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End of Ghotbi in PP?

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    End of Ghotbi in PP?

    Zahab just reported in his show that Ghotbi's lap top was broken by someone
    (players he hinted) while the team was practicing on Wed (?). In case some
    may not know it, as an analyst he had gathered a whole bunch of software
    and added some of his own to create an extensive game analysis package and
    I hope for his own sake he had a back up!

    After the 4-1 defeat of PP in the hands of EsES of Ahvaz, it does not take a
    rocket scientist to say his days in PP are numbered. In fact I would not be
    surprised if he announced his resignation soon.

    If this happens, it would be an end to a poisonous atmosphere created both
    inside and outside Iran by the other mafia. As the rumors of Ghotbi being
    under consideration for TM spread, there was a massive counter move to
    be-little him, break him and even alter his credentials! If he had exggerated
    a line or two in his resume, the other mafia were trying to even deny his
    most recent accomplishment as assistant to verbeek in Korea.

    Suddenly PP success, which finished on top of the league at mid season was due to all PP players being top notch quality players (mind you few of them if ANY will make it to TM in the next encounter) and weak opponents (go figure)
    and Ghotbi was a cheating bystander! Things had to change, and it did after
    mid season starting with their 1-0 loss to Pegah, and the beginning of the end
    started. Players would openly disregard coaches instructions and laugh at practice. Tail of clowns like Shays is not even worth mentioning.

    Now, even when he went to PP I did not think he was cut for the job of TM
    coach just given the atmosphere, but the type of treatment he has been
    getting is a disgrace. What is more strange is some of us here in U.S also
    jumped on the bandwagon in trying to break the guy. O.K the mission is
    now successful. PP will in all likelihood finish the season in 3rd or 4th or worse as has been the case the past few years. But this was also a defeat for us as Iranian-Americans. He is one of us, and anything that can help improve relations between the two great country should be welcomed by us,
    and what better than this? Alas we often don't even realize our own interest.

    A successful Ghotbi in football (particularly at PP level) would have meant we
    could cooperate at levels the governments are too stubborn to accept but
    can be beneficial and open new doors.

    After he found his lap top broken, Ghotbi told the player that they have broken
    not just a laptop but his heart. That is simply sad.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Ghotbi will leave Iran at the end of this season.

    someone like ghotbi can not survive in Iran. Not because of his skills, ability or knowledge, but because of Iran itself. He has been outside Iran for over 20 years and there is no way he can adapt to everything Iran comes with this fast. Living in Iran is not an easy thing to do, neither is working for that matter.

    for this reason I think he will hand in his resignition and exit Iran at the end of this season.


      well, I find it truly sad but if he is not welcome in Iran, then its good for him to leave. Even since day 1 he started at PP, there were a lot of ppl criticizing him for being only an assistant and not haveing the quality of head-coach etc... Even from day ONE!
      Well, If I would be Ghotbi - and if the lap top issue is true - I would just leave Iran after the season.. sad but we dont deserve any better...

      Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


        I feel extremely bad for the guy.
        the man is a decent fellow with good manners and a professional.
        he doesnt deserve to be treated this way.

        not when pp has maggots like estili, sheyss, .... who, for YEARS have caused trouble within the team to get what they want!

        as long as ghotbi isnt connected to a TM job, I'd like him to remain in Iran and work.
        I'm sure any other club apart from these two crappy soosools would benefit from his coaching style. definitely.
        it'll be a shame if he leaves.


          I go to Iran, regurarly,every year,and stay for a mounth due to my job requirements.......and always, the first 5-6 days is refershing, but after a while the system gets to me !.....
          The very first time, I went, I had lots of ideas, had taken my lap top, scheduals of tasks,every day, so on, and so forth......
          But, the system wore me down, later, and I started doing things they way they did, and even got lazier than the locals......
          Ghotbi, must leave, no matter what,if he wants to have a life !


            In an article yesterday , Abedini , the last owner of Perspolis said that Ghotbi is not aware of football in Iran ( or words to that effect). He crticized him for claiming the famous 75 points and championship claim....

            In my opinion, Ghotbi was a victim of the circumastances and his insistence on discipline.....It seems that does not work in Perspolis. Tme and again , his requests for changing some players was rejected by the club chairman and thae result is obvius for all.

            I feel for the guy...he has potential , he proved at the begining of the campaign that he can lead a winning team....Maybe he is partly to be blamed as well....but I still think he was victimized.




              yes I remember to have read somewhere earlier in the season, he wanted to bring two Korean players to PP

              Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                he has proven to be a true red heart!
                "istade meemeeram!"
                deerooz, emrooz, farda
                The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  In an article yesterday , Abedini , the last owner of Perspolis said that Ghotbi is not aware of football in Iran ( or words to that effect). He crticized him for claiming the famous 75 points and championship claim....
                  To tell you the truth as soon as he made that statement (and without saying
                  God willing etc) I said he will be in deep trouble. But before they started
                  taking the 6 points he was on target and too confident which rubbed some
                  people the wrong way. Of course now there is talk about
                  taking another 3 points for previous management not having paid other coaches
                  and players. That would be 9 points! I can't imagine what that does to
                  the spirit of the team: Not only do you have to battle opponents but also
                  the past! Wouldn't they get a sense no matter what they did, they have no
                  chance of finishing on top?


