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    well soon we will see Iran in pot 2, it's just a matter of time until they ruin everything.....


      Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
      well soon we will see Iran in pot 2, it's just a matter of time until they ruin everything.....
      When were we ever in pot 2 to even begin with so that you make this prediction? You actually believe our squad is bad enough to have worse results than crap teams like Iraq, Qatar etc.. simply if CQ leaves?

      Lol even with Derakhshan or MK we won't be worse than top 4-5.


        Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
        When were we ever in pot 2 to even begin with so that you make this prediction? You actually believe our squad is bad enough to have worse results than crap teams like Iraq, Qatar etc.. simply if CQ leaves?
        if I'm not mistaken in the 90s...we didn't even need to be in pot 2 to miss WC 2002 and WC 2010....
        simply because no order, no organization, no discipline, no team spirit..... oghdei player will wear TM's beautiful and high quality merooj jerseys....

        I'm not saying CQ is a Messiah but at least he introduced law and order....


          Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
          if I'm not mistaken in the 90s...
          simply because no order, no organization, no discipline, no team spirit..... oghdei player will wear TM's beautiful and high quality merooj jerseys....

          I'm not saying CQ is a Messiah but at least he introduced law and order....
          I agree he sure did but even with Derakhshan or MK we won't be worse than top 4-5 in Asia, which is roughly the lowest point Iran was ever in. Thankfully we have great players coming through that won't even let us get near that level, whether CQ stays or not. A coach isn't everything.

          Anyways I believe Kaffashian said today that the next coach will be a foreign one, no way any Vatani coach will risk throwing away their career by failing with TM at this point.


            Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
            I agree he sure did but even with Derakhshan or MK we won't be worse than top 4-5 in Asia, which is roughly the lowest point Iran was ever in. Thankfully we have great players coming through that won't even let us get near that level, whether CQ stays or not. A coach isn't everything.

            Anyways I believe Kaffashian said today that the next coach will be a foreign one, no way any Vatani coach will risk throwing away their career by failing with TM at this point.
            and which idiot is ready to fulfil all demands and wishes of the mighty IFF?? yeah sure some three-tier Yugoslavjevic.....


              Let's just wait and see guys. IFF Was in MUCH worse shape 4 years ago, both reputation wise and financially and they still managed to attract CQ with half the salary he's getting now.

              Hopefully, everyone will come to their senses and sort this situation out without the need to find another coach 2 months before our WCQ campaign starts. If not, it doesn't make sense to hope for and expect the worst.


                Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                I agree he sure did but even with Derakhshan or MK we won't be worse than top 4-5 in Asia, which is roughly the lowest point Iran was ever in. Thankfully we have great players coming through that won't even let us get near that level, whether CQ stays or not. A coach isn't everything.

                Anyways I believe Kaffashian said today that the next coach will be a foreign one, no way any Vatani coach will risk throwing away their career by failing with TM at this point.
                Do you not remember 2010 when we were 4th in a group with Saudi's, NK, and UAE? We weren't top 4-5 at that time. We were maybe 7-8. Don't lie to yourself that Iran is some unstoppable force even without a decent coach. We're okay, and we become either better or worse, depending on the quality of our coaching. Remember when Ali Daei was the tie king, and we would tie almost every game? We were definitely not good at that time. We were lucky to have a team filled to the brims with talent in 1998-2007. Coaching was less important at that time, but we could have been even better with a better coach. We underperformed with the talent we had back then. We overperformed with our current crop, and you are right, our team was only going to get better with Azmoun, Jahanbakhsh and others maturing as players.

                Don't think that Mayeli Kohan can just come in and Sardar and Jahanbakhsh can carry the team with his half-assed coaching. I don't know where this false sense of Iran as some God-like team is. We were shit just 5 years ago. Do you not remember that time? That was because of bad coaching. We still had Mahdavikia, Karimi, Teymourian, Nekounam, Zandi, and a few others, but our tactics were horrible. We were using Ghafouri, Pouraligangi and Amiri in their first caps in the Asian cup, but with a good tactic and coaching, they did better than expected. Do you want an Iranian team that overperforms or underperforms? That has everything to do with coaching.


