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IRAN's football regaining its composure

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  • Doctor DOOM
    and what a coincidence , ... in today's news :

    پورحیدری در گفتگو با مهر:
    برد پرسپولیس روحیه فوتبال ایران را تغییر داد/ شرایط حساسی داریم
    سرپرست تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان با اشاره به نقش موثر عوامل روحی و روانی در موفقیت تیم ملی تاکید کرد: برد پرسپولیس مقابل الشباب عربستان روحیه فوتبال کشور را تغییر داد.

    منصور پورحیدری در گفتگو با خبرنگار مهرضمن بیان این مطلب افزود : پس از نتایج ضعیف تیم ملی درمسابقات مقدماتی جام جهانی و ناکامی های اخیر تیم های باشگاهی ایران در لیگ قهرمانان آسیا ، مردم و علاقمندان به فوتبال دچار سرخوردگی شده بودند اما برد پرسپولیس مقابل نماینده عربستان روحیه فوتبال ایران را احیا کرد و این روحیه مطمئنا به تیم ملی هم در راه سخت صعود به جام جهانی منتقل خواهد شد.

    پورحیدری تصریح کرد: درمقطع فعلی مسائل روحی و روانی بیش از مسائل فنی و تاکتیکی در موفقیت تیم ملی تاثیرگذار است و همه باید کمک کنیم تا تیم ملی با بهترین شرایط روحی و روانی به مصاف کره شمالی برود.

    وی دیدار تدارکاتی روز 5 خرداد مقابل اندونزی را مسابقه ای برای آشتی مردم با فوتبال ملی و بدرقه و حمایت ملی پوشان برای دیدار با کره شمالی عنوان کرد و اظهار داشت: این دیدار جدای از مسائل فنی و تاکتیکی که مد نظر کادر فنی قرار دارد ، فرصتی برای بالا بردن روحیه ملی پوشان برای سه مسابقه حساس تیم ملی برای صعود به جام جهانی خواهد بود و امیدوارم مردم و علاقمندان به فوتبال با حضور گسترده خود در ورزشگاه تیم ملی را با بهترین شرایط روحی بدرقه کنند.

    پورحیدری مهمترین مشکل تیم ملی را دراختیار نبودن تمامی بازیکنان دعوت شده دانست و اظهار داشت: فوتبال ایران شرایط خاصی را سپری می کند و در مقطع فعلی که تعدادی ازبازیکنان لژیونرتیم ملی درگیرمسابقات باشگاههای آلمان و امارات هستند و بازیکنان پرسپولیس هم خود را برای دیدار 6 خرداد مقابل بنیاد کار آماده می کنند. با این شرایط دستیابی به اهداف تاکتیکی کادرفنی دشوار است ولی امیدواری زیادی داریم تا در اردوی یک هفته ای چین با در اختیارداشتن تمامی بازیکنان بتوانیم به هماهنگی و انسجام تیمی لازم دست یابیم.

    سرپرست تیم ملی اضافه کرد: ملی پوشان استقلال از ظهر روز پنج شنبه به اردوی تیم ملی ملحق شدند و بازیکنان ذوب آهن از جمعه شب به تیم ملی اضافه می شوند و به جز بازیکنان پرسپولیس که به دلیل مخالفت وینگادا برای مسابقه با بنیادکار در تیم ملی غایب هستند تمامی بازیکنان داخلی در اردو حضور دارند و تمرینات منظم و متفاوتی را پیگیری می کنند.

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  • Doctor DOOM
    I dont care about the results.
    if you observed the games, you'd notice the lethargy seen in last months' games was not as evident.

    yes, the opponents were not taking it seriously.
    but what I noted was even after a couple of weeks' rest, how our players were able to do what they usually do far better.

    and definitely getting a few wins and some goals in does wonders for a player's morale and confidence.

    contrast it w them losing yet another game and then going in to WCQ's !

    these few games were needed to keep the confidence of our players and our football in general up.

    maybe some of us shd observe ( and not merely watch ) what many coaches do in such situations by arranging a game against easier opponents for his team to get a shot of confidence and morale.
    does he not know of the lower quality of the opponents? sure he does.
    But sometimes even such superficial remedies go a long way to boost your squad's morale and self-belief.

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  • shayan20
    Its too early to come to a conclusion Doctor, with a couple of good results, as Martin mentioned, 3 of our teams (Saba, Sepahan and Esteghlal) had already been eliminated, and their opponents fielded a weakened team.
    PP's advancement to last 16 is something positive, Nekounam and Shojaei doing so good in Spain in another hopeful thing.

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  • zzgloo
    Thanks payman jaan....

    regardless of where osasuna ends up, Both Neko and Shojaee have much improved ,and learned from European league.......

    If you take look at zandi's plays ( IN The football forum ), he is a very different than what he was,..he has absolutly turn 100% better, and is in top form....If you see his videos,you would choose him fix in TM.......

    Ghotbi,has realy change the culture for now, and there seems to be no negative Hashieh around TM......

    Mahdavilia's coach,recently said about him : He is much improved and I brought him back because that and his hard work........

    Ghotbi, has taken a plan, to create competitions at all position to add to players efforts, he has also pushed TM players to play faster.....

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  • Martin-Reza
    I don't know if the ACL results of the already eliminated teams are overrated a bit, but there indeed are a couple of positive signs, like the PP win, or Hash's situation.

    What we'd need now is a small wonder for Osasuna, so our boys there don't have to worry about their future when joining TM.

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  • Doctor DOOM
    started a topic IRAN's football regaining its composure

    IRAN's football regaining its composure

    After a couple of low months with our teams ( TM and ACL clubs ) turning out poor performances and generally plummeting our football into depression, which fed into itself and resulted in more failures which I believe had much to do with the long season that sapped all energy from all, we see a new side to our football today.

    PP's advance to prequarters is another boost of morale needed for our football. But sepahan's and saba's victories were also critical in turning the page to the last dark chapters of repeated losses.
    ( these last matchday games ought to be enough reason for IFF to either think about setting a fixed schedule for the league or reducing the number of teams to 16 to make it manageable for their incompetent officials )

    I also believe it is a good thing to see our players bounce back and get back to winning ways. not only it is good for them, but good for the overall morale of our football, going into NKorea game.
    many players seem to be hitting their strides like VH and Kia and Zandi ... exactly at the right time. Domestic players too have shown this rebound.

    so far many cards have fallen quite nicely together to increase our chances and subsequently, our hopes in the WCQ's.