                    If Ghotbi, finishes first or a close secound in the league......then he will have a future,in Iranian football,or TM head coaching.....
                    any thing els, will indicate, either his immaturityies in coaching, or his inability to work in Iran....or both.
                    It will defnetly be very bad for his future ,if he resigns.....


                      Guys.... We are over estimating the absence of a person or dominance of another in Iran's football. The minute Clemente's deal fell through everyone sang the "Doomsday scenario song" over here and How Iran will collapse, then came Daei's appointment , same old story is Ghotbi's possible departure....

                      One or two person in football or any field will not and will never make any difference in the large scale of things. Let's face it...If Ghotbi leaves , it will surely be regrettable , but it is nether the end of Perspolis nor a doom day for Iran football.

                      People will like and dislike Ghotbi ( or any coach or player ) according to their own criterion , and according to their own personal visions. I respect the man because a) He is a Gentleman and & b) A Disciplinarian...However , neither of those attributes seems to have helped him well in his job so far. Bad results , specially that "CHARTAHEE" i Ahvaz will be a bitter one to swallow for a long time in PP history , and frankly , Ghotbi is partly to share the blame.....

                      In a country that lags behind in many issues , this football lack of ethics does not seems to be odd with the reality in Iran.



                        maij jan, I did not think of Ghotbi as a savior. In fact I said from the start, even if he wants to nominate himself for TM job he has to prove himself in at least 1 year of successful coaching, which meant a PP championship. I have been around so many
                        different organizations to know: No one is indispensible, far from Ghotbi being in that
                        The main thing is how he got treated, may be for me it said something about our psychology as a nation and how far it has come along or not. That we can easily tell.
                        Just look around on this board. 2001 was PP's last successful season.
                        Yet folks even here try to create a false illusion that had it not been for Ghotbi, PP
                        would have been the indisputable champion this season, even though they arubably lost their best scorer Madanchi.
                        We don't have to swing between extreme: Ghotbi is not the worst coach nor is he
                        the best at IPL. Yet some here try to portray him as the most incompetent coach, by
                        saying he took a solid team!!! and turned it into bunch of underachievers?!
                        To be frank with you, the entire Qhobi thing from my perspective was to see if we have
                        the tolerance to accept a well dressed guy, who talks politely no matter who it is, treats
                        players with respect, does not blame every loss on the ref or the entire planet
                        conspiring against him, and tries hard to connect back to land were he belongs and where he is from.
                        Could some of the thugs calling themselves coaches who treat their players
                        like animals at least learn this much from Ghotbi?
                        All I wanted to see was to have him have a "normal" season while bringing in some of
                        the good attribute even his crticis can't deny he has.
                        Screw football, I have lost all hope in that can we at least be civil to each other?
                        My disappointment has been much more with the Iranian abroad than those in Iran, we
                        can say inside they may not have seen more professionalism (remember that?) what is
                        the excuse for the ones over here?

                        There is one great precedent Ghotbi set:

                        By stating he will get 70 or 75 points at the outset, he created a standard by which
                        we can measure his success. If he does not come close to that we can say he should
                        be fired for not delivering on his promise!

                        The natural outcome would be, from then on every coach would have to be measured
                        by some pre-set goals at the beginning, and evaluated based on that. How successful
                        a coach is should be measurable not just a matter of opinion.


                          Originally posted by gol_kuchik View Post
                          maij jan, I did not think of Ghotbi as a savior. In fact I said from the start, even if he wants to nominate himself for TM job he has to prove himself in at least 1 year of successful coaching, which meant a PP championship. I have been around so many
                          different organizations to know: No one is indispensible, far from Ghotbi being in that
                          The main thing is how he got treated, may be for me it said something about our psychology as a nation and how far it has come along or not. That we can easily tell.

                          The natural outcome would be, from then on every coach would have to be measured
                          by some pre-set goals at the beginning, and evaluated based on that. How successful
                          a coach is should be measurable not just a matter of opinion.

                          I can't say that I disagree with you on all what you mentioned

                          Not that it makes the treatment of Ghotbi any better , but this society and fans have treated many others before Ghotbi as badly or maybe even worse...

                          The only wish I have is for people to be be more tolerant and patient with players and coaches. Of course the time limit is variable and depending on circumstances.



                            btw, poor ghotbi's fate and current miserable days goes to prove MANY of the age-old sayings, like :

                            1- do NOT count ur chickens before they hatch.
                            2- nashashideh, shab deraazeh
                            3- hanooz jaye seft nashashideh ...
                            4- the higher you're taken ( or the bigger you are ), the harder you fall
                            5- joojeh ro akhare pa'eez mishmorand
                            6- when in Rome, do as Romans do ( this one I find very sad and actually unacceptably unfortunate! )
                            .... I'm sure you all can add a few more.


                              I remmember from the movie " Gladiator ".......when Russle crow, playing ,the General, and a slave in that part of the movie...was about to start his first fight in the ROME's colesium.......his master,and ex-gladiator, told him :
                              " If you want your freedom, win the crowd ".....
                              That is to say, Ghotbi, should, and in my opinion will, ignore the system, and go for the success in the league......just like ali daei did......when you win the crowd, then you can be above the system...and invinsible.
                              Ghotbi, should hang in there, by his teath if he must, and get an accepteble result......then he can choose !