                  Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                  Do you not remember 2010 when we were 4th in a group with Saudi's, NK, and UAE? We weren't top 4-5 at that time. We were maybe 7-8.
                  Afat jaan, a single, 82nd minute goal from Korea in our last game is what made us miss out on WC2010. Had that goal come at the exact same time in that exact same last game this time around, we would have missed out on WC2014 as well.

                  Let's be honest, luck was on our side this time around with that stupid tackle from Ahmadi which he should have been red carded for and that double save at the end of the game keh vaghan az koon avordeem.

                  I'm not saying CQ didn't bring some needed organization, discipline and tactical superiority to the 2nd half of our campaign, but considering the 1st half was pretty much a disaster and lacked all those things, overall it wasn't really a blow-out performance that separated our results in these two campaigns.

                  I like CQ to stay for the fact that he's familiar with our players and all the problems with our football, the short time span before our WCQ campaign and because of the uncertainty we'd face if he leaves (including but not limited to not having a coach of his caliber), but at the same time this constant doom and gloom attitude and talking about GN and MK, etc. is not really helping any of us from being down and depressed.

                  Let's just hope for the best and if it doesn't happen, then we at least have a reason to be down and gloomy. And I didn't mean to say that to you specifically - just venting out in general.


                    Xerxes and others, going back and forth with: Bi-honar, clipsport, z joon! They are all Bi-honar, literally and otherwise, or just Hip-joined, for if they were Siamese-joined perhaps the formed brain would have some intelligent and worthwhile argument. You can't wake a sleep acting being!

                    Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                    Have been seeing this dude's posts for years..and it still amazes me how he always manages to make the most assbackward interpretations from any situation Then again in two days he'll probably come back and say the exact opposite and pretend it was his belief all along

                    Genius, the things CQ has been complaining about are things ANY coach who gives a damn about his team would complain about! Their problems with this guy started when they realized he's not just another order taker like the third rate Croatians they're used to dealing with. They discovered he's an "ajnabi" (unlike Croatians) when they found out he wouldn't let them send his team to a motel 70 km outside the city or some Austrian village with no air conditioning like they did when Ghotbi was around.

                    At least read the stupid article you posted yourself where it lists the demands of IFF. A federation that tells the coach to shut up and not have any say on where his team is being sent to train, especially when that location tends to be in places not fit for even a rural team with a thousand dollar budget, is not "trying to keep him happy with their limited means", they're just telling him to shut up and go along with the corrupt, broken way they do things. NO coach worth a damn would go along with this. And no fan with brains would want a coach who does.

                    After what we've read in your own linked article, after reading the angry interviews from the players themselves, no one with an ounce of common sense would give more right to the government retards or even see this as 50/50… except the flip flopping bird flu expert! You don't trust our "ranting and raving"? Ok skippy, go ahead and read EVERY interview by Ashkan, Gucci, Ando, Nekounam, Hosseini and others on the squad. Ando and Shojaei have directly called out Goodarzi and Asadi for attempting to tear this team apart. But they're just "ranting and raving" I'm sure. They don't really know what's going on. The guy who really knows is the internet weirdo who writes essays about large cats and bird flu as part of his "football analysis".

