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یالاه یالاه کارلوس کیروش و میخایم یالاه.WE NEED CQ ASAP TO RETURN asap

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    Originally posted by Taz View Post
    Poor guy getting murdered at every turn and he still continues the posting. If TM show a tenth of his determination we'll win the world cup with ease.
    This is murder:

    shooooosh. run along....


      Originally posted by ben.walken View Post
      You are so clueless man! Are you seriously using the 1960s/70's Asian cup wins and 78 WCQ as a metric? 1- We are not even the same country, we have different government with different priorities and resources. 2- Only a handful of Asian countries at the time had football stadiums let alone a competitive team or league. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar had their first ever national team match in 1970s. 3- 68/72/76 Asian cup consisted of 5 to 6 teams vs 24 today. Among those 5-6 teams included countries such as Burma, Khmer Republic, South Yemen, Malaysia and Hong Kong. The entire competition was either an Iran win or Korea win. Cherry on top we hosted both 68 and 76 Asian cup.
      As for CQ contribution:
      - Up to the date he left Iran, he was literally responsible for 2 out of 4 of our world cup qualifications. So either we had incompetent managers for 48 years who could not achieve the same, or you are simply blinded by your hatred for the man.
      - He built one of the best TM generation and after 3 years we are still relying on his starting XI.
      - He was instrumental in building the national team camp, which will be used for decades to come.
      - 4 points in a world cup with 0 GD in a group including European Champion, African Champion, and 2010 World Cup Champion. However you like to slice it won't change the fact that 2018 was our best result in our WC history.
      Mr. Clue full, when someone says best and most successful Iranian coach what do you expect? At least have the sense and enough clue to say best for a period of 8 years for which he was the head coach. As for Iran making the world cup, Iran had a revolution and a war otherwise it would have made more world cups. With Team Melli in recent history it has depended on what kind of group we get and how many qualify out of that group. Iran being top two in a group with Qatar, Syria, Uzbekistan means we are SUPPOSED TO QUALIFY FROM THIS GROUP! so again CQ contribution was minimal. He did not get us over that wall. We did not win anything with him, we did not advance from groups in a world cup with him and he had two tries with as easy of a draw as one would get in a world cup. People keep saying 4 points 4 points as if it means something. Finishing third is not an achievement. I guess I am the clueless one for thinking a team like Iran should at least aspire to advance from its group or at least win an Asian Cup.

      You don't need clues that is why there is stats! Yes stats is not everything for example if he had a 60% winning percentage but won the Asian Cup or had advanced from the group I would definitely hail him as a great coach and maybe even the greatest. I have even talked positive of him as you see a less intelligent member keep pointing to. Once his final report card was in it was not satisfactory and there is no fan boy gymnastics that is going to change his results (unfortunately for all of us). As for the rest of your post about him building facilities and "his starting 11" it does not even merit a response that is how fan boy of a comment it is. And I say Fan boy with the absolute disrespect it deserves.


        Man, these Iranian accounts will do anything to do to get more followers by rehashing these false CQ rumours ... BUT ... I am still going to put this out there 🙃

        مذاکره مستقیم جدی فدراسیون و کامرانی فر با کیروش برای سرمربی شدن مرد پرتغالی
        اساسا دلیل تکذیب فدراسیون نشین ها بدلیل برهم نخوردن جو تیم ملی است ولی مذاکرات در جریان است.🇮🇷
        موافق حضور کیروش بر نیمکت تیم ملی هستید؟
        "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


          Originally posted by kateb View Post
          i for one will not give up on tooleh khers and his crew with ozone being his vp of operations. i will do my best to
          enlighten them . we are all responsible and its everyone duty
          to enlighten them .at first they will get upset but in the long run
          its for their own benefit.
          Apparently, you have world class salavats - can you please do one for CQ to come back to become Iran's manager? Maybe it will work?
          "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


            Originally posted by ramingeles2000 View Post
            1 - "4 pOinTs MeAn NoThiNg" lol ok. a tie against portugal, near-tie against spain, near-tie against argentina, etc. mean nothing. Even if we'd tied morocco 0-0 it would still have been our 2nd-best performance at a world cup ever (instead of the best-ever).

