep the healthy and progressive discussion accessible and collected while there are flood of spam posts in football forum.

            Well, when there is no active football, the football+ must have no new thread. That shows the good intention of the creation. Check a couple of pages and you almost review the Iranian football in recent time.

            I think football+ fully serves its intention.



              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
              Majid jaan.......
              Thanks for your " CPR " !! ( Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation )

              I didn't know it was that serious Bahram Jan.

              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post

              some other possibilities for inactivities may be ,( in no particular order ),while your reasonings are good ones as well;
              1-less involvements by MODS.
              2-Unfimiliareties between new members and older members.
              3-too much familiarities among older members ( Nothing new to say to each other ).
              4-Poletical situation in IRAN.
              5-younger age of new members.
              6-Not enough older age members.
              .................................................. ..........
              My suggestion :
              opening a thread by a MOD, ( perhaps by yourself ), to familiarize F+ Newer and older members with each talk about themseleves and each other,and also requesting other MODs in PFDC to get involve in F+ more often.



                Originally posted by Keano View Post
                Dear Maij,

                I believe different factors cause such lack of participation. Overall People's interest in following Iranian football has noticeably decreased, one can notice this traffic slow-down even in regular football forum. Hell even our stadiums, especially in Tehran are pretty much empty these days.

                I believe it'd all to be blamed on the Spider Cam!


                The reason for this general lack of interest in football can be summarized in one short sentence:

                Lack of success

                I would have thought , however , that this lack of success would generate a plethora of critical posts to address it like we used to have before. But as soon as Ghotbi ,who was rightly or wrongly , the target of many of the posts , left Iran , the traffic sort of decreased.

                Another reason for lack of activity that i failed to mention is Keano's failure to introduce new scantly clad voluptuous girls in his signature



                  Originally posted by Essi View Post
                  As Keano jan said, people simply lost interest in Iranian football overall. Whenever there is activity for TM, people start engaging them self but what is happening right now is all about either Carlos Q or Karimi might get 5 minutes in Schalke. I'm not worried at all
         , you are saying that Iran's football is all about Team Melli and so is the activity of this forum.

                  The marvelous performance of the Iranian teams in the current Asian Champions league ( which incidentally has been regrettably ignored in here!) is not really interesting nor is the fact that we have a league competition that is as hot and as exciting as the best in the continent.

                  I don't know about that.

                  Even with the current situation here and my busy professional commitments , I really could not ignore the current exciting events in Iran's football in the last couple of months. But then again , this is me , I guess I am a bit different.



                    Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                    Majid jan,

                    Correct me if I am wrong. The reason we had football+ to keep the healthy and progressive discussion accessible and collected while there are flood of spam posts in football forum.

                    You are half correct , Reza Jan. It seems that the issue here is between lack of activity versus spam. Two extreme sides is not satisfactory and hence my concern about the former rather than the latter.

                    Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                    Well, when there is no active football, the football+ must have no new thread. That shows the good intention of the creation. Check a couple of pages and you almost review the Iranian football in recent time.

                    I think football+ fully serves its intention.

                    As I replied on the previous post , I see a lot of exciting football events on and off the field in Iran. Last week was a historic one where all the three top teams got beaten (including SS loss to Tractor which was hardly fair) and before that some brilliant displays by all the 4 teams in ACL including Perspolis against Bunyodkor which they should have really won , needless to say that PP displayed some classy football ( not a usual occurrence , I might add )

                    Quieroz appointment , Team Omid fortunes , World Cup qualifying draws , F**** Saudi dirty tricks to implicate Iran's football and lots of other events that I can't recall at this moment....and I mention all that without managing to read a single Iranian football publication on line for weeks.



                      I think F+ needs at least one new blood, and who better than Kaiser Amir? I've known him for over 7-8 years via IranKicks forums. His professional football input can be an asset to this side of the forum. Just a thought

                      Maij jaan, faghat vaase khaatere shoma I replaced my siggy pic to my old girlfriend!


                        I may not be a member of the Football + forum but I'd just like to offer some input.

                        As far as 'lack of football' is concerned, I thing this would be more in line with the activity in the football forum. Generally, it's evident that members of the football + forum know more about the league and what's happening in our football than the few kids who are just eager to see Karimi play for 5 minutes.

                        Currently, we have 4 teams in the ACL, each with a chance to progress to the next round. We have also appointed a new coach, have a plethora of young talents coming up, and have the WCQ and Olympic Qualifiers around the corner. Even if someone isn't posting everyday, there are enough topics to surely get one interested in what's going on again (especially those in the F+ forum who, throughout the years, have taken the time to provide insightful analysis. Personally, rather than posting in the chaotic football forum which has been taken over by a new generation of very young and emotional members, I prefer to come here and read Doctor Doom's game analysis and the civilized discussion which followed.

                        My Suggestion:

                        - As Keano said, recruit several (not just one) mature members who seem to be providing good analysis in the football forum on a regular basis (i.e. Kaiser Amir and Persianking). By injecting this forum with new members, a new wave of discussions can be introduced which will have the potential to create a ripple effect.


                          How many total members are in the Football + anyway?
                          And how many total on the PFDC site?

                          There seemed to be an uptick of activity during the AC.



                            What ever the reasons...the situation can be helped !

                            1- Adding to The number of F + members is not going to help much ( It will not hurt either ) We had so many new members who were invited in and we all welcomed them...but after couple of posts...they stop visiting !

                            2- The PFDC has mostly become a set of " Pal groups "......that is to say, five or six member groups,interact mostly with each other, and only respond to each other's posts...interesting or not.....
                            take " member of the month " selections as an example, .......there are hundreds and hundreds of members , whom while being vetran members,have never ever even been considered as a candidates,( only because they were " Individuals ")....while some " Pal groups " keep endorsing each other.

                            3-In depth analetical dialoge does not interest many younger members......or may be younger members feel intimidated by some older members,....or they just do not wish to take things too seriously, or may be the older members are just not " Cool " enough !........what ever the reason.....Yonger - Older member relationship, has never been a smooth relationship.

                            4- Some Older members , bring out the age difference,and redicule the young age as reason for support in thier arguments..." hitting below the belt " !
                            5- The reality is that, if PFDC had to choose, the young generation is the one to keep ,and most plans must revolve around what works for them.
                            6-F+ needs " Pal groups " !

                            .................................................. .................

                            My suggestion to familiarize Older,vetran and younger,and newer members to each other...... ....may be that would help.......this can be done,by a joint task assigned to them by PFDC.

                            Last edited by zzgloo; 04-15-2011, 07:49 AM.


                              majid joon, one of the main things that drew me to PFDC was TM games and perhaps some asian club comp's.
                              sadly, with TM, we got screwed by the charlatan and his incompetence and spineless handling of the asia cup affair. and we have quite a few weeks left for the olympics qualifiers.

                              so for ME, personally, I'm not finding much to say or discuss until something starts in int'l football for us. then we can get into discussions over the team, roster, coach, games, ... .
                              but that's for ME. and I'm sure each member has his own reasons.

                              but we've had such lulls before. and it always picked up when TM games started. so no worries