                    شجاعی: آقای دانا! شان تیم ملی مسافرخانه بین راهی است؟/گودرزی و اسدی مصمم هستند تیم ملی از هم بپاشد!
                    ورزش > فوتبال ملی - بازیکن تیم ملی می گوید مردم با این تیم ملی گرفتاری ها و بدبختی هایشان را از یاد می برند.
                    سعید اکبری-خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین؛مسعود شجاعی یکی از باتجربه*ترین بازیکنان تیم* ملی است. او هم آرام آرام به سال*های آخر حضورش در تیم* ملی نزدیک می*شود و با کوله*باری از تجربه، حرف*هایش را به زبان می*آورد. مسعود که پس از اتفاقات و اقدامات اخیر در قبال تیم* ملی و کروش سکوت کرده بود، در گفت*وگو با خبر این سکوت را می*شکند و از وزیر ورزش و اسدی می*خواهد که یک بار مردم را راضی نگه دارند.
                    در بازي با شيلي به اندازه بازي با سوئد خوب نبودي...
                    نمي*دانم بازي با شيلي را ديديد يا نديديد، اگر ديديد احتمالاً دورتان شلوغ بوده است! فكر كنم در هر دو بازي، كارهايي را كه مربي مي*خواست، در زمين انجام دادم. تلاش كردم تا به تيم كمك كنم.
                    در بازي با سوئد دريبل كشويي*ات گرفت و خيلي بازي*ات به چشم آمد.
                    در آن بازي شرايط طوري بود كه ما بازيكنان خط جلو، مي*توانستيم توپ را حفظ كنيم و يار مستقيم را از مقابل برداريم. هدف هم اين بود كه فضاي زيادي به وجود بيايد تا بتوانيم خطرساز شويم. هدف ديگر اين بود كه تيم بتواند نفسي بكشد و جلوتر بيايد. به همين دليل سعي مي*كردم هر توپي كه مي*گيرم رو به جلو حركت كنم و دريبل بزنم.
                    بعد از بازي با سوئد دو اتفاق افتاد. هم جواد نكونام از تيم* ملي خداحافظي كرد و هم كارلوس كروش. از اين اتفاقات شوكه نشديد؟
                    من از قبل مي*دانستم نكونام و كروش از تيم* ملي خداحافظي مي*كنند، به همين خاطر شوكه نشدم ولي خيلي ناراحت*كننده بود و شب تلخي رقم خورد.
                    خداحافظي جواد نكونام بي*شك براي تو سخت*تر بود چون هميشه در اردوهاي تيم* ملي با هم بوديد. سال*ها در تيم* ملي و اوساسونا همبازي بوديد.
                    دقيقاً همين*طور است كه مي*گوييد. من تقريباً 5 سال با آقاجواد در اوساسونا همبازي بودم. 10 سال هم كه در تيم* ملي كنار هم بوديم. خيلي سخت است كه بعد از اين همه مدت، ديگر كنار هم نباشيم. در اين سال*ها چيزهاي زيادي از آقاجواد ياد گرفتم، چه در بيرون از زمين و چه در داخل زمين. او يك كاپيتان موفق بود و شك ندارم در آينده هم موفق خواهد بود.
                    فكر مي*كني جواد نكونام به موقع خداحافظي كرد يا هنوز مي*توانست براي تيم* ملي بازي كند؟
                    كسي غير از خودش نمي*توانست تشخيص بدهد چه زماني برود. فاكتورهايي بايد كنار هم قرار بگيرند كه يك بازيكن بتواند سخت*ترين تصميم زندگي**اش را بگيرد ولي همان*طور كه ديديد آقاجواد چه از نظر روحي و چه فيزيكي در شرايط مطلوبي بود، به گونه*اي كه در آخرين بازي*هاي ملي هم خوب بازي كرد، گل هم زد و به نظرم در اوج رفت.
                    قبل از اردوي فروردين اتفاقاتي براي كروش افتاد. به او گفتند كه تيمش پايين*تر از استانداردها بوده و اين فشارها از داخل فدراسيون باعث شد تا كروش اميدي به ماندن نداشته باشد. نظرت درباره اتفاق رخ داده چيست؟
