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A More Positive Outlook toward TM

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    A More Positive Outlook toward TM

    I just finished watching Mr. Daie's interview in Navad (before the North Korea game). I was totally surprized (in a good way). He was calm, logical, non confrontational a marked improvement. I was so impressed with his attitude toward the Karimi's action. Kudos to Mr. Daie. Specially just two days ago, his remarkes toward Karimi's issue was totally different.

    Couple of great things I heard during the interview was Mr. Daie himself at a very high level talked about the shortcomings of our team in the KSA -Iran game. I was so happy when he said something (not literally of course) that the TM performance against KSA was only 60% (he mentioned 60% though). I am so glad he has high expectations, (doesn't think this is our Bezzat). He talked about our defensive shortcomings as well.

    Wish those who unconditionally are supporter of Mr. Daie follow his approach and attitude (I am sure you know you can watch the interview on for yourself).

    Another piece of good news was Daie's and GN met and made mends in SS vs. Bargh game supposedly. This is a good news. The less side issues around TM, the better. I don't think GN is god or anything and it isn't like he can help Daie coaching wise, but as the Farsi quote goes " 1000 friends isn't enough and one enemy is way too many"

    The only worrisome piece of news was, I finished watching South Korea, UAE game. OMG. This South Korea team was night and day compared to the team that played against North Korea. They demolished UAE 4-1 and game could have easily been 7-0. Many of you may think UAE is weak and all. Let's don't forget UAE tied us in Tehran and they totally outplayed us after falling behind 1-0 in the WC third qaulification round. Even the week before this game, UAE tied Japan 1-1 I think. So UAE is'nt a push over. The only goal of UAE was a super stupid mistake by the Koran defender who gave up the ball (tried to dribble the ball close to their 18 yard box). Without any Iranian exageration, Koran goalie maybe touched the ball less than 10 times if that during the whole game. Second half less than 2-3 times. But maybe this isn't as important in our qualification battle. Even if we loose both games to South Korea, Iran got a good result against KSA in Jaddah and a victory against North Korea, and UAE is out of it. Bottom line I take the second spot in the group any day behid South Korea.
    Last edited by Ali Chicago; 10-20-2008, 06:20 AM.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

    I noticed that too.
    Daei was much calmer than before and didn't get into much fights with Ferdosipoor. That's a big +

    About South Korea, I don't think they're that good that you make them sound like. SK has always played good at home in front of their fans. UAE just changed their coach. So that might have had the effect on their performance.



      Even though I like the more professional and civil profile, I miss the fights with Ferdowsipoor .
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

      "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
      And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



        Ali Jaan...............
        I also have seen positive signs..but I wonder if they are sufficient !

        Daei, did invite some players, even contrary to his own earlier beliefs....,and it does show, he is not stubborn when it comes to the interest of TM....which is very encouraging !!.....
        He also ,judged corectly to start the game against NK fast !!,which means good judgement of the game.

        But, when the issues of Media confrontations, and player selections, and this or that subsides !!!,one always has to go back to the " Where is the Beef "...'
        Tm is still playing as , Bounch players are out in the yard and playing on thier own !!.................It is possible we could go to WC, only on the merrit of player talents...but is that what we promised ourseleves ,to come back with, when we got eliminated from the last WC ?


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          Ali Jaan...............
          I also have seen positive signs..but I wonder if they are sufficient !
          Daei, did invite some players, even contrary to his own earlier beliefs....,and it does show, he is not stubborn when it comes to the interest of TM....which is very encouraging !!.....
          He also ,judged corectly to start the game against NK fast !!,which means good judgement of the game.
          But, when the issues of Media confrontations, and player selections, and this or that subsides !!!,one always has to go back to the " Where is the Beef "...'
          Tm is still playing as , Bounch players are out in the yard and playing on thier own !!.................It is possible we could go to WC, only on the merrit of player talents...but is that what we promised ourseleves ,to come back with, when we got eliminated from the last WC ?
          Well whether they are sufficient or not, Daie is the head coach we like it or not. So I am willing to see anything positive and point it out. It isn't like I have an option between Mr. Daie and Brono Metsu or Guus Hidding. Let's face it, it could have been worst (another shouting match by Daie on Ferdoosipoor and setting up a crusade against Ali Karimi on the grounds of him not playing).
          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


            since we are going to speak of the positives only, here, I might add my positives:
            Daei ( for whatever reasons ) has showed he is able to put aside some matters and is open to calling up certain players. now, I dont know what prompted him, but I was happy to see him call up karimi and kia.
            now whether we'd see this trend continue or not depends on those unknown-to-us reasons.

            Daei also , as was evident from the day he was slated to take over, has raised the level of motivation and drive among the players. it's a different matter that technically and tactically we havent reached our maximum potential, since his bench isnt very experienced and tactically adequeate for the challenges.

            another positive is the impending addition of Rottemuller who will bring in experience and tactical input we desperately need on the bench.

