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Iran - uae

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    Iran - uae

    First Half: in one word ; BRAINLESS !!!!

    absolutely horrible performance!
    pitiful and extremely amateurish display!

    my view so far:

    1- Ando cant pass to save his life.
    get the guy OUT , NOW.

    2- mind you, neither can Neku !

    and our PATHETIC state is that we have to rely on these two to CREATE ( fat chance of that miracle happening ) chances for players up front !!

    NOT ONE proper pass forward to 18 or near 18, to enayati !!!!!!!!
    NOT ONE !
    no wonder our strikers dont score enough goals!

    3- my conclusion on Daei and set pieces:
    he just doesnt give a damn about these and no wonder we have had plenty of set pieces and absolutely NO PLANS !

    4- this formation keeps a HUGE number of players too deep and too far from the opponent's goal.
    no wonder we havent done anything worth mentioning.

    by having TOO FEW players up front, we get crowded in the 18 !
    the FEW balls that by fluke reach their 18, we have only ONE player , who obviously cant do much !

    6- one whole half and only ONE measely, pissy shot ?
    absolutely miserable !

    7- shame on PP and SS fans , who tear their arses for these clubs , but stay away from TM games !
    shame on them !