                    از شخصي كه درباره استانداردها حرف مي*زند و نتايج تيم* ملي و كروش را زير استاندارد مي*خواند، سؤال*هايي دارم. آيا مطالعه*اي درباره استانداردهاي فوتبال داشته است؟ ايشان بازيكن تيم* ملي بوده ولي سال*ها در فوتبال حضور نداشته است. آيا از استانداردها آگاهي دارد كه اين حرف*ها را مي*زند؟ مي*داند زمين تيم* ملي بزرگسالان بايد مختص اين تيم باشد و تيم*هاي ديگر در آن تمرين نكنند؟ تيم*هاي مختلف، از باشگاهي بگيريد تا ملي و حتي بازي*هاي دوستانه باشگاهي را در آن برگزار مي*كنند. ايشان مي*داند كه تيم* ملي نبايد در يك زمين درجه 4 تمرين كند؟ استاندارد يعني اينكه تيم* ملي در راه مهمترين تورنمنت فوتبالي دنيا و جام ملت*ها، البسه و امكانات خوبي در اختيار داشته باشد نه اينكه از لباس*هاي توليد داخلي استفاده كنند و مارك آل*اشپورت را روي مارك توليدي*هاي داخلي بچسبانند. مگر مي*شود در ارگان*هايي با عظمت وزارت ورزش و فدراسيون فوتبال چنين اتفاق*هايي بيفتد و كسي باخبر نباشد؟ مگر اينكه با هماهنگي خودشان باشد! آقايان دلسوز دانا، استاندارد يعني تيم* ملي بايد در هتل درخور *شأن اسكان داشته باشد نه در يك مسافرخانه بين راهي و در 70 كيلومتري شهر! استاندارد يعني وقتي تيم* ملي را براي بازي*هاي بزرگي مثل شيلي و سوئد مي*فرستند، يكي از مسئولان ما بيايد و كنار مسئولان آنها بنشيند نه اينكه تيم* ملي را به* امان خدا رها كنيد و انتظار معجزه داشته باشيد. من و خيلي از بازيكنان تيم* ملي دل پري از مسئولان فدراسيون داريم، همان*طور كه خيلي از مردم ايران از وضعيتي كه دارند، دلخوش نيستند. ما هم اين را خوب مي*دانيم كه در بعضي از بازي*ها توقعات را برآورده نكرديم و نشده برنده بازي باشيم و مردم را خوشحال كنيم ولي هميشه تا آخرين حد توان*مان در زمين جنگيديم. به خاطر مردم، ايران، خودمان و خانواده*مان هيچ*وقت كم*كاري نكرديم ولي كاري كه مسئولان در حق تيم* ملي كردند، اسمش كم*كاري و كم*لطفي است. شايد خيلي*ها ندانند. فيفا براي حضور هر بازيكن در جام*جهاني* يك مبلغي را روزانه به ملي*پوشان پرداخت مي*كرد. وقتي در برزيل بوديم اين مبلغ نزديك به 13 هزار دلار شد ولي ما حتي يك ريال هم دريافت نكرديم*؛ مثل خيلي از وعده*هاي ديگري كه رئيس*جمهور قبلي و مسئولان دادند ولي عملي نكردند. فقط خواستند به بهانه پاداش از موفقيت رسيدن به جام جهاني، استفاده كنند و يك نمايشي داده باشند و سوژه رسانه*ها شوند. در واقع همه چيز به اسم ما تمام شد و به كام اين مسئولان. بحث من و ديگر بازيكنان بحث ماديات و پول نيست. همه ما از بي*احترامي و توهيني كه مي*شود، ناراحت هستيم. فكر مي*كنم الان ديگر وقت آن است كه جلوي اين بي*احترامي*ها بايستيم و اجازه ندهيم بيشتر از اين، شخصيت*مان پايمال شود.
                    اسدي، دبير كل فدراسيون فوتبال از عملكرد كروش راضي نيست. حرف*هاي او باعث شده تا سرمربي تيم* ملي تصميم به جدايي بگيرد. نظر اسدي دقيقاً عكس نظر مردم است. شما چه نظري داريد؟ آيا كروش واقعاً كاري براي تيم* ملي نكرده است؟
                    كي نظر مردم براي مسئولان ورزش مهم بوده كه اسدي بخواهد به نظر آنها احترام بگذارد؟ من نمي*گويم با نظر مردم، سرمربي تيم* ملي را انتخاب كنند ولي آيا فكر كرده*اند كه دليل اين همه وفاق مردم و عده زيادي از اهالي فوتبال براي ماندن كروش، چيست؟ يا اينكه مثل خيلي وقت*هاي ديگر چشم*هايشان را روي همه چيز مي*بندند و خودشان به تنهايي و با استانداردهاي مدنظرشان تصميم مي*گيرند. البته اينقدر كه همه چيز در ورزش به هم ريخته، هركسي مي*تواند حرف بزند، نظر بدهد و تصميم بگيرد اين اتفاق چيز عجيبي نمي*تواند باشد.