            2 - providing a list of iranian coaches with no explanation or backup for your claim. strange - if he sucked so much why is he the longest tenured ever?

            3 - tHe VaSt MaJoRiTy oF KarSheNas blah blah - you're just making shit up at this point. maybe its the karshenas that YOU listen to, since you've probably locked yourself into an echo chamber of toxic, deranged fake news Perspolis instagram pages with 400 followers moderated by a 13 year old.

            Your posts are like a tabkhal that erupts on PFDC's lip anytime there's a discussion about CQ. we get annoyed, accept them as a fact of life, apply some Abreva, and then realize that, though it's annoying and embarassing, it's not to be taken too seriously and will go away (until the next time CQs discussed again).

            have some objectivity and put your agenda away. you're a "one-issue poster". in the meantime let's all appreciate tooleh khers bc god knows he'll disappear once Skocic makes a mess of our WC, gets fired and replaced by Ghalenoie

            Is this propaganda? No you are a fan boy. Unqualified to even leave your parents house let alone comment on coach's stats. Look at those stats add to it the 0 titles he won. If Skocic has a 90% winning record but does not advance from the groups and does not win an Asian cup I will not be demanding we sign him for 4 more years. Kafar hamera be kishe khod pendarad. Thatis your way of thinking not mine.


              Originally posted by CAGE View Post
              If I am being completely honest you're a noob...
              Fawking nooob...
              You are a fan BOY. I am not the one whose historical context is 8 recent years. But I guess all of this is like reading Saadi for the village wall.


                Originally posted by kateb View Post
                tooleh kers jan
                you are probably a very successful person
                with a very high iq.
                there is also football iq which has nothing to do
                with actual iq.
                after rading all your responses against cq, with all due respect
                i came to conclusion that your football iq is low.
                If your football IQ is high then mine will better be low. LOL. If you got 60% in pizza school would you be a D student or an +A student? you did have that class and that one exam where you almost passed. I would actually argue that CQ has a very very very low football IQ but a very high IQ as a dalal. He has certainly been successful as a coach (not result wise but money wise) knowing that if you defend with 11 players your defense will be harder to score on.


                  Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                  My theory is that he/she was slighted by Queiroz at one point, maybe an autograph wasn't signed, maybe something else. Since then, it's been a non-stop single issue for this poster on pfdc.... It seems that the people who don't like CQ are the most obsessive about him on this forum, lol!

                  He/she suddenly flipped a year before that (incorrect stats, whether numerical or historical, don't seem to be an issue).

                  Then started coming out with this kind of thing non-stop since then...

                  Regardless, there were some good appraisals from this member about Queiroz which still hold true:


                  Firstly, a nice summary of his bringing discipline to the national team, changing generations successfully, developing youth, giving a winning formula, being a perfectionist, and respect of our culture:

                  Second, a nice comparison of CQ with Branko in 2018 (year 7 of 8):


                  And finally, here is another appraisal of Queiroz's care for detail and professionalism, eye for talent, and selection choices:



                    Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                    My theory is that he/she was slighted by Queiroz at one point, maybe an autograph wasn't signed, maybe something else. Since then, it's been a non-stop single issue for this poster on pfdc.... It seems that the people who don't like CQ are the most obsessive about him on this forum, lol!
                    He/she suddenly flipped a year before that (incorrect stats, whether numerical or historical, don't seem to be an issue).
                    Then started coming out with this kind of thing non-stop since then...
                    Regardless, there were some good appraisals from this member about Queiroz which still hold true:
                    Firstly, a nice summary of his bringing discipline to the national team, changing generations successfully, developing youth, giving a winning formula, being a perfectionist, and respect of our culture:

                    Second, a nice comparison of CQ with Branko in 2018 (year 7 of 8):
                    And finally, here is another appraisal of Queiroz's care for detail and professionalism, eye for talent, and selection choices:
                    Edited: I meant to reply to your other post where you were pointing out that Tooleh Khers had changed his mind.

