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Parvin/Ibrahimi really cost us the championship

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    Parvin/Ibrahimi really cost us the championship

    Hold on people, don't jump at me, let me tell you what I mean;
    few weeks before and when there were 12 games left to play and only 12 pts between Perspolis and the top team, Ibrahimi and his staff started talking about how Perspolis IS NOT playing for championship anymore and we are focusing on the Hazfi cup!!! I don't care what position we are in, when a coach says that how do you expect your players to react? With a win today Perspolis could have jumped 3 position up and be among teams fighting for the title, yes, if you really look at the IPL table, you could see with 9 more games to go (that's a possible of 27 pts) pretty much all the top 9 teams have a shot at the's true Perspolis's chance is very very slim, but how are you helping your team by saying we are no longer playing for the title?
    I as a fan I might be looking at the situation very optimistically, but if Arii Han had started his job only a few weeks earlier, even though the chances were Perspolis would still not get results untill he gets to know his team and the league, Perspolis today could be actually be playing for something, some hope...where in the world does the coach say we are not going to play for the title when more than 1/3 of the fixture is yet to be played???
    As a fan, I must say a good decent coach only a few weeks earlier could at least give Perspolis a shot at the title, but thanks for Mr. Ibrahmi who refused to resign despite knowing he is not fit for the job, and of course the changes that took place in the management, Perspolis will probably finish the season with its worst record ever!
    oh wait, wasn't this the same guy(IBRAHIMI) that promised championship to the fans for the first 3 weeks of the season?
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

    راز ماندگارى پروين

    پرسپوليس مى بازد، نه در ميدان، بلكه بيرون از ميدان؛ جايى كه پروين نمى خواهد قبول كند دوره اش براى هدايت يك تيم فوتبال تمام شده است.
    ايراد اين است كه سلطان سرخ، تماميت خواه است و پرسپوليس را حق خود مى داند، وگرنه جلوى تمام اين جريان ها مى ايستاد و نمى گذاشت روند حضور يك مربى سرشناس مثل آرى هان دچار خلل شود. اصلاً دلخور شدن ندارد. پروين بايد بداند يك روز زمان رفتن فرا مى رسد و تمام. درست كه على پروين براى پرسپوليس زحمت كشيده و در دوره هاى ندارى، اين تيم را سرپا نگه داشته است اما در ازاى تمام اين زحمات حق الزحمه اى دريافت كرده است كه به هيچ مربى ايرانى تعلق نگرفته. او در پرسپوليس سلطان شد و اگر اين روزها با واقعيت كنار بيايد و قبول كند كه گذر زمان بى رحم است، تا ابد سلطان باقى مى ماند. اصلاً اين قانون زندگى است، وقتى پير شدى بايد بروى.
    على پروين، مرد بزرگ فوتبال ايران به جاى آنكه آش را شور كند و پل ها را پشت سرش خراب كند، بايد به انصارى فرد اين فرصت را بدهد تا از او تقديرى بجا صورت گيرد و بعد جايگاهى مناسب در اختيارش گذاشته شود.
    امسال حريم پروين در ورزشگاه هم شكسته شد و اين نشانه پايان حكمرانى او بر باشگاه سرخ پايتخت است
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


      parvin had always said that persepolis ta rooze akhar contender ast.
      EBrahimi said many stupid things like esteghlal deserves championship, etc...

      but above all of these what has killed the team is none of the ab ove!

      If you are a player or a technical staff member that has not gotten a dime!! and every day they talk about dropping millions to foreigner this coach or that coach what will you become?!! persepolis's main issue was neither the staff nor the players, it has been lack of money and the governmnets plan to destroy it!
      When you( or anyone for that matter) have a fundamental problem in your chart structure, paying attention to these rather nominal and unimportant stuff is just either lack of vision or chasing other personal agendas...

      You are yet again mistaken to think that Haan would have done wonders for this setup of players had he come sooner!! How could you control players that are not getting paid yet their foreign coaches live in luxury!! As it is Haan can't success without decent money. The same thing that Parvin was asking for years "5 milyard bedeen teamo ghahreman konam"

      dooste man agha shervin as they say bimaye fateer ast! hey be ostooreye footballe iran fohsh bediyo enteghad koni hichi nemeeshe..we need money! period!

      Last but not least remember its good to ask for change and new and fresh blood and all of that good stuff, but it needs to be well thought out and tailored to our social and economical abilities in Iran and Persepolis. I think Ansarifard is doing a good job in making sure ke na seekh besooze na kabaob!
      In the end though it will still boil down to persepolis having the money or not, we shall all see, but unfortunately the iri will not let us go public and they will not get us to a place that will provide us decent money like they did with esteghlal, the forever government's team.

      It's not hip to swear at or to defame the most decorated player and coach in our football history just for the heck of it. Remember one of the main reasons if not the most important reason that you have persepolis to cheer for now and forever if you are a true fan is because of a radmard called parvin!
      Last edited by perspolees; 02-06-2006, 12:21 PM.
      deerooz, emrooz, farda
      The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
      Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


        not having a decent coach and relying on throw ins as our main source of offense in the first few weaks hurt us the most.
        The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.