                    جدايي كارلوس كروش از تيم* ملي چه پيامدهايي مي*تواند داشته باشد؟
                    من فكر مي*كنم اولين و مهمترين پيامد آن از بين رفتن شخصيت تيمي و جايگاه تيم* ملي كه در فوتبال* دنيا به*دست *آورده*ايم، خواهد بود. صدها پيامد ديگر هم دارد كه اگر بگويم شايد يك كتابچه از آن درست شود.
                    فكر مي*كنيد مسئولان متوجه اين پيامدها نمي*شوند؟
                    مشكل مسئولان ورزش ما اين است كه نمي*دانند چه مي*خواهند و تكليف*شان با خودشان هم معلوم نيست، چون تصميم*گيرنده نيستند و در واقع نقش مجري را ايفا مي*كنند. به همين دليل يك روز برانكو را اخراج مي*كنند و بعد تازه مي*فهمند چه*كار كرده*اند. بعد از آن هم دادكان را چون حرفش با آنها يكي نيست و زير بار حرف زور نمي*رود، بركنار مي*كنند. يك روز علي دايي را با يك باخت و بدون هيچ دليل منطقي، بركنار مي*كنند و تازه بعدش مي*فهمند كه تصميم*شان درست بوده يا نه. امروز هم نوبت كروش است...
                    حرف خاصي مانده كه بخواهيد بگوييد؟
                    من از آقايان يك درخواست مي*كنم. خواهش مي*كنم حرفم را بخوانند و فكر كنند. در حال حاضر با وضعيت كشور، گراني*ها و شرايط سخت زندگي براي قشر متوسط رو به پايين، شايد يكي از معدود دلخوشي*هاي مردم كه به اندازه انگشت*هاي دست هم نيست، همين ورزش و به خصوص فوتبال باشد. مردم با اين فشار و سختي كه تحمل مي*كنند، شايد يك بازي خوب تيم* ملي حداقل براي مدتي كوتاه خوشحال*شان كند و گرفتاري*ها و بدبختي*ها را از يادشان ببرد. پس از شما خواهش مي*كنم براي يك بار هم كه شده، فقط يك بار به درخواست مردم گوش بدهيد و بگذاريد حالا كه ملت حال*شان با اين تيم* ملي و مربي خوب است، اجازه دهند وضعيت تغيير نكند. نخواهيد كه مثل خيلي از وقت*هاي ديگر در اوج اميدواري و خوشحالي مردم، حال*شان را خراب كنيد. آقاي گودرزي و اسدي خطابم به شماست كه مصمم هستيد اين تيم از هم پاشيده شود*؛ اگر يك بار كه هم شده مي*خواهيد مردم و ما دوست*تان داشته باشيم، كروش را حفظ كنيد و نگذاريد اين تيم از هم بپاشد. براي يك بار هم كه شده باعث شويد كه اين مردم راضي باشند و بگذاريد اسم**تان به خوبي و نيكي در تاريخ فوتبال ماندگار شود.
                    دست مسعود شجاعي شكسته است؟
                    مچ دست مسعود شجاعي در ديدار برابر سوئد دچار آسيب*ديدگي شد؛ آسيب*ديدگي*اي كه مشخص شده باعث شكستگي دست اين بازيكن شده است. مسعود شجاعي پس از بازگشت به قطر و تداوم احساس درد در مچ دستش به توصيه پزشكان باشگاه الشحانيه از دست چپش عكس گرفت و مشخص شد كه او از اين ناحيه دچار شكستگي شده است. اكنون دست شجاعي در آتل است و بنا به توصيه پزشكان بايد شش هفته همين شرايط را تحمل كند ولي او به دليل شرايط حساس تيمش در ليگ ستارگان قطر اعلام كرده با همين دست شكسته هم براي تيم الشحانيه بازي
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                      Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                      Afat jaan, a single, 82nd minute goal from Korea in our last game is what made us miss out on WC2010. Had that goal come at the exact same time in that exact same last game this time around, we would have missed out on WC2014 as well.

