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Did We Expect Much?

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    Did We Expect Much?

    I read in a few posts that we expect too much from a team that can't deliver…..
    I read that most fans live in a dreamland and can't really see what TM is capable of....
    I read that we need to start proper youth training from early ages and provide equipment coaches and financial support..

    I have read that our backward government way of thinking has hindered our football progress...
    Although there is truth in all of these statements .....let's face it there are other countries such as Angola that don't have any of the above but have shown great progress.....since 2002

    Yes I agree if we had a better government and an independent football federation we would do better........
    But we would at least go further than this :
    If our coach ,our players and our fans did not see our team inferior to any team and were not afraid of their reputation.

    we would at least go further than this..if we had a coach who put teamwork first.. it is the coach who selects players who follow team work ... It is the coach who instills teamwork and removes players who are individualistic...

    We would perform better If qualification was not our only goal and was just the beginning of our goals.
    we would perform better when players who are in team with party bazi are removed from our team.....

    we messed this one really good and that is what it takes for every one to wake up and smell the coffee........

    personally I don’t think we were expecting too much ,we were expecting our coach to know what he is doing ……and we were expecting our players to do their best and we wanted out best eleven on the pitch and we didn’t get that.


    Iraj jan,

    I am very depressed and wont be writting much anymore.

    but you brought up a good point, as usual.

    first of all, we had a great set of individuals.
    ( many were not called, but with whatever that we had, we still could say this )
    in terms of exposure, experience, technical ability and energy, we had very good individuals.
    so branko had all the right material to work with.

    ( it is a different fact that this moron didnt have the basic knowledge of football to take care of such simple stuff as physical training, psychology, .... )

    did we expect much?
    I can speak for myself and say BEFORE coming to the WC, all I wanted was a decent football where we perform well, and one that the rest of the world appreciates.
    no matter if we win or even lose.
    a football that Ivory coast and ghana and ... showed, even if they lost and got eliminated.

    but AFTER watching that horrible, lousy mexico, I must say we could have come out of that game as winners... had we played an attacking football, and had the right starting line up and substitutions.
    ( am tired of going over how wrong ours was )

    portugal was always going to be very difficult.
    and frankly, I didnt expect much from our team against them, excpet a decent and valiant game.
    which we didnt see due to branko's gutless nature and lack of knowledge!

    angola, inspite of being an african team , really didnt have anything on offer, and this was a team we shd have beaten comfortably.
    again, if we had the right attitude and the right coach.

    so were we expecting much?
    I dont think so.

    decent games ( which we didnt show ), and maybe a win or two, considering the state mexico was in, I dont think it was out of reach .


    as for some friends here, I'd like to say this:

    there is a saying that goes like :

    "It takes a big man to admit to his wrongs and mistakes"
    Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 06-21-2006, 04:49 PM.


      doctor doom jaan
      you should also add T&T as well they were the best team in the world cup pound for pound. they came out fighting their tie with sweeden their 2-0 loss to england and 1-0 uraguay. they have my respect and so does their coach when they asked him for his comments after the game with england he was mad that they did not come out with a tie.
      unlike our loser coach that say we should ne happy that we are at the world cup and think that us winning over angola is a success.
      yes angola the only team weaker then them was togo.
      I wonder how many of those people that gave the odds to mexico over Iran gave the same odds to angola not loseing to us.
      no wonder they take the picture of the Iraqe TM and put it as our picture.
      after what we showed to the world and our so called coach said about us being their.
      we are by far the worst team in this world cup yes we are even worse then K.S.A.
      they with all their weak players did all that they could do to get a goal against a much better and stronger side in Ukraine and got a tie against tunisa and gess what they are not happey they are not proud of just being here in the world cup. they wanted more out of their weak loser players that role around on the grass.
      shame on dadkan e haramzade and shame on Fu*king Branko and shame on the rest of the big shots of I.F.F. and shame on all those so called Mollas that call them self a Molla and gave so much support to Dadkan e haramzade and Fu*king Branko. ( saving people money on essential services. )


        We expected much from Branko

        Hes an amateur coach and nowhere near World class

        Hamon UAE suits him good