                    Dr. Strangemoosh jan,
                    I don't think it is a crime to change your view with the passage of time and seeing more facts and looking at things less emotionally. Unlike Tooleh Khers, who seem to have had been more neutral about CQ earlier on and now much more negative, I was a 100% CQ believer who loved everything about him earlier on and am now just glad for his contribution for 8 years but happy that we have moved on now.
                    My chronological progression was as follows:
                    - loved having hired a good, experienced coach finally
                    - loved that he immediately established that no name is above the team and put aside trouble makers. (In retrospect, having a 4 year contract really helps in this regard.)
                    - loved how he told each player exactly what he needs to do. (In retrospect, besides the positives of this approach, I noticed the drawback of not allowing the players on the field more freedom)
                    - Overall, I was very happy with our 2014 WC performance. My only issue was his reasoning for bad performance against Bosnia which players conditioning. But as an experienced coach, I expected him to have anticipated that and rotate players more.
                    - I was happy with our Asian cup campaign and did not blame him at all for the exit. We had Iraq covered and even with 10 men, we came back twice.
                    - Initially, I was happy about all the complaining that he did about our jersey quality, field quality, fighting with club managers, etc, etc... (In retrospect, I see that part of it was to make whatever achievements he would make feel even bigger and whatever he did not achieve made more tolerable)
                    - Initially, I was so happy that he loved Iran so much and thought of himself as an Iranian citizen after being a Portuguese citizen.... ( In retrospect, I see the same dog and pony show in Colombia, Egypt... the same heartfelt goodbye notes, etc... He must have the citizens of so many countries in his heart by now. He is truly a great public relations person)
                    - I was quite happy with our 2018 WC performance initially, as I was blinded by the names of our opponents and this being sold as the group of death. Being in the stadium against Morocco, one might say that Morocco was probably the best team in our group. We did not deserve the three points in that game, not even one. But luck is part of soccer and so no problem there.
                    - Again being in the stadium against Spain, I felt soooooo happy at half time for being tied but at the same time, felt a little embarrassed by how defensively we were playing. 200% park the bus. I was fairly certain that Spain would eventually score and was worried to have a loss and having shown the world an embarrassing display of ourselves. Fortunately, they scored fairly early in second half and we were forced to play football after that. And we could play. We could actually give them a game. So why did we not start out a little less defensively??? After watching the game many times after coming back, I have to say that CQ miscalculated and played the name, not the team.
                    - Against Portugal, we played more open as we needed results. Portugal was slightly better than us but nothing crazy happened. We showed a better side of ourselves to the world and ended up tying them after a controversial penalty. We could have even won. I am sure if we had to play Portugal first, we would have parked the bus and concede a late goal and have the whole world think that we don't know how to play soccer and only park the bus because we are scared like a mouse.
                    - 2019 Asian cup reminded me of the angry side of CQ. Always picking a fight with domestic coaches, IFF, opponent's coaches and refs and having transferred some of these feelings to the players. Some of these antics were rubbing me the wrong way and by the end of the cup, I was happy that we had this 8 year journey but felt that its best to part ways.
                    There is more than one way to skin a cat... Skocic is showing us that. Almost the opposite of CQ in every way and still getting results, players are happy, etc. And, of course, sometimes the cat skins you. Wilmots showed us that!!!


                      Originally posted by ben.walken View Post
                      Your so called best playermaker (Ashour) has only 4 national caps, and his national team debut was because of CQ. As a playermaker he has only 7 assists in his entire professional footballing career with average goal contribution of 1 every 425 minute. So I'm sure CQ seen something to believe he would make a better RB.
                      During his time coaching Iran he has experimented with several player positions, and with time he has proven he was right on most of those controversial decisions. The man plays the ugliest football, but he knows how to build a team.
                      Having 4 national caps means nothing in this context. He’s the best midfielder in the Egyptian league. 2 of the 3 midfielders that started against Senegal play in Egypt, so it’s odd Ashour is left out. Where are you getting those stats? Since the match against Senegal he has 2 goals and an assist from the middle of the park in his regular position. If CQ thinks that Elsulaya is a better midfielder than Ashour, then he’s braindead. No one thinks that BUT him. It’s all very clear if you watch Egyptian football who the best performers are.