                      Let's be honest, luck was on our side this time around with that stupid tackle from Ahmadi which he should have been red carded for and that double save at the end of the game keh vaghan az koon avordeem.

                      I'm not saying CQ didn't bring some needed organization, discipline and tactical superiority to the 2nd half of our campaign, but considering the 1st half was pretty much a disaster and lacked all those things, overall it wasn't really a blow-out performance that separated our results in these two campaigns.

                      I like CQ to stay for the fact that he's familiar with our players and all the problems with our football, the short time span before our WCQ campaign and because of the uncertainty we'd face if he leaves (including but not limited to not having a coach of his caliber), but at the same time this constant doom and gloom attitude and talking about GN and MK, etc. is not really helping any of us from being down and depressed.

                      Let's just hope for the best and if it doesn't happen, then we at least have a reason to be down and gloomy. And I didn't mean to say that to you specifically - just venting out in general.
                      Well, great post, nothing more needs to be said, saves me some time


                        Where the f### did Derakhshan come in to the conversation of been TM coach when CQ leaves...Yaru rid be Perspolis emsal and ppl are putting him in the running to take over TM As soon as we got ride of him in PP, now ppl are putting him in the running with MK khareh o GN anneo etc.WTF!!!!!!!!!
                        Only in Iran Football...and people wonder why CQ wants out!!!!

                        WHEN CQ LEAVES IRAN will drop back to 4 in Asia only a matter of time, Harkiam fekr mikone were a shoe in to make it to WC2018 is dreaming.Other countries are getting stronger in Asia,Hala screw Iraq but I think Qatar and even UAE have gotten better then the last wc qualifying.Although Iran is a strong side there will be a transition period with players and whomever the new coach(hope to god its not a Vatani coach)!!

                        I absolutely agree that we got lucky by even qualifying for Brazil, if the Korean Defender did not make that mistake and some clutch saves we might of not even made it to Brazil so am surprised how ppl here are so confident that we will qualify automatically for Russia.Its not as easy as picking up your PS4 controller and playing a videogame.


                          Originally posted by mehdiKia15 View Post
                          Where the f### did Derakhshan come in to the conversation of been TM coach when CQ leaves...Yaru rid be Perspolis emsal and ppl are putting him in the running to take over TM As soon as we got ride of him in PP, now ppl are putting him in the running with MK khareh o GN anneo etc.WTF!!!!!!!!!
                          Only in Iran Football...and people wonder why CQ wants out!!!!
                          Calm down, that's the point, it's an extreme example.


                            it will be suicide for both iff and the iranian coach to take over cause one defeat and they will be burned in the iranian media and one can escape it regardless how you look at it. the best option is to keep cq and let him continue


                              Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                              Afat jaan, a single, 82nd minute goal from Korea in our last game is what made us miss out on WC2010. Had that goal come at the exact same time in that exact same last game this time around, we would have missed out on WC2014 as well.