            Daei has also brought in discipline to the team. which given our history with the issue of discipline, is a great feat.

            in summation, daei has done and brought more positives than his negatives.
            which is encouraging. with addition of rottemuller and a little flexibility on daei's part I think we're going to be in pretty good shape.


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              since we are going to speak of the positives only, here, I might add my positives:
              Daei ( for whatever reasons ) has showed he is able to put aside some matters and is open to calling up certain players. now, I dont know what prompted him, but I was happy to see him call up karimi and kia.
              now whether we'd see this trend continue or not depends on those unknown-to-us reasons.

              Daei also , as was evident from the day he was slated to take over, has raised the level of motivation and drive among the players. it's a different matter that technically and tactically we havent reached our maximum potential, since his bench isnt very experienced and tactically adequeate for the challenges.

              another positive is the impending addition of Rottemuller who will bring in experience and tactical input we desperately need on the bench.

              Daei has also brought in discipline to the team. which given our history with the issue of discipline, is a great feat.

              in summation, daei has done and brought more positives than his negatives.
              which is encouraging. with addition of rottemuller and a little flexibility on daei's part I think we're going to be in pretty good shape.
              Ya Payman jaan, good points.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Not directly related to the TM, but stronger clubs in turn lead to stronger TM hopefully. Not many good news, so I am hungry for a few good ones here and there. Enjoy.

                همايش مديران باشگاههاي فوتبال آسيا در مالزي برگزار شد
                کوالالامپور- همايش دوروزه مديران باشگاههاي فوتبال آسيا شامگاه چهارشنبه با سخنراني محمد بن همام رئيس قطري کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا در کوالالامپور خاتمه يافت.

                به گزارش ايرنا، در پايان اين همايش که بيش از يکصد مدير باشگاههاي فوتبال از سراسر قاره کهن آسيا از جمله ايران حضور داشتند، به شرکت کننندگان گواهي رسمي اي.اف. سي اعطا شد.
                مديريت ورزشي، درآمدزايي، بازاريابي، تبليغات، تعامل با رسانه ها، حق پخش تلويزيوني و همچنين الگو برداري از نمونه هاي موفق از جمله مهمترين مباحث مطروحه در اين سمينار دو روزه بود و در کنار آن چند کارگاه آموزشي نيز براي مديران برگزار شد.
                بن همام رئيس کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا در پايان اين سمينار با تأکيد بر اهميت نقش باشگاهها و ضرورت نگاه حرفه اي به آن، از مديران باشگاههاي فوتبال آسيا خواست مطالب مطروحه در اين همايش را در کشور خود اجرا کنند.
                وي همچنين فوتبال ژاپن را الگوي مناسبي براي نشان دادن توان بالقوه فوتبال آسيا و باشگاههاي آن در راه حرفه اي شدن معرفي کرد و گفت: کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا آمادگي کامل دارد با باشگاهها در تعامل باشد و ما براي کمک به حرکت شما و حرکت فوتبال در آسيا از توانمان دريغ نخواهيم کرد.
                در اين سمينار از ايران محمدرضا ساکت مديرعامل باشگاه فولاد مبارکه سپاهان، واعظ آشتياني مديرعامل باشگاه استقلال، محمد خوردبين سرپرست تيم فوتبال پيروزي، محمد رضائيان ازباشگاه فولاد خوزستان، شاد مديرعامل سابق باشگاه پگاه گيلان ، محمد انصاري فرد مديرعامل باشگاه راه آهن شهرري، اوليايي مديرعامل باشگاه پاس همدان و احمد سجادي از باشگاه سايپا حضور داشتند.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Ehem. Rokhzat az hameye bozorgtara, this is my first Football+ post .

                  I agree with Peyman that Ali Daei's positives are more than his shortcomings.

                  - He has indirectly raised the bar up a notch for our league. Is it just me, or do the league games this season seem to have a better flow, rhythm and speed? We are also witnessing a considerable amount of goals scored in each game. Now you can call this coincidental, but I think that by inviting the top players of every team, Daei is effectively motivating everyone to do their best.

                  - Daei showed his 'bozorg-maneshi' by vowing not to ever again invite Karimi, but just to re-consider his decision days later. I also liked how he first said that he can't bench Karim Bagheri so he won't invite him, but then encouraged Karim personally to return.

                  - So far, he has shown to be somewhat lenient in regards to player selection. Contrary to Branco who was very stubborn about using some players despite their terrible performances, Daei realizes the weaker players and even replaces them if he has to. The most recent example being Jabbari who started for Zandi in the NK game. I even remember Daei subbing out Hajsafi in the 30th minute of a game (I think he replaced him with Nikbakht.)

