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    By this goal, he officially proves that we need him to be on the pitch. He simply gives us another angle for the free kicks from the right side. Now being in the left defense or any where else, is a challenge which the solution wouldn't be that easy.

    If you bring him one line forward, it means you should bench one of your midfielder and bring one defender to the squad. Do we need to make the team more defensive? We may need it when the games go on and we face bigger opponent, but not yet. However by having two central defenders and two defensive midfielders, I think we can afford an attacking minded left defender, who is not really a defender.

    Mr. Zandi, you did a good job yesterday, a couple of good passes, a couple of big chances which were blocked, and a goal. Job well done bro.

    Exactly. Zandi deserves a spot in the starting 11, now the challenge is where can we put him to get the most optimum result. Personally, from what we've seen with Andranik my impression is that he's lost the one thing that made him who he is, and that's his hustle and hard work. He feels that now that he's signed with Bolton he doesn't need to prove himself, and we he lacks that motivation then he becomes a average player at best. If I was coach i'd sit him out the next game, let him know his position shouldn't be taken for granted, and then I'd put Zandi in as a center left mid, to play as sort of a playmaker.


      Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
      However by having two central defenders and two defensive midfielders, I think we can afford an attacking minded left defender, who is not really a defender.
      reza jan, I cannot agree.
      simply becoz while you are strengthening the CENTER of the field for us ( * ) , you are losing the game on the side-lines.

      and we are usually getting hit from the sides, more than the center.

      china's second goal shd be a reminder that we desperately NEED good left and right backs.

      * : I dont really see any strengthening of the center even, as we are quite suspect there even when we have 2 tough central def's and 2 def mids !!!

      But I agree on zandi pushed up.
      if he can "STAY" on the left ( force GN to make him promise he wont move to the center ), then he's a good option for the left mid.


        You have a point, no doubt about it. But, check the game again and see how many times Nekonam tackle in the left side of the pitch. The point is, with a bit help, I think Zandi can handle the job, after all, there is no “Messi” or “C.Ronaldo” in Asia.

        I think Ando is doing an OK job, he certainly has rooms to improve though.

        If I were GN, I would start with the same formation. We have a balance team. The only thing missing is Karimi firing up the left side. However, I still start with him and cross my fingers that he becomes what he is.


          Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
          If I were GN, I would start with the same formation. We have a balance team.

          The only thing missing is Karimi firing up the left side. However, I still start with him and cross my fingers that he becomes what he is.

          reza jan,
          1- this is where we diverge.
          I DONT think the team that enters the pitch is balanced at all.
          ( read all the other threads for more )

          2- isnt it like the Daei case where his fans ( and branko ) kept him in game after game, kepping their fingers crossed, I'm sure, so he could get it right ?

          wasnt everyone asking for benching him?
          werent YOU asking it too?
          why a different tact for karimi?

          we have both mobaali and shojayi who can do AND I GUARANTEE, WILL DO the job better than karimi.
          they are hungrier, more motivated, have a point to prove, arent as egotistical, more energetic, better TEAM-players, ... etc.

          so, I wouldnt worry if I dont see the number 8 walking into the pitch.


            Considering Karimi's lack of form, Zandi could be used in his natural position of am.
            The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


              1, Balance team: It's a matter taste I guess, no argument here. I think exactly the same way GN thinks. With the players we have in our hands, I would do what he does. You may arrange differently though.

              2, Wow, I thought you know the difference between Daei and Karimi's case. Daei was 37 year old and was pretty done. Karimi is 29 years old and you never know what he brings out, he has at least 4-5 years of playing time. That's why I don't give up on him yet.


                Originally posted by khabalood View Post
                Considering Karimi's lack of form, Zandi could be used in his natural position of am.
                i like this idea, however, to do this, we have to play 4-4-2 or 3-5-2 again. basically, zandi has to play behind the 2 strikers.

                if we play 4-3-3, he will be a left midfielder and again he will move towards the center creating a void on our already weak left flank:
                Originally posted by siavasharian

                بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                  Zandi idea , is a great idea !!
                  We first should remmember, we have not had a better alternative, as well as LF has been a puzzle for many..........
                  We also should keep in mind, we can change him, when we need a more aggresive,faster, LB when we want to adopt a more defensive posture !
                  The question is, is nosrati a better idea ?..he may be, but only, in a more defensive games, but, zandi's contribution on offense, in huge, and his kicks are needed........more over, his defensive abilities are improveing....
                  He indeed has given our left side, streangth,and teams have noticed that.