                              Let's be honest, luck was on our side this time around with that stupid tackle from Ahmadi which he should have been red carded for and that double save at the end of the game keh vaghan az koon avordeem.

                              I'm not saying CQ didn't bring some needed organization, discipline and tactical superiority to the 2nd half of our campaign, but considering the 1st half was pretty much a disaster and lacked all those things, overall it wasn't really a blow-out performance that separated our results in these two campaigns.

                              I like CQ to stay for the fact that he's familiar with our players and all the problems with our football, the short time span before our WCQ campaign and because of the uncertainty we'd face if he leaves (including but not limited to not having a coach of his caliber), but at the same time this constant doom and gloom attitude and talking about GN and MK, etc. is not really helping any of us from being down and depressed.

                              Let's just hope for the best and if it doesn't happen, then we at least have a reason to be down and gloomy. And I didn't mean to say that to you specifically - just venting out in general.
                              I received this in a message from another thread member, and I think he sums it up perfectly:

                              "Hello my friend!

                              I see Bi-Honar has responded to your post with a load of nonsense. He replied by saying
                              Afat jaan, a single, 82nd minute goal from Korea in our last game is what made us miss out on WC2010. Had that goal come at the exact same time in that exact same last game this time around, we would have missed out on WC2014 as well.

                              Uhh, that's false; what he's basically saying is that if Park Ji Sung didn't a goal on us, we would have qualified That's like saying, if we didn't lose to KSA in Tehran, and if we managed to beat the UAE in the UAE ... we would have qualified for the WC .

                              Also, don't forget that if we managed to beat Korea in Korea, the KSA-DPR Korea match which was played AFTER the Iran-Korea match would have been that much more crucial for both KSA and DPR Korea, with both teams knowing that a victory was absolutely necessary. Therefore, they would have fought a fiercer battle against one another. In contrast, since Iran and Korea only drew, they didn't need to play each other as hard, because DPR Korea was content with a draw, knowing that they would qualify directly to the WC, and also KSA to an extent was also satisfied with a draw, knowing that they would AT LEAST have a shot at WC qualification through the play-offs.

                              In 2010 WCQs, we finsihed 4th out of 5 possible teams, the first time since the early 90s that we didn't even reach the play-offs. Also, we were the only team in 2010 that failed to beat the UAE in the UAE .... as a matter of fact we needed Rahmati to save our ass (in the Emirates) and rely on a late Karim Bagheri equalizer, lol. Also, Rahmati basically saved our ass in one of our few wins in Tehran (vs. DPR Korea) as well! I even remember in the first match vs. KSA in KSA, thankfully the ref didn't call a penalty against us! If the ref called that penalty, and KSA converted, we wouldn't even be talking about "the 82nd" minute goal from Korea, lol. And don't forget that KSA even scored a legit goal against us in Tehran which the ref wrongfully deemed "offside".

                              And he is wrong when he says we would have been eliminated in the '14 WCQs if Korea scored; if Korea scored, we would have finished in 3rd (out of 5 places), meaning we would have been slated for the play-offs against Jordan, and then Uruguay ..... the likelihood of success is relatively smaller, but AT LEAST we would still have a play-off shot .... whereas in 2010 we didn't even qualify for the play-offs. So, in a nutshell, the disingenuous statement that "well, we would have made it were it not for an 82nd minute goal" is just a desperate attempt to put a positive spin on a bleak situation. I actually have that match on tape; Mehdi Rahmati was basically saving our ass over and over in that match, and Korea even hit our post!! In contrast, during the Korea match in Ulsan, the Koreans didn't have as many dangerous situations requiring the heroics of the keeper, minus that one chance that Rahman briliantly saved!"


                                Any news about King CQ?
                                Support Iran until the end

