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TM Omid camp starts under Vingada [News, photos]

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    TM Omid camp starts under Vingada [News, photos]

    According to IFF second stage of TM practice camp has started under Vingada the new TM=Omid Portuguese coach. The list of invited players and photos from today's practice are posted bellow. Apparently TM is getting ready for a tournament in South Korea.

    به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون، مرحله دوم اردوی تدارکاتی تیم ملی امید در حالی زیر نظر نلو وینگادا آغاز می شود که سرمربی این تیم بازیکنان را زیر نظر داشته و در نهایت نفرات اصلی را برای حضور در رقابتهای اینچئون کره جنوبی معرفی می کند.
    گفتنی است؛ بازیکنان دعوت شده به مرحله دوم اردوی تدارکاتی به شرح زیر است
    محمد ناصری، احمد اسکندری از سپاهان، محمدرضا قدرتی پور از راه آهن، پیمان سلمانی از ذوب آهن، امیر عابدزاده، میلاد کمندانی و حسین کنعانی از پرسپولیس، احسان کیانی از نفت و گاز، امید قربانی، محمد امین درویشی از بندر البدر کنگ، حجت حق وردی از ابومسلم، میلاد منفرد از داماش گیلان، ساسان رجب زاده از ملوان انزلی، سهند ملدیسی از استقلال خوزستان، حسن قاسمی از مقاومت، آرش رضانوند از نفت تهران، احمد عبداله زاده ، ولید مشایی زاده از فولاد خوزستان، میلاد صفایی از سیاه چمگان، هادی بهزاد از شهرداری اردبیل، مهدی ترابی، بهمن سیاری از سایپا، سجاد راهبر خطیبی از شهرداری تبریز، بهرام احمدی از برق شیراز،علیرضا کریمی، کیارش حسینی از پارسه، مبین میر دورقی، فراز امام علی از پیکان، علی مردانی از فجر شهید سپاسی.

    Last edited by Siavash; 05-11-2014, 08:02 AM.

    Are they soon playing some sort of WCQ matches, or for the Olympics? Cause I know later this year, our U19 and U16 will take part in Asian tournaments which will be qualifiers for U20 and U17 World Cup So what is this team preparing for?


      so proud, that's the future right there!


        Originally posted by Abtin View Post
        Are they soon playing some sort of WCQ matches, or for the Olympics? Cause I know later this year, our U19 and U16 will take part in Asian tournaments which will be qualifiers for U20 and U17 World Cup So what is this team preparing for?
        Asian Games will be this Autumn.


          No Kit problems ?
          IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


            Good news to hear that the youngsters are getting together and getting organized as well

            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


              Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
              No Kit problems ?
              No CQ expecting his ''cut''




                  Azmoun has landed in iran today!


                    They need to have some high quality prep games, camps alone are not going to cut it. The other thing is, setting their goal as finishing in top 3 is not enough because with that aim they might not make it past the 1/4 final. Vingada should set out and prepare for winning the title.



                      Jordan, Armenia, China? Who the hell is doing the planning?


                        Originally posted by NFL View Post
                        Jordan, Armenia, China? Who the hell is doing the planning?
                        Its actually good, to start them light and then go for the bigger games, like the South Korean tournament, the last thing you need is to play Spain or England U-23 get demolished, demoralized and even injured and then you have no team to face Asian sides....Vingada knows what he is doing, trust in him...


                          i can judge from the pics that they are working very hard and they are all good players. handsome too.


                            Is kaveh rezaei not in the team?
                            If so does anyone know why? I think hes 22.
                            Or is this not the 23 team?


                              Originally posted by pres80 View Post
                              Is kaveh rezaei not in the team?
                              If so does anyone know why? I think hes 22.
                              Or is this not the 23 team?
                              this is for the 2016 olympics, so he would be inelegible by then, that is why he is not picked.

