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Analyzing the Analyzer !!

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    Analyzing the Analyzer !!

    There are so many aspects to the " Ghotbi " phenamina........that one needs to firgure what exactly has happened !

    1-There were talks that he did not deserve being a he was only a analyzer,and had faked his resume'.....

    2-There was the issue of him haveing strong agents and dallals....

    3-there is the issue of him being the only representetive of " Iranian e Boron marzi " as he kind of elevated the credit iranians outside, had in Iran.

    4-to many 's surprize,he won the championship, with little knowledge of Iran.

    5-he has resigned while on top, signaling the system in Iran sucks !


    there is a saying "" He came !, He conqured, !, and He left !!! ( Refering to the Alexander the great ! )

    6-What is exactly the experince we, iranians outside, and Iranians inside have gained from this ?

    7-has he helped players to be more profesional ?

    8-can a coach do a good job and ignore the hashieh ?

    9-did he do a right thing by leaving ?

    10-Is he realy that good ?

    11-Was it his knowledge of the game that helped him win or was it his profesionalism and psycology ?

    12-does his success mean the local coaches are not too good ?

    With or without Ghotbi PP is unlikely to repeat their success next year (based on a pattern and statistically speaking, no IPL team seems to do well the year after they win the championship). So for him to leave now will save his reputation and legendary status. Think of Diego Maradona for example, if he had died in late 1990 everyone would have considered him an untouchable legend, but the way he turned up later in life with drug problems, completely foreshadows his reputation of his younger days. I hope you get the idea.


      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
      there is a saying "" He came !, He conqured, !, and He left !!! ( Refering to the Alexander the great ! )
      Please allow me to correct you!

      its from Latin: "Veni, Vidi, Vici" and means: ! "I came, I saw, and I won". It was written by the Roman Caesar, who was referring to himself!
      its not referring to Alex!

      Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


        I seem to have more questions than are some more :

        13-He said, his real reason for leaving is going to stay with him and not talk about it :...Could it be ,the fact he was not hired for TM job,because he was an American ?

        14- If his nationality did not allow him to be the coach, will that ever change ? and does that mean he can never be the TM coach ?..and if so, why should he even stay in Iran ?


          Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
          Please allow me to correct you!
          its from Latin: "Veni, Vidi, Vici" and means: ! "I came, I saw, and I won". It was written by the Roman Caesar, who was referring to himself!
          its not referring to Alex!
          I stand corrected...thanks !


            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
            I seem to have more questions than are some more :
            13-He said, his real reason for leaving is going to stay with him and not talk about it :...Could it be ,the fact he was not hired for TM job,because he was an American ?
            14- If his nationality did not allow him to be the coach, will that ever change ? and does that mean he can never be the TM coach ?..and if so, why should he even stay in Iran ?
            Personally I think Qotbi's nationality did not have a huge influence over his not being given the job. Now having Daie in charge will be good for TM because he was a prolific striker. This can be an inspiration streering the team and should help end the goal drought and the ultra-defensive strategies of Branko and some of GN's.



              6-What is exactly the experince we, iranians outside, and Iranians inside have gained from this ?
              You can be civil and still do your job.
              As tough as it may be in Iran, if you set realistic gaols you can achieve it.

              7-has he helped players to be more profesional ?
              Not sure. I am glad though he did not quit in the middle of season like I
              thought he would do.

              8-can a coach do a good job and ignore the hashieh ?
              I think Qhtobi did this for the most part so you can add this to Q#6 above.

              9-did he do a right thing by leaving ?
              Absolutely. As the coach, we saw what Clemente did: state his requirement
              and not back down from his principles. Clemente was flexible on many issues
              but did not want to stay in Iran full time. In the end and looking at TM prep
              and schedule he had a point. Qhotbi also submitted what he needed and
              it is very natural if the goals set do not match the resources needed and
              necessary to accomplish them, he should think twice about taking the job.
              (Please read the isna interview).

              10-Is he realy that good ?
              In my view, the irony of the whole Qhotbi experience is that NO-ONE can really answer that objectively, because we really don't know how good he
              is. Frankly, there was so much Hashieyeh that I was not going to credit
              PP success nor failure to him. We will only know the answer to that after
              his next job. But one thing you can not argue with: He is a quick learner.
              Also if we give both Sepahan and PP's subtracted points back PP will still
              be ahead by more than one game.

              11-Was it his knowledge of the game that helped him win or was it his profesionalism and psycology ?
              Probably a combination of both.

              12-does his success mean the local coaches are not too good ?
              Not really, just that they are too immersed in a polluted system. Sometimes
              a fresh look may be all it takes.


                I think Ghotbi's short stay in Iran is a good material for analyzing football in Iran. Yes , there are many questions in fact I call bravely say it is an education for all. This is my two cents worth....

                The advantage of Ghotbi's nationality is that he was bred in a system where discipline and systematic way of doing things is a priority versus the chaotic nature of the Iranians and their easy going system.

                Rahman Rezaei would not have even dared to think to call his coach at Liverno to say that I have come back to Italy after holidays and I need to stay with my wife because she is tired......!!!! He would have been on the first plane home to Tehran , but this guy has the audacity to do such a thing in Iran , because the system is as such that people accept it. A few lies and excuses here and there and you can get away from murder.

                It is harsh to evaluate Ghotbi's technical abilities or prowess after one single season with Perspolis . I think realistically the jury is out on this. But for me , his management skills , discipline , PR , approach and even flexibility on some issues made him a successful person. Whether these were elements in Perspolis championship , I leave it for the rest to decide.

                Is Ghotbi's success exposing local coaches failures or weakness ? Hell NO.
                I have confidence in local coaches and Iranian coaches before Ghotbi have won championships and accolades and I am sure that After Ghotbi they will do the same. The difference is that people tend to have a hypocritical approach towards the issue.
                They have all the sympathy for Ghotbi decrying the difficult conditions that he is working under , yet the same people who are ultra-critical of Iran's football and system DO NOT give the benefit of the doubt to the likes of Deei , Ghalenoei and the rest. Double standard views.

                It is this mentality that I call "Oghdeiey Khareji".... In Iran anything Khareji is of double or triple value from anything Irooni....!!!

                On his issue of resigning , I would loved to see him stay on and complete the job , but it was not to be. Perhaps he has seen enough to decide that by staying on , he will only harm his own reputation. Ghotbi made an impact but single handedly he cannot change a culture. Iran needs more people with Ghotbi's style.



                  Very good points brought up by gol-kuchi,majid,paradigm,ect.....
                  As gol-kuchik aziz said, we realy can not be sure what has realy happened, and this perhaps needs time to be digested....
                  I can only guess , and state my opinion and take on this :

                  I believe, Ghotbi is not realy that PP had all the ingrediances to be the champs.....Good talents, top fan base, inside support, media...etc.....
                  All they needed, was some one to make them believe in themseleves, and stay away from the hashieh.............which Ghotbi did.....and that was partly due to his charactor, and partly to him being intimidated in Iranian system, and not feeling as part of the system to be too opinionated !, so he chose the low key approach.

                  Although,the Iranian system needs lot more , than just Ghotbi, to be more profesional....but, ghotbi ,in my opinion, has planted the seed !