                  - He's very patriotic and a is tremendous source of motivation. These traits definitely get rubbed off by the younger players. His self-esteem is also key here. We all remember how he praised Gholamnejad in the SA match. Or when he chose his assistants and people were questioning the inclusion of Ahmadzadeh, and he replied that he believed that his picks are the best of Iranian coaches. I know too much of this is somewhat narcissistic, but it can also work in the favor of TM's mental preparation.

                  - Finally, whether we like it or not, TM was becoming a "chilling spot" for some players. We all saw how at times there were players playing in TM that did not deserve to start, while the better player was either benched or not even on the list. In my opinion, Daei is one of the only coaches in Iran that can stand up to the players, no matter how big they are, and put them in their place. This has two reasons: 1) There is no player that is bigger and more accomplished than Daei himself lol. 2) It's part of his personality to be the alpha type, so he's literally in charge. This I think is a great positive since there's no guaranteed spot for any player, and only the best players can survive under Daei's leadership.

                  We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                    Originally posted by iran4eva View Post
                    Ehem. Rokhzat az hameye bozorgtara, this is my first Football+ post .
                    And this is how Hassan lost his virginity (as far as posting in F+) is considered!!!! We all going to ask you later how it felt!!!
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                      And this is how Hassan lost his virginity (as far as posting in F+) is considered!!!! We all going to ask you later how it felt!!!
                      well, with great debaters such as yourself and agha peyman and others, i couldn't really walk in here without watching my ass
                      any more "rituals" that i don't know about? loool

                      We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                        What I like the most about Ali Chicago's posts are the fact that he does not stubbornly stick to a certain viewpoint, and ignore all information to the contrary. His opinion varies based on the information available to him. I find that admirable.
                        Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                          Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
                          What I like the most about Ali Chicago's posts are the fact that he does not stubbornly stick to a certain viewpoint, and ignore all information to the contrary. His opinion varies based on the information available to him. I find that admirable.

                          I am secretary general of Hezbe Baad. . I am joking aziz. Lotf dari aziz. Try my best to see empty and full half (as humanly as it is possible). In F+ I am among good company people like yourself, ZZ, gol kochick, Payman, Martin, Mr. good, Red, Majid and many many others, sorry If I didn't mention each one of you. When one is Rome, do as Romans, right?! Enjoy your weekend.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Another good news (not directly related to the TM), about clubs. Stronger clubs in the long run means stronger TM. I assume everyone in F+ can read Farsi, if not let me know, so I translate. Source is

                            نمايندگان ايران در گردهمايي عملي ليگ حرفه*اي فوتبال باشگاههاي آسيا
                            چهار نماينده ايران روز سه شنبه براي حضور در گردهمايي آموزشي و عملي هماهنگ کنندگان ليگ حرفه*اي فوتبال باشگاههاي آسيا وارد ژاپن شدند.

                            به گزارش ايرنا،* "محمدمنصور عظيم زاده" رئيس کميته روابط بين الملل فدراسيون فوتبال روز سه شنبه به سايت خبري اين فدراسيون گفت: بخش عملي اين گردهمايي روز 15 آبان ماه در شهر اوزاکا ژاپن برگزار خواهد شد.
                            وي افزود: اميد جمالي، علي فرجاد تهراني، محمدرضا کسرايي و حبيب الله شيرازي، نمايندگان ايران در اين گردهمايي آموزشي هستند.
                            عظيم زاده اظهار داشت:* نمايندگان ايران، فردا/چهارشنبه/در حاشيه برگزاري ديدار فينال مسابقه هاي فوتبال ليگ قهرمانان آسيا که بين دو تيم "گامبا اوزاکا" ژاپن و "آدلايد يونايتد" استراليا برگزار مي شود، به صورت عملي در جريان دستورالعمل و وظايف مسوولان هماهنگي ليگ حرفه*اي آسيا قرار خواهند گرفت.
                            وي خاطرنشان کرد: با توجه به احتمال کسب چهار سهميه ليگ حرفه*اي فوتبال آسيا از سوي ايران، چهار نماينده کشورمان در اين گردهمايي حضور يافته اند تا با آخرين قوانين و مقررات کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا آشنا شوند.
                            رئيس کميته بين الملل فدراسيون فوتبال گفت:* براساس طرح جديد ليگ قهرمانان آسيا، هر يک از باشگاهها بايد يک ساختار سازماني منظم تشکيلاتي،* تحت عنوان امور بين الملل داشته باشند تا به صورت حرفه اي اين مسابقه ها از سال آينده برگزار شود.
                            طرح جديد ليگ فوتبال قهرمانان آسيا براساس سهميه*بندي کشورهاي عضو کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا (AFC) از سال 2009 به اجرا درخواهد آمد.
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