                      In the game vs Senegal if you watched it and paid attention, every time Ashour got the ball at RB he never lost possession even under pressure. He’d either cut in or make a smart forward pass trying to create something. Elneny did absolutely nothing in the first leg and why does he keep getting starts when he’s a liability? We have much better CMs. CQ got that one completely wrong and it cost him his job. You play Ashour in midfield and that game is never going to penalties. We would have definitely scored away.


                        Maybe they will go for Bielsa...?


                        Sounds like some Egyptian fans have the same oghdeh and complex that some Iran fans have, and their federation have similar issues, albeit to a less severe extent as ours. Although it looks like a lot of them "got it", at least on twitter....


                          Originally posted by kateb View Post
                          tooleh kers jan
                          you are probably a very successful person
                          with a very high iq.
                          there is also football iq which has nothing to do
                          with actual iq.
                          after rading all your responses against cq, with all due respect
                          i came to conclusion that your football iq is low.
                          Your opinion is also an insult. Resorting to insults is the lowest form of IQ to be quite frank. With all due respect we can all agree to disagree but can also maintain respectful demeanor.

                          Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post

                          Is this propaganda? No you are a fan boy. Unqualified to even leave your parents house let alone comment on coach's stats. Look at those stats add to it the 0 titles he won. If Skocic has a 90% winning record but does not advance from the groups and does not win an Asian cup I will not be demanding we sign him for 4 more years. Kafar hamera be kishe khod pendarad. Thatis your way of thinking not mine.
                          Also not cool. Common guys. We all love TM. Let's keep the respect in line. We can debate and challenge but don't have to call each other names.
                          Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            Imagine CQ arrival at Airport wooow, i was not very happy with Iran under CQ because i think sometimes we had to attack and go gor the win but i dont know if i want Iran with Skocic at the WC,


                              In no ways do I percieve myself as the darooghe mahal nor a mod...just an advice:

                              Please learn to respect each other. Stop devaluating each other at every turn. Substance and outcome is not everything. None is in need of arrogant salvation.


                                Originally posted by kastro View Post
                                Having 4 national caps means nothing in this context. He’s the best midfielder in the Egyptian league. 2 of the 3 midfielders that started against Senegal play in Egypt, so it’s odd Ashour is left out. Where are you getting those stats? Since the match against Senegal he has 2 goals and an assist from the middle of the park in his regular position. If CQ thinks that Elsulaya is a better midfielder than Ashour, then he’s braindead. No one thinks that BUT him. It’s all very clear if you watch Egyptian football who the best performers are.

                                In the game vs Senegal if you watched it and paid attention, every time Ashour got the ball at RB he never lost possession even under pressure. He’d either cut in or make a smart forward pass trying to create something. Elneny did absolutely nothing in the first leg and why does he keep getting starts when he’s a liability? We have much better CMs. CQ got that one completely wrong and it cost him his job. You play Ashour in midfield and that game is never going to penalties. We would have definitely scored away.

                                You can check transfermarket for the stats (those 2 goals and the assist last week was even included). It's actually troubling if a player with such stats is considered the best creative playmaker in Egypt.

                                I don't know why CQ changed Ashour's position, but I'm sure that he has seen something in him to believe he would make a better RB for his plans. Perhaps, there is a lack in Egypt for a good RB and Ashour was the answer for him (based on what you said he had 0 turnover as RB). What I know is that neither me or you have had the chance to evaluate the players up close in a training session or have the footballing knowledge to call someone with CQ's coaching experience as braindead.

                                If you ask most Iranians (even the one that hates him), majority would not disagree with the change of player positions he did in TM. Unfortunately, this is a matter that can only be judged with time.

                                Also nothing is absolute in positions; Pirlo was a classic number 10 before moving to AC Milan and Bale was a full back (food for thought!)

